xrest Δημοσ. 1 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 1 Μαΐου 2006 makarh re file mou makarh. Gia na doume, exei akousth tipota mexrh tora gia neo silent hill pou den tha asxolite me trypes? mpa tpt akoma.as elpisoume na iparxoun nea oso top dinaton pio grigora..pantws analoga me ti eidous tripes tha pragmateuetai..
Exoskeletor Δημοσ. 1 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 1 Μαΐου 2006 mpa tpt akoma.as elpisoume na iparxoun nea oso top dinaton pio grigora..pantws analoga me ti eidous tripes tha pragmateuetai.. les apo silent hill na to kanoun silent dick?
xrest Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 les apo silent hill na to kanoun silent dick? koita ston bwmo tis prwtotipias ola einai pithana.bebaia auto thatan pio pithano na bgei sto Wii para sto ps3..
p3tran Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 ...για να ληξει το (πραγματικα ανουσιο) θεμα με τις gpu συγκρισεις XBOX 360 - PS3... Guru3d: A brief chat with ATI's Neal Robison Guru3D: Looking at XBOX360, most of our readers obviously know that the graphics solution is provided by ATI, an architecture close to the R580 has been used. Can we expect the level of support for niche quality features was we see them on the PC Consumer card platform as well. In other words, what level of support for eye candy like AA and HDR will we see for XBOX 360 titles now and in the near future? Neal: As a point of clarification, the graphics system that we provided for the Xbox 360 is well beyond the R580. With that in mind, I think you can definitely expect support for amazing graphics features in Xbox 360 titles well into the future. Thatʼs one of the best parts of having a console for several years. Each Christmas, we typically see a new “benchmark” for the graphic quality of console titles. As developers take better advantage of the graphics core inside the 360, the gaming experiences will be better. σε καθε ευκαιρια, οπως και σε αυτη τη συνεντευξη στο Guru3d, οι υπευθυνοι της ATi λενε και ξαναλενε οτι η GPU του 360 EINAI ΚΑΛΥΤΕΡΗ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ R580 (ATi X1900 series) ολοι ξερουμε πιστευω τι ειναι αυτη η καρτα, και πως σχετιζεται σε ικανοτητες με τις καρτες της nvidia. απο την αλλη, και χωρις πολλα λογια, εχουμε αυτο: nv47 = 7800 επισης βλεπουμε οτι τα flops/clock ειναι 384, πολυ λιγοτερα απο την 7800 GTX, η οποια εχει περισσοτερα απο 720 flops/clock. επισης, η 7800 εχει 256 bit συνδεση με τη μνημη, ενω το ps3 εχει 128 bit συνδεση. και βεβαια ειναι και το θεμα της μνημης.... 256mb εναντι 512mb τα συμπερασματα δικα σας....... δεν εχω ορεξη να αναλωνομαι σε ανουσιες συζητησεις που σβηνονται.. so here are your facts.. use them or loose them..
Slay Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 Develop Magazine has a couple of small tidbits and coverage of various PS3-related happenings lately, which might be of interest. The full issue is available for download for free on their website, you just have to register: http://www.developmag.com The issue has been up for a short while, but here's some of the PS3-related highlights anyway: - On Sony's online strategy, and why Sony has waited this long to really take online by the horns, Sony's line is that it does not matter to be first, but to be there at the right moment. David Reeves says "“A high-level strategic decision was taken that we would do a leap frog and say ʽOkay, what weʼll do is aim to do it even better for PS3ʼ and link it to the PSP. And when Cell gives us the power to be able to do that in terms of the actual distribution, then it would be something that was really next-generation in terms of network platform. Really, what we did was spend a lot of time – three or four years – just training on PS2. Itʼs a question of tipping point – when are you going to hit the point when it hits mass market? You know, your average Sun reader – and there are millions of them, who own PS2s – were not that interested and the broadband penetration wasnʼt high, so we thought that 2006 was better than 2001 or 2002 to go for it.” - On the interface, Reeves mentions that a "shit hot" SCEJ team is working on it, that won't disappoint. - There's a small report on Devstation back in March. Talks about how Sony's internal technology groups in different regions have been brought into closer contact. Mentions that SN Systems is working on a compiler for PS3. “Itʼs been one of our largest R&D projects over the past year, so rather than just put it away when Sony bought us, we thought weʼd carry on and see how it goes. If it turned out tomorrow we couldnʼt do as good a job as GCC and offer other benefits to game developers, we would stop it and work on other things, but so far itʼs very encouraging.” The VP of SCEEs tech division shares a couple of their own learning experiences with PS3, including not going purely double precision Apparently, very initially the team took a pure 'supercomputer' approach, using 64-bit, but moved back to 32-bit. The article also mentions how one SPU is reserved for the OS and "security processes" (no mention of involvement of a rumoured second..). That SCEE VP refers to the one SPE as a maximum, that they'll try to bring down over time. - There's an article on Havok. Just mentions that 'Havok Complete XS' is bundled as a source code-tree release with PS3, and that it has been optimised to scale up to 4 SPUs. Also talks a bit about Havok's in-development Havok Behaviour tool, which sounds like a competitor for NaturalMotion's Euphoria. - Finally, there's an interview with Josh Resnick and Greg Borrud of Pandemic. Resnick mentions somewhat enigmatically that they will be launching what he 'confidently' believes will be PS3's game of the show at E3..
BlizardBill Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 σε καθε ευκαιρια' date=' οπως και σε αυτη τη συνεντευξη στο Guru3d, οι υπευθυνοι της ATi λενε και ξαναλενε οτι η GPU του 360 EINAI ΚΑΛΥΤΕΡΗ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ R580 (ATi X1900 series)[/quote'] Μην τους πιστεύεις με κλειστά μάτια και κάνεις τέτοιες συγκρίσεις , το ίδιο λένε και οι άλλοι ... πχ δες το bandwith που έχει η X1900 για τα 512mb μνήμης της , και φαντάσου ότι όχι μόνο έχεις κάτω από το μισό, αλλά αν το χρησιμοποιήσει όλο η Gpu του xbox θα αφήσει ουσιαστικά την Cpu χωρίς πρόσβαση σε κύρια μνήμη !!! (Φαίνεται ποιο είναι καλύτερο και στην πράξη , αν και πρέπει να θυμόμαστε πως οι κάρτες γραφικών έχουν ξεχωριστό σχεδιασμό και στα 2 μηχανήματα.)
BlizardBill Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 Να κάνουμε μια γρήγορη βασική περίληψη γύρο από τις κάρτες γραφικών (Rsx-Xenos) -Ps3 βασική μνήμη: 256ΜΒ (Xdr-3.2GH) με 25.6Gb/sec bandwith + 256MB (Gddr3-700Mh) με 22.4GB bandwith -Xbox360 μνήμη :512ΜΒ (Gddr3-700Mh) με 22.4GB bandwith + 10mb (edram-300hz) με 36GB/sec +ILogic Συμπέρασμα: Τα 512ΜΒ βασική μνήμη του xbox360 μπορεί να χρησιμοποιούνται από Cpu και Gpu δυναμικά, αλλά με 11GB/sec bandwith για το καθένα πχ, ενώ το ps3 έχει υπερδιπλάσιο bandwith συνολικά. Αυτό στην πράξη χοντρικά είναι σαν να έχεις σχεδόν ΜΙΣΗ ΜΝΗΜΗ στο Xκουτί, αφού η συνολική ταχύτητα ανανέωσης παίζει ίσως ανάλογα σημαντικό ρόλο με το μέγεθος. (Τα 10MB edram "προσθέτουν" πολύ περισσότερο από 10mb στο σύνολο λόγο ξεχωριστού bandwith , αλλά η διαφορά παραμένει τεράστια) Ps3-Gpu : 74.8 billion Shader operations/sec XboxGpu : 48.0 billion Shader operations/sec Ps3-Gpu : 33 billion dot products per second XboxGpu : 24 billion dot products per second Ps3-Gpu : 1800GFLOPS (floating point operations per second) XboxGpu : 900GFLOPS Ps3-Gpu bandith with cpu : 15 GB/s (for inbound) and 20 GB/s (for outbound) XboxGpu Bandith with cpu :10.8 GB/s upstream and 10.8 GB/sec downstream Ps3-gpu bandwith with southbridge : 0.5GB/s write + 0.5Gb/s read XboxGpu bandwith with southbridge : 2.5GB/s write + 2.5GB/s read (για τα τρίγωνα και την Maximum polygon performance έγινε συζήτηση πριν, και θα δούμε στα σίγουρα σε λίγο καιρό) ΥΓ Αφήνουμε τις Cpu, γιατί το ps3 έχει τον Cell και δεν βλέπω νόημα. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Playstation_3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSX_'Reality_Synthesizer' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_360
Exoskeletor Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 Alone in the Dark Impressions: http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/action/aloneinthedark/news.html?sid=6148639
privateer Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 Full Auto 2: Battlelines Announced; PS3 Exclusive Get ready for the next generation of vehicular mayhem... SEGA of America, Inc. and SEGA Europe Ltd. today announced that Full Auto 2: Battlelines is being developed exclusively for the PLAYSTATION 3 computer entertainment system. Full Auto 2: Battlelines puts high-speed vehicles outfitted with weapons and armor into fully realized and fully destructible urban street environments. Fierce combat-racing will ensue as you strategically use destruction to win races as well as leave massive devastation in your wake. Players can destroy the environment to dynamically change track conditions to block competitors, open new paths, or crush opponents with falling debris caused by well-timed missiles. Full Auto 2: Battlelines, which is the sequel to the award-winning Full Auto, also introduces a new Arena Mode featuring team play and six different levels, each specifically designed for a unique type of multiplayer car combat. "The destructible environments in Full Auto 2: Battlelines are both stunning and strategic, especially in multiplayer combat," said Scott A. Steinberg, Vice President of Marketing, SEGA of America, Inc. "The gameplay innovations of tactical destruction and team multiplayer vehicular mayhem combined with the tremendous power of Sony's PLAYSTATION 3 console makes this sequel truly the next generation of combat racing." Full Auto 2: Battlelines, currently being developed by Pseudo Interactive, has been combat-enhanced and fully re-designed with an extensive list of features entirely new to the franchise. Players can get behind the wheel of 25 different vehicles ranging from classic muscle cars and low riders to monstrous SUVs and industrial vehicles, each of which can be customized with more than 20 explosive weapons as well as multiple paint schemes and wheel styles. Taking on more than 20 tracks in the game, players will immediately notice how Full Auto 2: Battlelines pushes next-generation technological boundaries with breathtaking displays of destruction, physics, and speed. In the new multi-path single player campaign, players battle to take control of Staunton City by conquering the six different districts and taking control of opponent cars and weapons. The game's six different carnage-filled multiplayer modes, which incorporate team play and objectives ranging from classic deathmatches to unique base assaults and gladiator-style gameplay, deliver a diverse range of competitive options. The sequel implements the fan-favorite Unwreck feature, which allows players to turn back time and take another shot at a treacherous turn, avoid a deadly obstacle, or simply avoid enemy fire. With strategic destruction, next generation technology, and innovative, diverse gameplay, Full Auto 2: Battlelines is poised to be one of the most exhilarating combat-racing experiences available for the PLAYSTATION 3 console.
p3tran Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 exoskeletor, απο ..πολυγωνα πως το βλεπεις το πρασινο σκαφακι απο πανω?
kallair Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 poli wipeout mou thimizei to parapanw... to prasino xromataki me kseneronei kiolas... bliax! :-p pote eipame oti einai i toso anamenomeni ekthesi?
p3tran Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 αφου σε ξενερωνει το πρασινακι, παρε ενα κοκκινακι... τα filenames των φωτογραφιων ειναι τυπου "fatal_inertia_2006_05_01_xxxxx.jpg" οποτε ειναι ολοκαινουργια. ελα δω ρε slay ρε γμτ να μας ζωγραφισεις καννα βελακι στα "διακριτα πολυγωνα"
Slay Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 ελα δω ρε slay ρε γμτ να μας ζωγραφισεις καννα βελακι στα "διακριτα πολυγωνα" den nomizo oti xreiazetai kanena belaki, ektos kai an arxisoyn kai edo kai lene kapoioi oti den ta blepoyn, kai diakrita polygona exei kai entono aliasing.
p3tran Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 2 Μαΐου 2006 ...μηπως πιστευεις σιγα-σιγα οτι εισαι παρα πολυ αυστηρος και αδικος επικριτης σχετικα με το 360? θυμαμαι κατι βελακια που εδειχναν μια ζαντα απο μια μηχανη, καθως και κατι αλλα που εδειχναν το φτερο απο μια lamborghini.. σχολιο συγκριτικο πανω σε αυτα, εχουμε? (test drive unlimited, pgr3, fatal inertia) edit να και μια φωτο του blizzardbill αυτη τη στιγμη:
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