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The Official PS3 topic


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gnomi tous einai re sy...o kathenas exei to mialo na krinei..kai go pisteyo oti tha nai kalitero to ps3...oxi giati to leei o slay i kapoios allos...


se parakalo mi me vazeis na diavazo...


Giati de to parakoloutho? de to parakoloutho giati exo idi sta bookmarks mou to Xboxyde kai to gamespot kai alla opou boro na do oti vganei apo 360 kai video kai eikones kai diamorfono ti diki mou apopsi... to ps3 exei(eixe!) liges eidiseis kai screenshots kai video kai edo mazeyontai oi perissoteres plirofories opote enimeronesai k les kai tin apopsi sou... elpizo na katalavaineis ti enoo... otan tha vgainoun titloi kai gia to ps3 apla tha enimeronomai apo sites typou xboxyde! kai mallon tha paizo k de tha baino edo na tsakonomai me sena gia to pia konsola einai kaliteri...:-D

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μαλ@κειες αναμεσα μας, ειναι πασιφανες ποιος λεει, μιστερ 'spring' ;)


οπα πλακωσαν οι παντελονατοι..........

ξερετε ποια η διαφορα του p3tran απο σας που ειναι πολυ σημαντικη ?

δεν απαξιωνει το ps3 αναγνωριζει οτι θα ειναι δυνατο μηχανημα εσεις

ομως λετε οτι το xbox 360 ειναι για τα σκουπιδια .......

μαλ@κειες αναμεσα μας, ειναι πασιφανες ποιος λεει, μιστερ 'spring' ;)

As prospathiso na gyriso thn koybenta alloy, mpas kai den fanei oti eimai pali owned apo ton slay mesa se liges meres.


Gia thn tampakiera den exeis na peis kati etsi?


100 posts! ante na ta 1000aso!:mrgreen::mrgreen:


mia kai eipes gia to blueray...esy pou milas gia to mellon kai mou dineis tin entyposi oti skeftesai k pio brosta mou les meta oti den einai anagaio to blue ray! ayta kaneis! ego thelo blue ray...thelo na ekselixthei...thelo na vgi stin agora...thelo na exo recorder k thelo na pesei kai i timi tou... den anavathmizo ti dsl mou giati de xorao sto pc mou! thelo de ksero kai go posa dvd gia backups...exo gemisei diskakia...ekana backup se cd kai kapoia stigmi de xoraga...piga sto dvd... tora de xorao oute ekei.. oute sto 9ari...opos se ligo kairo de tha xorane ta paixnidia se dvd... opos stamatisan na xoroun se cd... kati san ta backup mou..:-D


mou deixneis tora ena game..ego de boro na to paro os metro sigrisis...ma an evgaine pio poli to game de tha xorage ara de tha evgaine kai pote sto 360...ara de tha ypirxe!!!!:-D toso apla...


tha deis pou otan oi eteries tha niothoun tin asfaleia na xosoun prama mesa se ena diskaki de tha poun oxi kai ta apotelesmata tha einai poli kala...

οπα πλακωσαν οι παντελονατοι..........

ξερετε ποια η διαφορα του p3tran απο σας που ειναι πολυ σημαντικη ?

δεν απαξιωνει το ps3 αναγνωριζει οτι θα ειναι δυνατο μηχανημα εσεις

ομως λετε οτι το xbox 360 ειναι για τα σκουπιδια .......


eipa ego oti einai gia ta SKOUPIDIA?:???:


μαθημα 2ο. (ταμπακιερα)


compression technologies και παραδειγματα αναμεσα σε xbox-ps2

(δεν θα εξηγησω λεπτομερειες... δειτε τη λιστα και οτι καταλαβει ο καθενας. μιλαμε για τα ιδια ακριβως games)



Spider-Man 2

PS2 = 2.82GB

Xbox = 1.59GB


Soul Calibur II

PS2 = 4.04GB

Xbox = 1.28GB


Sonic Heroes

PS2 = 4.37

Xbox = 3.81GB


Silent Hill 2

PS2 = 4.32GB

Xbox =3.03GB


Grand Theft Auto 3

PS2 = 4.37GB

Xbox = 733MB


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

PS2 = 4.34GB

Xbox =1.20GB


Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

PS2 = 4.19GB

Xbox = 2.95GB


Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

PS2 = 1.56GB

Xbox = 855MB


Metal Arms: Glitch in the System

PS2 = 2.99GB

Xbox =1.59GB


Burnout 3: Takedown

PS2 = 3.0GB

Xbox =2.65GB


MK: Deadly Alliance

PS2 = 4.36GB

Xbox =1.59GB


Colin McRae Rally 3

PS2 = 3.04GB

Xbox =2.29GB



PS2 = 3.86GB

Xbox = 1.36GB


Def Jam: FFNY

PS2 = 3.8GB

Xbox =2.79GB


Max Payne

PS2 = 4.07GB

Xbox =1.61GB


Burnout 2: PoI

PS2 = 3.84GB

Xbox =2.93GB



PS2 = 2.82GB

Xbox =1.88GB


Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4

PS2 = 3.15GB

Xbox =1.5GB



τα πραγματα μιλανε μονα τους νομιζω..

επισης αξιζει να θυμηθουμε οτι αρκετοι τιτλοι απο τους παραπανω, ειχανε καλυτερες γραφικες λεπτομερειες στο xbox απο το ps2,

καταλαμβαναν μικροτερο αποθηκευτικο χωρο,

και βεβαια ειχανε σαφεστατα μικροτερα loading times....




.....το οτι βεβαια το 360 ειναι ενα τερας βελτιωσης σε αυτους τους τομεις,

προσφεροντας ξεχωριστα threads ή ακομα και cpus για compression/decompression σε τρομερα επιπεδα,

ειναι κατι που δεν το γνωριζετε, αλλα παρ'ολα αυτα τη λετε τη ......... σας.

επισης το οτι το πολυ καλο compression ειναι ΑΠΑΡΑΙΤΗΤΗ ΠΡΟΫΠΟΘΕΣΗ για τελεια και πλουσια next gen γραφικα, μιας και η μνημη ποτε δεν φτανει,

ουτε αυτο το ξερετε, αλλα και παλι την πετατε τη ........ σας.



και επειδη τα μαθηματα δεν τα δινω τσαμπα slay, αλλα συνηθως πληρωνομαι,

την επομενη απορια που θα μου ζητησεις να σου λυσω θα σε βαλω να μου την πληρωσεις κι'ολας.

ο τζαμπας πεθανε.

και εγω βαριεμαι να απανταω σε χαζαμαρες καθημερινα.


παμε παρακατω...

αν κοιταξεις λιγο τι εχει γραφτει στα δυο θεματα (ps3/360) θα τραβας τα μαλια σου με την ............. που δερνει μερικους που δεν εχουνε λεφτα για 2 κονσολες (καθολα σεβαστο!) και καθονται και βγαζουνε τα αντερα τους απο ..ζηλεια (καθολου σεβαστο!)


Και να κοιτάξουν μερικοί και τι έχει ειπωθεί στο official xbox360 topic, το οποίο κλειδώθηκε, και οι απαντήσεις εκεί είχαν φθάσει τις 2672 !!! Μην το ξεχνάμε αυτό! Αν αντέχετε διαβάστε τις, και θα καταλάβετε ποιοι χαλούσαν τα topics και ποιοι έλεγαν ότι ως γνήσιοι gamers θα αγοράσουν και τις δύο κονσόλες και ήθελαν το ps3 εξίσου επιτυχημένο με το 360.Εκείνο το topic το ξεχνάμε?Ξεχνάμε τι οδήγησε στο κλείδωμά του?

Ότι μερικά προϊόντα δεν αξίζουν τρομερά ' date=' όσο νάναι ισχύει, κακά τα ψέματα.

Μη είσαι ρατσιστής τώρα με τους απωανατολίτες![/quote']


Mην το παρατραβάς...ξέρεις πολύ καλά τι εννοώ! Δεν έχουν οι Ιάπωνες το απόλυτο κριτήριο για το ποιο είναι το καλύτερο σύστημα, τα καλύτερα παιχνίδια, κτλ. Αντιλαμβάνομαι αυτό που συμβαίνει στην Ιαπωνία, κατανοώ και γιατί συμβαίνει (κλειστή κουλτούρα) ωστόσο δε το δικαιολογώ και δε μου αρέσει.

Είναι δικό μου ζήτημα αυτό. Γι' αυτό ας γυρίσουμε στο θέμα κι αφήστε τα αd hominem.

μαθημα 2ο. (ταμπακιερα)

ego gia ayth thn tampakiera milaga





A Nice Chat with Phil Harrison


Late last week, Next-Gen.Biz's Colin Campbell interviewed SCE's president of Worldwide Studios about the launch of PlayStation 3, PlayStation Network Platform and his role in the company. There's some good stuff in here...


Phil Harrison doesn't touch his face, nor does he fidget. His eyes don't wander around the pokey little booth office where our GDC meeting is taking place. He blinks with an awe-inspiring economy.


When he begins a sentence, it rarely takes any weird detours. He never has to fall back on 'let me rephrase that' or 'what I think I'm really trying to say is...'. He knows how to be interviewed. After all, he's done this a few times before.


I have a suspicion that, while on those long flights between all 14 of SCE's internal studios, he's secretly digging into a stash of hardcore manuals on business presentation, on talking to the press, on negotiating. I'm not talking about those crappy books you see at the airport. He must have access to some high-grade gear, reserved only for Middle Eastern diplomats, NASA scientists, jet-fighter sales execs and international software mandarins.


Harrison has been a public face for Sony for many years, so it's often forgotten that, these past few years, he's been gliding swiftly upwards through the company's infrastructure. Right now he is ultimately responsible for the games being developed for the world's leading games brand, and he is enormously influential in its hardware and retail-based deployment.


If he's not Game Industry's Biggest Cheese, he's got to be there or thereabouts.


So anyway, Next-Gen got 22.5 minutes at GDC to discuss some of Sony's plans with Harrison. And it was well worth the ticket.


Next-Gen.Biz: Tell us what you're doing these days


Phil Harrison: In September we reorganized our internal studios under a new structure called Worldwide Studios. My job is managing that. And in the afternoons I play golf!


So you travel the world and gee the studio guys along..

Gee them along? That's not quite how I would describe it.


What we have is a pretty amazing collection of talent that had previously worked in individual regional silos - not deliberately but that is just the way things grew over time. They grew under the host region's headquarters.


Japan, Europe, the US and Polyphony, all independently of one another, have become world-class development studios. Nobody else has talent that delivers $100 million dollar franchises in the US, Europe and Japan. There's no one else - no publisher or platform holder - that has that breadth of talent so well distributed.


So there's not many things I can do to improve what is already very good. However, I can unify everybody against a single strategy or against a single goal. What I've been doing for the last four or five months is determining that new structure and strategy. You saw that in the [GDC] keynote.


Did the strategy come first, followed by your appointment, or has that come out of your work?


The latter. It was my job to review the organization. I got on the plane; visited 14 studios worldwide and then wrote a board presentation to say what I thought was the right strategy going forward.


The public part of the strategy has now been outlined. Clearly, a lot of work goes on behind the scenes which would be inappropriate or boring to discuss at a keynote.


But basically, it's about taking an organization which has been fantastic at delivering disk based products and start a process towards a network based company. That evolution will take a number of years. It's not going to happen overnight. We're not going to stop developing disk -based products for many, many years but it's a new busines model and it's a new way of making games.


Doesn't this ultimately give Sony even more power than presently? You've become the platform holder and the retailer. Aren't you in danger of becoming like a 1930s Hollywood studio?


Certainly not. I think that's an incorrect assessment of our strategy and I'm happy to clear up any confusion that may lie there.


Blu-ray disk will be the primary distribution format through retail for many years to come. What I am talking about is augmenting and enhancing that through additional content that is downloaded and purchased to the PS3 or PSP.


Parallel to that I think there is an opportunity for games that only exist in a network world but those are not mutually exclusive with a huge selection of disk-based product being the primary business generator at Wal-Mart, at Gamestop at retailers all the way around the world.


Not everybody has broadband or will have broadband for quite a while. I think it's William Gibson who has this great quote - the future is here it's just unevenly distributed. So while Korea might be enjoying fibre-to-the-home 100 megabit broadband today there are some parts of our territories where the telephone is a bit of a novelty. We've got to live between those two bookends. It will be a long time before we replace retail, if ever.


I see that, but retail's power is diminishing while yours is increasing. As of now, the balance in delivering content to consumers is tipping your way. That's a hell of a responsibility...


I'm not sure that we have the power that you characterize. Yes, we sell hardware and yes, that makes us, in financial terms, a significant vendor to retail.


But that does not automatically enrich our ability to sell software. We are in a commercial meritocracy when it comes to selling software. It's the best games with the best marketing support, retail support and promotions that sell. That won't change. Our ability to sell software is governed by these four factors; not the fact that we sell the console.


15 or 20 years ago retail wasn't very sophisticated in the way it bought games, in the way it made its selections. Now the buyers are complete experts in the purchase and selections of the titles so they are the people who will determine the selection of software titles stocked, not us.


Aren't retailers going to be slightly annoyed that they're selling this hardware for next-to-no margin, just so the software can ultimately be sold directly via downloads?


I completely disagree with that. The software business for PlayStation 3 will continue to grow. PlayStation 2 has more software on it than PlayStation 1 - more units sold in more countries to a wider demographic of consumers. PlayStation 3 will continue to grow the market and will generate a bigger opportunity for everybody - retailers, developers, and publishers alike. So I do not accept your statement that retail is going to be in any way affected by this other than positively.


Not even over a ten-year period?


Well, there is no denying that the world is changing. I am not going to deny that digital distribution is happening but there will be huge opportunities for all stakeholders in the market because the whole business will grow.


Is the business model for digital distribution over PlayStation 3 now in place?


For the most part; yes. There are obviously some details and some contractual relationships, we have to dot Is and cross Ts but in the big picture, yes.


So...how does it work? How is the money divided?


You'll understand that is something that I'm not going to share with you. It's something we share under NDA with our developers and publishers. Plus, I am not the third party guy any more; I'm the first party guy so I'll duck that question on a couple of counts.


The issue of PlayStation 3's price was not addressed at the GDC presentation...


Clearly, you are not going to use a keynote by the head of first party studios to announce the price of PlayStation 3. I don't think anybody was surprised yesterday when I neglected to include that slide in my deck.


But I hope the keynote succeeded in clearly identifying our roadmap and our strategy for PSP and for PS3 making it clear where we are headed and trying to be a call to action.


That is what GDC should be; an industry message. Here is what Sony's first party developers are doing; these are their goals and objectives, that means it's okay to come into this fold as well and I hope that message has been received. From what I've read that seems to have been the case.


Yet some media outlets are still getting it wrong. USA Today reported that there will be a two-tiered pricing structure for PlayStation Network Platform?


I think that some analysts must have been in a different presentation. Some things they got wrong, and others they speculated on areas that we did not even touch upon. Obviously we hope that this conversation can help to clarify the message.


So is the price decided upon?


I'm not going to comment on that.


This is your third PlayStation launch. Is it much more complicated now than in the good old days?


Yes. It only gets more complicated, but matched with that complexity comes opportunity so I don't think it's a negative. It's only positive.


We are at a unique point in technology history where you have four technology trends all lining up like four big planets. You've got HD displays, becoming mass market, must-have purchases. You've got Blu-ray disks becoming the pre-eminent standard for hi-def movies. You've got the establishment pf a game format in PlayStation 3 that can have HD games and HD movies. And you've got the explosion of broadband and the continuing fattening of the pipe. Those four things are happening right now, it's a rich soil in which the future will grow.


TV platform cycles are like 25 or 30-year cycles and so for that to be happening now is fantastic. And Blu-ray also - it's eight or nine years since DVD so these are great times.


Do you believe this complexity will lead to a lengthening of platform cycles?


You've seen with PlayStation Portable how a hardware platform can grow through operating system upgrades and although we have not gone into specifics you can assume we'll follow a similar strategy for PlayStation 3.


It's a static device from hardware point of view but it's a dynamic platform, from a software point of view. That is something we couldn't do on PS2 or PS1 so I think that will absolutely lengthen the lifecycle of the future assuming that the consumer finds those offerings compelling and I think they will.


How would you describe the differences between PlayStation Network Platform and your competitors' offerings?


This is going to sound like a really soundbitey answer but the biggest difference is that it's on PlayStation. We are a 100 million, 200 million unit company. We are he pre-eminent brand for interactive entertainment worldwide. We have a reach and a market share that dwarfs our competition.


Now, maybe in US it's not such a runaway leadership - Microsoft is definitely a more vigorous competitor here than anywhere else in the world - but in some countries PlayStation is the videogame business.


The fact that PlayStation is making this push is the biggest differentiating factor. The second one is that the basic service is free. We're taking what we did on PlayStation 2 where online gaming is free, so why should we suddenly charge for it on PlayStation 3? Although, clearly, we are going to have premium offerings where you can pay to download content.


The other one is that - and I don't want to acknowledge too much one of our competitors - but by calling it Xbox Live Arcade it pretty much tells you what it does on the tin. Whereas we're going to be much more entertainment-based, much wider - music and movies and games and other forms of digital entertainment and so hopefully it will be more impactful to a mass market.



παραδειγμα για την "αναγκαιοτητα" του blue ray:

...ΜΑΚΡΑΝ το μεγαλυτερο παιχνιδι σε περιεχομενο' date=' ΜΑΚΡΑΝ next gen, και ΜΟΛΙΣ 4.3GB απο τα οποια 2.1gb ειναι ηχος. ;)[/quote']


Kala mhn to paraxesoume. ta grafika tou oblivion den exoun tipota to super duper oute tipota neo. apla eine poly kala gia tetoiou eidous game kai toso anoixto. (an kai fortizei synexeia). an htan etsi ola ta next gen games ego tha apogoiteyomoun


S3 Tech Info From GDC >



Watch JP has some tech info on the PS3 from the recent GDC conferece. Now, of course, it is all in Japanese, but we have translated some for you. The tech heads should love this one. If anyone can translate some of the rest please comment it, thanks.


PPE has 128 VMX registers now, and a dot product instruction.


Memory latency for Cell is:

Register: 1 cycle

L1 cash: 8 cycle

L2 cash: 32 cycle

Main memory: 140 cycles


Six (6) SPEs are available for applications, and one SPE is reserved by the OS.


For the first time, Sony reveals the architecture RSX was based on the NV47 from Nvidia specifically. 24 2D texture lookups simultaneously = 24 pixel pipelines. 384 flops/clock.



Kala mhn to paraxesoume. ta grafika tou oblivion den exoun tipota to super duper oute tipota neo. apla eine poly kala gia tetoiou eidous game kai toso anoixto. (an kai fortizei synexeia). an htan etsi ola ta next gen games ego tha apogoiteyomoun

φανταζομαι οτι το παιζεις σε pc. σε αυτην την περιπτωση συμφωνω μαζι σου.

χρειαζεται ενα τελειο pc -και ακομα περισσοτερο- ενα τελεια ρυθμισμενο pc, για να παιξει το game οπως πρεπει.


αν μπεις στο official forum του oblivion, θα δεις διαφορα threads με φωτογραφιες απο τους χαρακτηρες που εχει φτιαξει ο καθενας αλλα και απο ωραια σκηνικα.


οι φωτογραφιες που προερχονται απο το 360, ξεχωριζουνε σαν τη μυγα μεσ'το γαλα.

και φαντασου κι'ολας οτι στην περιπτωση του pc μιλαμε για screen grabs (τελεια ποιοτητα) ενω στου 360 φωτογραφιζουν την τηλεοραση. (:???: ποιοτητα)


στο 360 απλως ειναι χαρμα οφθαλμων. μπες και δες, εχει ενδιαφερον ετσι κι αλλιως αν παιζεις το oblivion γενικοτερα..







...στις δηλωσεις του phil harris τωρα.

ουσιαστικη δηλωση:

"-το service θα ειναι free"


οκ man, και στο ps2 free ητανε!!!


το θεμα ειναι πως θα ειναι.. :confused:


PS3 Technical info from GDC








PPE has 128 VMX registers now, and a dot product instruction (I think).


Memory latency for Cell is:


Register: 1 cycle

L1 cash: 8 cycle

L2 cash: 32 cycle

Main memory: 140 cycles


The last one looks exceptionally low, a bit too good to believe TBH!


6 SPEs are available to applications - as speculated/expected by many, a SPE is reserved by the OS.


RSX, 24 2D texture lookups simultaneously, 384flops/clock = 24 pixel pipelines, it would seem.


Two models for RSX programming:


PSGL - high level

libgcm - low level, to the metal


2,900 dev kits shipped since last summer.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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