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Full Auto 2 and Condemned announced on PS3


American magazine EGM (Electronic Gaming Monthly) tells us in its edition from

this month that the game Full Auto 2 of Sega, continuation of the racing game

on Xbox 360, will leave on PS3 and XBOX360 during 2007.

The magazine also specifies that Condemned: Criminal Origins will also leave on PS3...


Αρχiσαμε...deja vou κανείς??? :D :D


GamePro is in possession of a document from an anonymous internal source at Ubisoft. The leak details Ubisoft's game lineup for the fiscal year 2007, including prices, platforms, and release dates for dozens of games.


Highlights for the list of newly announced games include:



Tom Clancy's Firehawk (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 5 (PS3, Xbox 360, Rev, PC, PSP)

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 4 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Xbox, PS2)

Assassin (PS3, Xbox 360, Rev, PC, PSP)

Lumines 2 (PS2, PSP)

Game 5 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)

Alive (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)

Naruto (Xbox 360)

Rayman 4 (PS3, Xbox 360, Rev, PC, PS2, handheld)

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)



Perhaps the biggest eyebrow-raiser is the reference to a completely new Tom Clancy series title called Tom Clancy's Firehawk. The document shows that the game is under development for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. Whatever Firehawk is, the fact that it's not being developed for the PS2 and Xbox suggests that it was designed from the ground up to maximize the brute graphical force of the Xbox 360 and PS3. Firehawk is scheduled to launch in March of 2007, but far-off release dates such as this tend to be estimates, not hard launch dates.


Another surprise was the fact that Ubisoft is planning for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 5 to launch in November of 2006 for the PS3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Revolution, PCs, PSP, and current-gen consoles. There has been no word of this game until this point.


Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 4 is also allegedly under development for the PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox, PS2, and PC, and is scheduled to ship in March of 2007. Again, there has been no word on an official sequel to Ghost Recon 3 until now.


Another revelation is that Ghost Recon: Advance Warfighter -- currently available for the Xbox 360 -- is headed to the PlayStation 3 in November of 2006. The document also contains word that a Ghost Recon: Advance Warfighter mission pack is in production for the PS3, Xbox 360, PC, and PSP (which seems odd, given the fact that Advance Warfighter does not currently exist for the PS3).


Another completely unannounced game referenced in the document is Assassin, a title that's under development for the PS3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Revolution, PC, and PSP. Assassin is currently scheduled for a March 2007 release date, but as we've heard nothing about such a title, your guess is as good as ours.


PSP players, meanwhile, will be thrilled to learn the Ubisoft is developing a sequel to hit music puzzle game Lumines for the PSP....but this time, Lumines 2There are some major mysteries in the document, too. Just what is the game the document cryptically refers to as "Game 5"? The document lists a Spring 2007 release for Game 5 on the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. Likewise for Alive, a title under development for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. Judging by the fact that these games are only under development for high-end next-gen systems, our guess is that these are codewords for upcoming Ubisoft marquee titles, games that were designed from the ground-up to take full advantage of next-gen console hardware power. It's even possible that one of these games is Killing Day, the PS3 first-person shooter Ubisoft showed at last year's E3. Killing Day is noticeable absent on the release list.


There's more good news for Brothers in Arms fans, as it appears that Ubisoft is planning Brothers in Arms 3 not only for the Xbox 360, but for the Nintendo Revolution, PS3, PC, and the DS in February of 2007. There's also word that Brothers in Arms 2: Earned in Blood will make the jump to the PSP that month. Considering the PSP's power, it's likely that that game will be a fairly faithful port of the original PS2 game; likewise, the DS version of Brothers in Arms 3 is more likely to be a companion piece, not a full port.


Manga favorite Naruto is also under development for the Xbox 360. That series is currently on the GBA and PS2, but this is the first we've heard of a next-gen Naruto. The game is slated for a March 2007 release, but like so many of these far-off titles, it could slip.


Rayman fans can also take heart: Ubisoft is apparently planning to bring back their old platform-hopping mascot in Rayman 4 for the Xbox 360, Nintendo Revolution, PC, PS2, and handheld systems. Rayman 2 was a well-loved game with beautiful graphics and a diehard fan base, and it's great to see Ubisoft planning to bring the series back this November.


Ubisoft is also planning to bring Dark Messiah of Might & Magic to the PS3, Xbox 360, and PSP. Though it's possible the game is based off of the upcoming Heroes of Might & Magic V, due out for the PC in the coming months, it seems to be a completely original title. Considering that it's coming out for the PSP as well, our guess is that it's a more action-oriented game along the lines of the Untold Legends series, but that's pure speculation.


The Ninja Turtles are also making the jump to next-gen consoles in the spring of 2007, landing on the PS3, the Nintendo Revolution, and the Xbox 360. The game will also launch on current-gen consoles, the PC, and handheld systems.


The document also shares information on the release date for Devil May Cry 3.5, a strangely-titled port of the PS2 game Devil May Cry 3. Devil May Cry 3 is scheduled to ship in April of 2006. Resident Evil 4 on the PC, meanwhile, is currently slated for release in May of 2006.


Other titles have less specific information. Highway Battles, for instance, has no release date and is listed as an Xbox 360-only game. Enchant Arms is scheduled to hit the Xbox 360 in July, and Blazing Angel 1.5 is scheduled for a November 2006 release on PS3, Xbox 360, and the original Xbox.


Ubisoft representatives were unavailable for comment at the time of this post. We'll update the story should they provide confirmation or comment.

Full Auto 2 and Condemned announced on PS3


American magazine EGM (Electronic Gaming Monthly) tells us in its edition from

this month that the game Full Auto 2 of Sega' date=' continuation of the racing game

on Xbox 360, will leave on PS3 and XBOX360 during 2007.

The magazine also specifies that Condemned: Criminal Origins will also leave on PS3...


Αρχiσαμε...deja vou κανείς??? :D :D[/quote']

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

kalo to full auto 2.elpizw nanai kalitero.alla to condemned ti douleia exei??ektos an bgaloun kana condemned me 2-3 pragmata parapanw,alliws einai mapa pou tha to bgaloun ksana oten bgei to ps3..


γιατι "μαπα" xrest?

μηπως θα εχει καννα καλυτερο game το ps3 ή μηπως το εχει παιξει κανεις απο τους ...νηστευοντες?


re sy petran to condemned brikan na anakoinwsoun sto ps3??itan apo ta kalitera launch games tou 360 en etei 2005...

koita mporei na min to exoun paiksei exeis dikio.an k exoun mia eukairia logw tis ekdoseis gia pc.

GamePro is in possession of a document from an anonymous internal source at Ubisoft. The leak details Ubisoft's game lineup for the fiscal year 2007' date=' including prices, platforms, and release dates for dozens of games.





Χμμμ, παράξενο. Οι αναφορές μιλούσαν ότι η Ubisoft σχεδιάζει αποκλειστικό fps τίτλο για το Revo. Στη παραπάνω λίστα όμως δεν φαίνεται κάτι τέτοιο, εκτός και άν η ολοκλήρωσή του θα γίνει μετά το 2007.


Some quotes from OPM/Starbreeze on it:


"The engine we used on Riddick wasn't really suited for the current generation of Hardware. This is OUR next generation - our second title with that sort of technology, which gives us a big advantage. With The Darkness we started with tools that were already developed for the core part of the technology".


"And as with every next-generation title, content production is key. It takes longer to create each individual part of the contents since it's so much more detailed." He zooms in close on a man with a 5 o'clock shadow, and we can actually see his pores and the hairs sprouting out of the follicles."


"It [PS3] is complex hardware. If you want to take advantage of it, you've got to rethink how a lot of stuff works. But for every revision Sony sends, the tools and technology and more mature. And when we develop technology internally here at Starbreeze, we tie it really closely to game design. That's the advantage of an in-house engine..."


On Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom:


- Plot isn't a sequel to the previous UL games, but skips around the timeline

- 3+ playable characters. (Brute, Mage and Knight confirmed)

- Hoping to use Cell to add more detail e.g. When you smash skeletons, you'll see bones ricochet individually off stone walls, etc.

- It'll be 1080p (according to OPM)

- Online is mentioned, but developer can't confirm specific modes or detail yet.


Scans akoma den yparxoyn, otan bgoyn tha ginoyn post edo.


Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom Screens


H allios ti na apofygete na agorasete gia to PS3, to paixnidi einai ths SOE opote mallon MMORPG, tora denoyn kai ta sxolia toy apolymenoy apo thn SOE, me tetoia fola pos na mhn nomizeis oti einai kalytero to 360 :mrgreen: :mrgreen:









katse re slay pws to bgazeis fola to game apo 2-3 screnshots? pantws asxeto mou fainete oti telika me ayta pou perimenete etsi a8 apogohteyteite me ta 1a games tou ps3

Deixe moy ena omorfo game ths SOE , gia to ps2 gia paradeigma, apla oi anthropoi einai atalantoi.


yep ayto einai oti einai atalantoi..... egw eilikrina sto lew an exeis pistepsei to hype(pou exeis dld) ola mapa 8a ta bgazeis molis deixnoun 5 in game screens(apopsh mou fysika prwta pai3e ena paixnidi kai meta mila gi ayto) A kai to sxolio apo to gamereports.com


Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom Playstation 3 Screens! >



We have a real treat for you today. One of our readers has submitted to us what he says are screens from the Untold Legends game being developed for the Playstation 3. As you can see from the shots the game looks very Kameo-ish, and these real gamepaly shots certainly look nothing like the PS2 media hype machine that has been in effect since last year's E3. Now, we are ceratinly not biased towards any system but it is nice to see real-world PS3 media for a change! Click on the news title for the screens.

emena pantos ta screenshots mou thimizoun to pos ftiaxtike to God Of War. otan termatizeis to game sou kseklidone i oli poreia pros tin ilopoiisi tou god of war. se proimes faseis pou itan playable, ta grafika itan gtp. mporei ta en logw sceenshots (an den einai fake opos afinei na ennoithei kai auti i ekdoxi apo ton sintakti) na einai apo proimi fasi development tou en logw paixnidiou.


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