Narayan Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Asustek reported to kick off mass shipments for Sony's PS3 and PSP game consoles EDN, March 14; Jessie Shen, [Tuesday 14 March 2006] The Chinese-language Economic Daily News (EDN) reported today that Asustek Computer has secured orders for Sony's PlayStation 3 (PS3) and PSP (PlayStation Portable) game consoles, with mass shipments slated for this Christmas season. Asustek, however, denied the rumor and claimed that it has no knowledge of the report, the paper cited a company spokesperson as saying. Market sources expect Asustek's revenues in the latter half of this year to exceed NT$300 billion (US$9.2 billion), accounting for about 60% of its full-year revenue forecast for 2006.
Daredevil Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 pooopo. compratibility blepo me ps2, makarh na exei kai me ps1. 60gb sklhro blepo. services FREE blepo[/b'] giati alios xestika. ti orea pragmata eine ayta?? me thn timh tora de ksero. an perilambanh kai to sklhro ok. elpizo na to bgaloun me sklhro disko. We can assume for now that "basic service" is equivalent to the Xbox Live Silver service. Ena pio analytio ar8ro Sony promises global PS3 launch in November; six million units by year-end Rob Fahey 07:45 15/03/2006 Kutaragi commits to aggressive worldwide simultaneous launch schedule The PlayStation 3 is set to launch in North America, Asia and Europe in early November this year, Sony Computer Entertainment boss Ken Kutaragi has announced, with the firm committed to shipping six million units by the end of 2006. Kutaragi was speaking at the PlayStation business briefing in Tokyo, where the firm is outlining its plans for the videogames business over the coming year to an audience of media, analysts and third-party publishing partners. He told the briefing that the PS3 will be launched in early November in all three major global territories, confounding industry and analyst expectations of a staggered release schedule which would see the European launch delayed to 2007. From launch onwards, Sony plans to ship a million units a month of the PlayStation 3 - with six million units to be on the market by the end of 2006, indicating that the company plans to have around four million units ready for day one. It's an ambitious plan, but the firm certainly has time on its side - having moved its launch target from "spring 2006" to November, and with reports indicating that manufacturing of the console could begin as soon as June, Sony has plenty of time to build up stock of the system pre-launch. Sony also today confirmed that the final development hardware for PlayStation 3 will roll out in June, which tends to support the claim that manufacturing will also start then, as final development hardware requires almost all of the components of the final consumer hardware to be completed. However, the November target is likely to be the subject of some speculation for months to come - especially given Sony's track record with such ambitious worldwide launch targets in the form of the PlayStation Portable, which was originally due to launch globally at the end of 2004, but ended up not arriving in America until the second quarter of 2005, and didn't launch in Europe until nine months later, at the beginning of September 2005. ps. fainete telika oti oi kakoi entolodoxoi ths ms ekanan tosh kalh douleia gia tor elease day pou telika to pistepse kai h sony
harkouts Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Ταυτόχρονη κυκλοφορία σε όλο τον κόσμο τον Νοέμβριο με 6 εκατομμύρια κομμάτια μέχρι τέλους 2006......... Ε ρε τι έχει να γίνει. Εκτός από την είδηση της ταυτόχρονης κυκλοφορίας του PlayStation 3 στις τρεις μεγάλες αγορές του πλανήτη, ο Kutaragi-san επιβεβαίωσε την πλήρη συμβατότητα που θα προσφέρει η νέα κονσόλα με το software των PlayStation και PlayStation 2, ενώ υποστήριξε πως αυτά τα παλιά παιχνίδια, όταν αναπαράγονται στο PS3, θα απεικονίζονται σε υψηλή ανάλυση. Επίσης επιβεβαιώθηκε και η απαίτηση σκληρού δίσκου για την κονσόλα (που μάλλον θα είναι προεγκατεστημένος), με τη βασική έκδοση να είναι ένα μοντέλο 60GB με δυνατότητες αναβάθμισης, υποστήριξη Linux και ιδιότητες λειτουργίας ως server, καθώς θα δίνει τη δυνατότητα αποθήκευσης πολυμέσων και την πρόσβασή τους από άλλες συσκευές. Τέλος, ο Kutaragi αναφέρθηκε στην online υπηρεσία που ετοιμάζει η Sony για τη νέα της κονσόλα, μια υπηρεσία που, όπως προκύπτει, θα είναι πανομοιότυπη με το Xbox Live της Microsoft, καθώς θα επιτρέπει μια δωρεάν βασική πρόσβαση, αλλά και εξειδικευμένες παροχές για συνδρομητές
DrFreeman Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Eπιτέλους ευχάριστα νέα από το μέτωπο της Sony για τους Ευρωπαίους φίλους του PS3! Τουλάχιστον η δική μου διαμαρτυρία για καθυστερήσεις σε σχέση με την Ιαπωνία, φαίνεται πως ήταν και διαμαρτυρία πολλών φίλων της Sony κι έτσι έπιασε τόπο. Για να μην πω ότι έπαιξε το ρόλο της και η MS που το δοκίμασε πρώτη και γίνω κακός! March 14, 2006 - Ken Kutaragi, PlayStation Master and keeper of big news has announced at the PS meeting today that the PlayStation 3 will be launching in early November worldwide for the North American, Asian, and European territories. Once released, Sony will unleash one million units per month with a total of six million units in 2006 alone. Production numbers are higher for PS1 and PS2 in their initial years. Check soon for more. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In fact Kutaragi explicitly told the crow of game retailers and journalists present that the PS3 would arrive before Thanksgiving in all territories. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sony today announced that not only is the PlayStation 3 to be 100% backwards compatible, but all legacy titles played on the system will be displayed at high-definition resolutions. The Xbox 360 currently does the same thing and the result on that end is much sharper image quality for older games. Other key features of the system that the electronics giant has pointed out so far are full Blu-ray support, the latest HDMI connection, broadband and wireless connectivity and HDD support. This is all old new, but we're just posting it as it comes in. Stay tuned... March 14, 2006 - At its PlayStation Business Briefing 2006 in Japan, Sony announced its production plans for BD-ROM discs (Blu-ray). Firstly, all PlayStation 3 games will ship on Blu-ray to help prevent piracy. In other words, no "cheap" DVD releases; Blu-ray only. Of course, it'll still play PS2 and movies on DVD, but all PS3 releases will be on Blu-ray. The company expects initial BD-ROM production to reach 2.5 million in Japan and Europe and 5 million in the US. As part of the PlayStation Business Brief today in Tokyo, Ken Kutaragi confirmed that the PlayStation 3 will require the hard drive peripheral. In total, it will be 60GB big, be completely upgradeable, and support Linux OS. Additionally, the peripheral will act as a home server and allow users to store various forms of media to be pulled up elsewhere. Interestingly, Kutaragi didn't confirm if the system will actually ship with a hard drive or not -- just that it's required. It's semantics, we know, but we thought that it was worth pointing out. In one of several compelling announcements made in Tokyo at the 2006 PlayStation Business Briefing today, SCE president Ken Kutaragi confirmed that the final PS3 development kits will be shipping out to production houses in June. Additionally, there are 15 different companies making tools and middleware for the SDK. For frequent readers of this site, you may be interested to know that the technology folks in's parent company IGN Entertainment (aka GameSpy Technologies) are contributing to the network solution. Sony today finally unveiled info on its PlayStation 3 online plans at its PlayStation Business Briefing currently happening in Japan. Beginning at the system's launch, currently scheduled for sometime this November, the system will feature community tools including lobby matching and voice chat, commerce features that includes bootable software via the hard drive. The service was created with the help of Sony Online Entertainment. Best of all, the "basic" service will be free of charge. At the PlayStation Business Briefing 2006, Ken Kutaragi has just added another infamous quote to his belt, this time stating that PS3 games are "live" and that the PS3 concept is "4D". He claims that games have gone from 8-bit to 16-bit planes, to the "space" that you saw on the PS1/PS2, and now PS3 will be "live". The PlayStation Business Briefing 2006 has just wrapped up over in Tokyo, and surprisingly, there were no new software announcements made. Sony basically kept this to a hardware-only event, speaking about PS3, PSP and PS2 hardware news, but failed to bring up any software-related topics, aside from a few details about its online plans. So now you know, and knowing's half the battle. Hit up IGN PS3 for all of the PlayStation 3 news.
Wolfidis Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Θα δούμε σύντομα μάλλον' date=' αλλά το να καθυστερήσουν 6 μήνες για αυτό το πράγμα ακούγεται εντελώς παράλογο. [/quote'] Kaneis mas den para3eneutike pou telika 8a to bgaloun ligo prin tis giortes. Gia kapou ekei tin blepame oloi mas...kai pali kala na les... O monos pou epemene gia kati diaforetiko isoun esi... akoma kai o slay tin psiliastike... o monos pou den xampariase isoun esi... ti sou simbainei telika? Mipws exeis karkino kai fobasai min kai den prolabeis na to deises na to aggi3eis estw kai gia ligo?.... Mipws pasxeis apo kapoia foberi arrwstia ba8mieas tiflwseis kai fobasai oti 8a exeis tiflw8ei teleiws mexri ta xristougenna?.... Mipws simbainei kati allo stin zwi sou, mipws den 8a tin bgaleis diladi gia kaoma 1 xrono, k auto se anagkazei na pisteueis oti 8eleis?....Mipws eisai proliptikos kai fobasai min soy sibei kana atixima. Mipws...? lew mipws... ! Autoi ti stigmi oi pio polloi edw mesa einai kalimenoi...den skane...den sterounte.... Allos tin exei brei me to PC allos me to 360, allos me to ps2 ktl. Iparxoun arketa kala paixnidakia gia ola ta gousta pou paizonte kai online, den 8a pau8oyme k tipota na perimenoume. Den mas noiazei k ka8esai panw apo to fagito kai to koitas auto den brazei... asto kai ayto 8a brasei ston kairo tou.... :-|
Slay Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Synoptika mexri stigmhs exoyme ta exhs: Pagkosmio launch se Japan, US, Canada, Asia, EU me 6 ekkatomyria konsoles. Online network poy to basiko subscription tha einai free, menei na mathoyme ti tha periexei to basiko, h allios an sto basiko symperilambanetai to gaming, kai sto extra ola ta ffka , h to anapodo poy pragmatika tha sucks an einai to anapodo. Plhrhs symbatothta me ps2/ps1 (dhladh kapoy sto 90-95% giati apolyth symbatothta apokleietai na exei) Standard diskos 60gb. Genika oi eidhseis einai kales gia thn eyroph, metries gia thn amerikh kai kakes gia thn iaponia, oson afora to launch date panta etsi.
GordonFreeman Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Σχετικά με τα 6.000.000 κομάτια φυσικά είναι αδύνατο να συμβεί και απευθύνεται περισσότερο στους οπαδούς της κονσόλας αλλά και στο καταναλωτικό κοινό γενικότερα προσπαθόντας να δημιουργήσει την εντύπωση ότι δεν θα υπάρχουν ελείψεις. Το ποιο ρεαλιστικό νούμερο είναι 2.000.000 κομάτια μέχρι το τέλος του χρόνου με κάποια ποσοστά απόκλισης πάνω κάτω. The firm said it would have a million units ready for launch, with a further million a month following soon after. These numbers suggest shortages at launch. Τα shortages θα είναι τεράστια εάν σκεφτεί κανείς μόνο την ζήτηση που θα υπάρχει στην Ιαπωνία.
Daredevil Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Pagkosmio launch se Japan, US, Canada, Asia, EU me 6 ekkatomyria konsoles.la8os me ena ekatomyrio kai 6 mexri to telos tou 2006 Online network poy to basiko subscription tha einai free, menei na mathoyme ti tha periexei to basiko, h allios an sto basiko symperilambanetai to gaming, kai sto extra ola ta ffka , h to anapodo poy pragmatika tha sucks an einai to anapodo. e mallon to anapodo 8a nai eidomen Plhrhs symbatothta me ps2/ps1 (dhladh kapoy sto 90-95% giati apolyth symbatothta apokleietai na exei)me ps2 mono Standard diskos 60gb.mallon 8a to apofasisoun teleytaia stigmh kai to blepw gia dyo paketaGenika oi eidhseis einai kales gia thn eyroph, metries gia thn amerikh kai kakes gia thn iaponia, oson afora to launch date panta moirasoun tis 1 ek isoposa nai an dwsoun sthn iapwnia 500k gia paradeigma 300 usa kai eyrwph 200k 8a nai lakamia. Σχετικά με τα 6.000.000 κομάτια φυσικά είναι αδύνατο να συμβεί και απευθύνεται περισσότερο στους οπαδούς της κονσόλας αλλά και στο καταναλωτικό κοινό γενικότερα προσπαθόντας να δημιουργήσει την εντύπωση ότι δεν θα υπάρχουν ελείψεις.Το ποιο ρεαλιστικό νούμερο είναι 2.000.000 κομάτια μέχρι το τέλος του χρόνου με κάποια ποσοστά απόκλισης πάνω κάτω. ki egw kati tetoio pisteyw, dyskolo na mhn exoun problhma me tosa nea e3arthmata wste na ftasoun ta 6 ek flawless, pisteyw oti htan ka8ara kommati entypwsiasmou kai dikaiologias gia thn ka8ysterhsh alla eiomnen
DrFreeman Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Aυτό ήθελα να γράψω κι εγώ συνάδελφε! Γενικά το hype πάει βροχή στο κείμενο...την ξέρουμε δα τη Sony! Εγώ πάντως θα σταθώ στο worldwide launch - είναι ευχάριστη εξέλιξη, ακόμη και με τα προβλήματα που θα έχει.
Slay Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 la8os me ena ekatomyrio kai 6 mexri to telos tou 2006 tha exoyn ftiaxei mexri ton noembrh 1 ekatomyrio, kai ton dekembrh tha ftiaxoyn alla 5, ti kapnizeis? me ps2 mono poy to eides ayto?
Daredevil Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 den eipa 8a ftia3oun 5 ek se ena mhna kai mallon oi ths sony kapnizoun kati: Once released, Sony will unleash one million units per month with a total of six million units in 2006 alone. Production numbers are higher for PS1 and PS2 in their initial years. poy to eides ayto? As for backwards compatability, Sony announced that the PS3 will be 100% backwards compatible and all PS2 titles will be displayed at high-definition re solutions (like the XBox360). Edw den to leei ka8ara? ps2 leei ps1 den leei pou8ena? Note: epeidh mallon yparxoun 2 diaforetikes edt sto web me to compatability neiptw ta xeiras mou px edw "Sony also announced that the PlayStation 3 will be 100% backwards compatible with PS1 and PS2 games, and all titles played on the system will be displayed at high-definition resolutions kai edwAs for backwards compatability, Sony announced that the PS3 will be 100% backwards compatible and all PS2 titles will be displayed at high-definition resolutions (like the XBox360)
xrest Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 ta nea einai kala gia mas.k gia tous amerikanoun.panw katw ekei to perimaname.gia tous jp peirazei panta prwtoi ta xoun ola.mono me preorder tha paixthei i douleia.ti kala ksana xristougenna me kainourgio bixlimpidi..twra ti games thaxei na doume...a k timi
Narayan Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Μπα δεν είπε ψέματα η Sony... όταν έλεγε για "Spring 2006" προφανώς εννούσε άνοιξη στο... Νότιο Ημισφαίριο Ακόμα να δούμε ωστόσο in-game πλάνα από τους launch τίτλους.
Daredevil Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Ακόμα να δούμε ωστόσο in-game πλάνα από τους launch τίτλους. eidame to untold legends basika xwris plaka 8a doume pisteyw meta apo iounio an ki nomizw oti den 8a nai poloi kai 8a einai fysika kai 1hs genias... pantws eimai periergos na dw pioi 8a nai
Slay Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 15 Μαρτίου 2006 den eipa 8a ftia3oun 5 ek se ena mhna kai mallon oi ths sony kapnizoun kati: Once released' date=' Sony will unleash one million units per month with a total of six million units in 2006 alone. Production numbers are higher for PS1 and PS2 in their initial years.[/quote'] apo ayto poy edoses bgainei to symperasma oti tha exoyn 4-5 ekkatomyria sto launch kai allo ena me dyo mexri telos toy xronoy, oxi launch me 1 poy eleges esy.
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