xrest Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 E3 06: Tekken 6 PS3 Conference Trailer Impressions We catch another brief glimpse of the next installment in Namco's hit fighting game series at Sony's press conference, coming exclusively to PS3. As part of Sony's pre-E3 press conference, Sony rolled with a lengthy series of brief game trailers demonstrating some of the titles currently in development for the system. One of the more highly anticipated of these was Tekken 6, first revealed for the PS3 at Sony's press conference a year ago. While we would have hoped to get a more-detailed look at the game this time around, we at least picked up on a few new pieces of information, and got a sense of what sort of hard-hitting action the game is aiming for. The trailer seemed to blow by in less than a minute, and consisted mostly of a one-on-one fight between demonically-possessed karate expert Jin Kazama and a new blonde-haired female fighter. It was difficult to tell what was so special about the female fighter's moves since, early on in the fight, Jin delivers a crushing punch to her abdomen. Jin's signature power attack sends the poor girl flying backwards, crashing through a wall into what seems like an entirely different arena. Jin pursues his victim, who miraculously regains her footing as they continue the fight. A few parried moves later, all of a sudden a motorcycle crashes through a stained-glass window high above the fighters. The rider on the motorcycle appears to be tae kwon do master Hwoarang. The trailer ends on this surprising note. The quality of the character models and animation certainly looked great in this trailer, though it rushed by almost too quickly. We're eagerly looking forward to seeing more of Tekken 6 in action. http://www.gamespot.com/e3/e3story.html?sid=6149554&pid=928302
xrest Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 E3 06: Monster Kingdom First Look We get the first few peeks at Monster Kingdom, a dark action RPG slated for the PlayStation 3. During the Sony press conference at E3 2006, we got an early glimpse of a game that is currently being called Monster Kingdom. Our only previous intel on the game came back in January from a release schedule on Sony Computer Entertainment Japan's website which billed the game as an action RPG titled Monster Carnival. The short trailer began by showing a male character with light brown hair and glasses who bears a striking resemblance to Metal Gear Solid sidekick Otacon. With moody music playing in the background, the trailer shows the character walking down a lonely street, and arriving ultimately at a sinister looking house with a large tower on the hill. Text appeared on the screen saying "A wondrous place where dreams and realities come true" and "7 doors and 7 worlds" over a backdrop of a bunch of fantasy environments. The shown creatures included an unrecognizable black hairy monster, a group of venus fly-trap-esque monsters bouncing up and down, and a giant blue dragon that spit water. In these areas, the main character shown has blue skin and a giant sword, so it seems like this game will infuse both realistic and fantasy elements together. In the last moment of the trailer, the human character that we first saw was shown morphing into a face-tattooed, eye-glowing character, who might be the same one that ventures into the fantasy worlds shown earlier. The final blurb of text said "The next generation of dark fantasy" before the screen faded to black and the next trailer appeared. Though we only got to see a few moments of this game, our interest has certainly been piqued, especially since this game is billed as one of the PlayStation 3 games that will be playable on the show floor at E3. If thatʼs the case, you will certainly be hearing more detailed impressions from us in the next few days when we get our hands on these mysterious characters and figure out exactly how this game is going to feel and what itʼs going to look like, so stay tuned. http://www.gamespot.com/e3/e3story.html?sid=6149521&pid=930085
xrest Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Genji 2 Gameplay Movie http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/adventure/genji/media.html?sid=6149623&autoplay=6149623
xrest Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 petran,i 500e ekdosi tou ps3,gia mena einai aparadekti..einai ena petsokomeno sistima apla.swsta stin 299e(k to briskeis k 270e) enan skliro prostheteis k eisai entaksei.asta pikra 700e...ellada pantws osoi to paroun tin prwti mera tha broun.den tha dwsoun polloi auta ta lefta.eimai se polles skepseis gia to an aksizei na to parw apo tin prwti mera.pios tous eipe oti thelw bluray?egw na paizw thelw,oxi i timi na ksefigei epeidi theloun na prowthisoun ena poli prwimo drive.anyway ase sikwthika k eida tin timi k eimina mlks
p3tran Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 petran' date='i 500e ekdosi tou ps3,gia mena einai aparadekti..einai ena petsokomeno sistima apla.swsta stin 299e(k to briskeis k 270e) enan skliro prostheteis k eisai entaksei.asta pikra 700e...ellada pantws osoi to paroun tin prwti mera tha broun.den tha dwsoun polloi auta ta lefta.[b']eimai se polles skepseis gia to an aksizei na to parw apo tin prwti mera[/b]. pios tous eipe oti thelw bluray?egw na paizw thelw,oxi i timi na ksefigei epeidi theloun na prowthisoun ena poli prwimo drive.anyway ase sikwthika k eida tin timi k eimina mlks αν αξιζει να το παρεις απο την πρωτη μερα? εσυ τι λες??
xrest Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 de kserw..esy ti les?basika einai i empneusi tin stigmis.ama auksisw kata 300e tha lefta mou mexri tote tha to tsimpisw.alliws oxi exw 360
BlizardBill Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Σε καμία περίπτωση μή συγκρίνεις τα δύο χειρηστήρια. Το χειρηστήριο της SONY έβαλε απλώς tilt sensor όπως έχουν ορισμένα παιχνίδια του Gameboy Advance. Είναι παλιά τεχνολογία και ο ορισμός του gimmick κατ'εμέ. Σε καμία περίπτωση δεν θα σου δείνει ακρίβεια ή μεγάλη ελευθερία κινήσεων. Στο gameboy λογικά έπρεπε να γέρνεις όλο το μηχάνημα μαζί με την οθόνη για να καταλάβει κάτι' date=' οπότε λογικό είναι να μην βολεύει. Αλλά εμένα μου φαίνεται απλά φοβερή η ιδέα να έχει το ps3 gamepad tiling, έστω για αριστερά-δεξιά. Αν μπορούσε να είναι καλής ποιότητας, δεν θα ήταν και ότι πιο βολικό για να οδηγάς ? Ενώ αν δεν είναι, θα βοηθήσει σίγουρα σε αρκετά δευτερεύοντα πραγματάκια. Δεν ξέρω αν το έχετε βάλει, αλλά εδώ κάποια πραγματάκια για το gamepad. The controller for PS3 has been created by refining and improving the world’s most popular PlayStation® controller that has shipped more than several hundred million units worldwide, while inheriting its basic concept and design. The controller for PS3 employs breakthrough technology of high-precision, highly sensitive six-axis sensing system that does not require any devices other than the controller itself for seamless interactive operation, thus eliminating additional settings to TVs. With this technology, ways to enjoy PS3 will be further enhanced by accessing PS3 through the network, while retaining the six-axis sensing capability. In addition to the “3-posture-axis” of roll, pitch and yaw, “3-dimension acceleration information (X, Y, and Z)” can be detected in high-precision and in real-time. In addition to standard key input available in existing controllers, more natural and more intuitive play will become possible as if the controller has become part of your body. Pursuant to the introduction of this new six-axis sensing system, the vibration feature that is currently available on DUALSHOCK® and DUALSHOCK®2 controllers for PlayStation and PlayStation®2, will be removed from the new PS3 controller as vibration http://www.scei.co.jp/corporate/release/pdf/060509be.pdf
xrest Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 E3 06: Warhawk Hands-On We tilt and lean with a playable version of Incognito's hoverjet game. Sony's pre-E3 press briefing ended with the unveiling of a handful of playable PlayStation 3 games, including Incognito's Warhawk, a sequel to an old PlayStation 1 game of the same name. The demo focused on flying around, shooting up stuff, and testing out the new PS3 controller's tilt sensor. In Warhawk, you'll fly around in a plane that can convert into hover mode at any time. But a stationary target is a dead one, so we tended to keep on moving. The demo level showcased a level with plenty of nice-looking water below, though the bits of ground in the level also looked really sharp. The enemies in the level consisted of swarms of smaller drone planes that you could take out in a few hits and larger capital ships that could take several rockets. Your weapons consist of a primary machine gun and a set of secondary weapons. Three secondary weapons were in the demo, though the weapon selector allowed for eight or nine different weapons. One let you launch a swarm of rockets using a Panzer Dragoon-like paint-and-fire technique. One is a lock-on missile that requires you to keep your target in your sights until it achieves a lock. The last is a lightning bolt that you can use in quick bursts to take out smaller targets, or you can charge it up to launch a ball of electricity. The control is really slick. The game uses the controller's internal tilt-sensing mechanisms to steer your ship. It works really well, and didn't feel jittery at all. If you hold R1, tilting the control rolls your ship. Double-tapping R2 kicks in your afterburners for a quick speed boost, and triangle converts you into and out of hover mode. The D pad on the controller is used for selecting secondary weapons, and square fires them. X is your main machine gun. The game's running at a nicely smooth frame rate, and there are pretty good-looking particle effects and heat wash. The game's got good-looking clouds, water, and other environmental details too. Overall, it's a nice looking game that already seems to play well, even though the development team only recently incorporated the new controller's motion sensors. We're looking forward to seeing more of this one in the future.
DIMERR Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Re paides telika to dualshock 3 den tha exei donisi?an einai dinato!
BlizardBill Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Έβαλαν motion sensing ... δηλαδή θα το γέρνεις και θα το καταλαβαίνει αναλογικά το μηχάνημα. (δεν ξέρω πόσο καλό θα είναι στην πράξη, αλλά φαίνεται πολύ ενδιαφέρον) Ο κραδασμός θα το παρενοχλούσε και ίσως χάλαγε το αποτέλεσμα.
p3tran Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 de kserw..esy ti les?basika einai i empneusi tin stigmis.ama auksisw kata 300e tha lefta mou mexri tote tha to tsimpisw.alliws oxi exw 360 εγω λεω οτι αφου θες σωνει και καλα να ψωνισεις 2η κονσολα, καλυτερα θα κανεις να παρεις ενα wii () και το ps3 αστο για αργοτερα. μπορει στα γραφικα να χωλαινει, αλλα θα εχει 2-3 original πραγματα. εξ'αλλου με αυτα που θα βγουν στο 360, μαλλον για μειωση budget σε βλεπω και οχι για αυξηση περιμενε να το παρεις τσιπαρισμενο, αφου ετσι κι αλλιως το online θα χωλενει και το ps3 θα σπασει σχετικα γρηγορα. ειμαι 99.9% σιγουρος πως το bluray θα εχει προβληματα (περα απο το οτι ειναι αργο) και δεν ειμαι καθολου σιγουρος για το ποσο καλο θα ειναι το live. το grand turismo δεν ειπε τιποτα, το killzone ..εξαφανιστηκε, το μονο που φαινεται αξιολογο ειναι το heavenly sword, παρ'ολο που τα γραφικα του εχουνε ..ξεφτυσει απο περσι. (μπορει να ..ξεφτυσουν κι'αλλο) ολα τα υπολοιπα ειναι χαμηλοτερο επιπεδο απο το 360. Re paides telika to dualshock 3 den tha exei donisi?an einai dinato! δεν θα εχει, αυτο το ξεραμε απο παλιοτερα, μιας και ετρεχε στα δικαστηρια επειδη δεν πληρωνε. δυστυχως ειναι τσιπηδες.
xrest Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 oxi to wii de paizei gia mena.den exei ta games pou egw thelw.to ps3 exei mgs4,ff13 klp klp klp k einai must have gia mena.Omws to 360 safws thaxei kalitero software tin periodo ekeini,opote mporei na min biastw.re paidia ontws to 2x bluray mipws thanai poli argo?
EKTELESTES Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Dystyxws einai #@$$#$@ telika...opoios eixe aggiksei playstation gia 1h fora, sigoura to prwto pragma pou ton entypwsiase htan h donhsh...mou fainetai pws akoma k ton Noemvrh tha vgaloun misoteleiwmeno pragma etsi pou pane...
BlizardBill Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 petran,i 500e ekdosi tou ps3,gia mena einai aparadekti..einai ena petsokomeno sistima apla. Τώρα το είδα !!! αντιγράφουν κάπως το xbox premium δηλαδή !!! Έβαλαν τον ίδιο σκληρό, την ίδια έξοδο, έβγαλαν και το wirelles , και πλέον μπορούν να ρίξουν στο μέλλον την τιμή σε αυτό, αφού δεν φοβούνται ότι ο κόσμος θα το αγοράζει μόνο για Blue-Ray player . Και κοστίζει μόνο 100 ευρώ παραπάνω από το premium, ενώ δεν χρειάζεται να αγοράσεις εξωτερικό player για HD ταινίες , έχεις δωρεάν live, καλύτερο χειριστήριο, υποστήριξη Hd από όλα τα games ,καλύτερο μηχάνημα κλπ . Είναι μάγκες παιδιά ... γιατί μπορεί να έκαναν «retarded»-«πετσοκομμένο» κλπ το μικρό μοντέλο, αλλά παραμένει πολύ πιο συμφέρον από το Premium xbox360 !!!! Αν θες να πάρεις το καλό πακέτο , θα το πληρώσεις...
Blackjim Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαΐου 2006 Kathisa kai gw xtes to vrady kai eida parousiasi. ( ksenera fysika pou den eidame tpt apo KONAMI gia WE/PES ) Auto pou me entypwsiase itan to Eight Days , an vevaia itan in game to videaki. Sa na vlepeis taineia itan! Kai malista to vlepa se 300k stream , pou na to doume se 1080i... Oso gia to controller olo elege oti einai popular kai popular. So what!? Oute tin emfanisi den allaksan...
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