Daredevil Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 einai proxeiro ante na paikseis merikes ores k meta na to varetheis(gouxou, gouxou). gia auto apetixe na xtipisei i ms me to xbox to ps2 edw kaneis poly megalo la8oos file kallair px an sygkrineis to gt me to forza 8a deis oti exei ola ayta pou xei to gt + ths zhmeies pou gia mena einai h diafora se tetoia games pou apokalountai race simulators(to na trakareis px ton mprostino sou sthn strofh me 180 na ton bgazeis ektos kai na synexizeis xwris na xeis pa8ei tpt den einai simulator) opws epishs kai to live pou pros8etei apeires wres gameplay. kai genika yparxoun para pola paradeigmata anwterou gameplay.
Slay Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 Summary / Partial Transcript Of The Following Webcast: NVIDIA Corporation at Morgan Stanley Semiconductor & Systems Conference (Replay) 03/07/06 at 8:45 a.m. PT - "So I think your RSX full production silicon is ready" - "Yeh." - "Sony is manufacturing RSX in their own fabs, as well as Toshiba fabs" - "Our focus now is on diesize reduction and bring up more fabs" - In terms of our economic relationship with Sony, it has 3 parts: --- NRA: "We are signed up to build the RSX for Sony, to port RSX to multiple fabs to increase the capacity." - Had the think in terms of being able to build 30M units a year. Needed to potentially repeat the PS2 success. - Tons of different fabs needed to reach that capacity, so it's a lot of work. - For us, we're also signed up to do cost reduction to new processes. -- Also working on making the RSX more prevelant at Sony. RSX+CELL = Digital Architecture for Sony. - So they want to use that architecture in all kinds of things, among which HD Video-related. - Look at PS2: Two huge chips back one, One small chip that's hardly costing anything now. - So, have to "reimplement the RSX" within the next 10 years into all those kinds of digital devices. - Considered to be a 50% Margins Business. --- License Element of the PS3: Extra fixed licensing revenue every quarter for 3 years. http://www.beyond3d.com/forum/showthread.php?t=28999
privateer Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 Will the real PlayStation 3 launch date please stand up? http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20060308-6345.html
kallair Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 @daredevil:to gt4 den exei ginei toso gnosto apo to simulating tou stin odigisi alla logw tou plithous twn amaksiwn k twn eksairetikwn grafikwn. den eipa oti ola ta games tou xbox einai etsi. antithetws tonisa oti to ps2 eixe tetoious titlous san "mprostarides" pou den xreiastike kapoia ipiresia tipou live gia na petixei.kai tha ksanakano tin erotisi. as mou pei kapoios ena paixnidi sto xbox pou na exei paiksei 400+ ores opos to final fantasy(vasika toses epaiksa sto save pou termatisa. sto allo save pou nomiza oti eixa kolisei k to esvisa eixa alles toses).otan exeis tetoies apokleistikotites k ena koino to opoio einai euxaristimeno apo tin mexri tora poreia tis konsolas tou, to ps3 den xreiazetai kapoio hype gia na parei k pali ta skripta tou nikiti. Prosopika ti na tous kano titlous stil black? na paikso 5-10 ores k auto itan? exo stin katoxi mou master system, atari, super nintendo, amiga, amstrad cpc 464, ps1, nintendo 64, ps2, gamecube(mono to xbox mou glitose. itan na to paro se mia prosfora tou multirama pou to edine doro me to adsl-in-the-box plus alla eksantlithike mesa se 1 mera )k mono PS fan den mporei na me xaraktirisei kapoios. alla to ps2 einai i konsola opou mou kratise(k akoma krataei as einai kala oi 200+ titloi pou den exo dokimasei akoma )tin kaliteri sintrofia. k i sony den xreiazetai kalliteri diafimisi apo ton idio ton katanaloti. k katholou diafimisi na min ekane sto ps3, istera apo tis entiposeis mou san katoxos ps1 k ps2, to ps3 tha to epairna me kleista ta matia.
Daredevil Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 @daredevil:to gt4 den exei ginei toso gnosto apo to simulating tou stin odigisi alla logw tou plithous twn amaksiwn k twn eksairetikwn grafikwn. kaneis la8os dioti px kai oloi h seira nfs eixe e3airetika grafika. to olo 8ema me to gt otan prwtobghke htan oti htan ena paixnidi aytokihtwn pou den patouses aplws gkazi freno (pws einai to pro evo px pou den patas 3 koumpia kai bazeis 18 gkol) alla emfa8hne se pio periploko kai synama e8istiko gameplay (me tis adeies ta peiragmata klp klp na to yposthrizoun teleia) oti to ps2 eixe tetoious titlous san "mprostarides" pou den xreiastike kapoia ipiresia tipou live gia na petixei.yparxoun arketes analyseis pou anaferoun giati to ps2 petyxe enas apo aytous otan paizeis sxedon 10 xronia monos to brand poulaei apo mono tou. oso gia to live einai emfanes oti h ms estrwne to xali gia twra. as mou pei kapoios ena paixnidi sto xbox pou na exei paiksei 400+ ores opos to final fantasy koita basika sto pro evo exw panw apo 400 wres gia plaka fantsou me to online ti ginete. otan exeis tetoies apokleistikotites k ena koino to opoio einai euxaristimeno apo tin mexri tora poreia tis konsolas tou, to ps3 den xreiazetai kapoio hype gia na parei k pali ta skripta tou nikiti Akribws to idio koino eixan Nitendo kai sega prin to psx kai omws exasan. Prosopika ti na tous kano titlous stil black? na paikso 5-10 ores k auto itan?den diafwnw sygkekrimenagia to black einai oti pio rhxo exw dei.. alla to ps2 einai i konsola opou mou kratise(k akoma krataei as einai kala oi 200+ titloi pou den exo dokimasei akoma) re filaraki poses wres paizeis video games? pisteyw oti me to na mhn asxolh8eis me to xbox sou afhse lan8asmenes entypwseis gi aythn. k katholou diafimisi na min ekane sto ps3, istera apo tis entiposeis mou san katoxos ps1 k ps2, to ps3 tha to epairna me kleista ta matia.eipame to brand apo mono tou einai diafhmhsh , alla gia mpes kai sthn antipera ox8h me ayton pou eixe xbox kai htan apolyta ikanopoihmenos giati na mhn parei px to 360? alla fysika h pliopshfia den skeftete etsi yparxoun poloi kai diaforoi paragontes, e kai h diafhmhsh einai mia apo aytous
nestorn Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 ...otan exeis tetoies apokleistikotites k ena koino to opoio einai euxaristimeno apo tin mexri tora poreia tis konsolas tou, to ps3 den xreiazetai kapoio hype gia na parei k pali ta skripta tou nikiti... Aυτή η πρόταση πιστεύω τα λέει όλα και απεικονίζει 100% την πραγματικότητα...
kallair Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 @daredevil: 1. mallon i den diatiposa sosta ton oro gameplay i den to katalaves esi. to gameplay tou gt4 einai apsogo. pio pano eipa oti den exei kalo simulating. oxi oti den exei kalo gameplay k vathos. 2.les oti epaize10 xronia moni. ma pote i sony epaize moni tis? otan eixe gia antipalo to saturn? otan eixe gia antipalo pio meta to anwtero nintendo 64? oi apokleistikotites kai i megali k kali gkama paixnidiwn tin katestise 1h. tipota den einai tixaio. 3. den milame gia paixnidia podosfairou. milame gia adventures, rpg, horror k genika alla platform paixnidia. kai ego me to pes5 paizo kathe mera toulaxiston 2 paixnidakia stin kseftila. bale apo 20 lepta to kathe paixnidi vale oti paizo pes apo tin epoxi tou 98 sto ps1... ipologise poses ores gameplay einai auto. ma den einai auto to thema. san rpg i toulaxiston platform, den iparxoun antistoixoi titloi sto xbox. 4.i sega exase epeidi den katafere na ekmetaleutei to onoma tis k tis apokleistikotites tis(vlepe sonic). vale k tou skakous xeirismous pou ekane, na pou katantise. oso gia tin nintendo, o monos logos pou diasothike einai:a) oi poli geres apoleistikotites pou exei(vlepe mario, zelda), b)steirizetai para poli sto portable gaming. ksereis posa esoda eixe apo to gameboy? pali pou eixe k auto k aposvese tin xasoura apo tin apotixia tou nintendo 64. 5.poses ores paizo video games? k mono pou sou eipa ti konsoles exo, sou exo idi apantisei sto erotima auto. oso gia tin lanthasmeni apopsi gia to xbox pou les.. ma pote eksefrasa apopsi gia to xbox kathe autou? ego eipa oti ap tin stigmi pou me kaliptei to playstation os konsola, ap tin stigmi pou exei apokleistikotites pou den prokeitai na epaiza me to xbox kai apo tin stigmi pou to xbox den exei antistoixous titlous, den vlepo logo na tin epilekso san tin epomeni konsola mou. kai episis episimana oti an akolouthisei tin idia taktiki k sto 360, tote koitontas tin istoria tha epanalifthei to idio skiniko. 6.kai kala na kanei autos pou pire to xbox, na parei k to 360 tora. to thema einai oti den prokeitai na paiksei MGS, gran turismo, final fantasy klp klp. auto prospatho na sou eksigiso. ego prosopika skeftomai na paro san 2h konsola (an kapote paro)to revolution logw tis prototipias tou alla k logw mario.
Slay Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 At the press conference for "Shin Sangoku Muso (Dynasty Warriors) BB" PC MMO action game for Yahoo! BB ISP subscribers, the Koei president, Kiyoshi Komatsu, said "though we have nothing to announce for PS3 today, apparently SCE is going to hold its conference on 15th (March), so some information about PS3 will emerge there." http://www.beyond3d.com/forum/showthread.php?t=29029 ego prosopika skeftomai na paro san 2h konsola (an kapote paro)to revolution logw tis prototipias tou alla k logw mario. kai ego epishs, an ontos einai toso epanastatiko oso legetai, tha to exo sta ypopsin sigoyra, analogos meta kai ti games tha exei kai poso tha kanei.
ProEvoFan Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 tha symfoniso me kallair! gia paradeigma pare to fifa kai to pro evo! poio exei kalitera grafika? to fifa fysika..exei ola ta licences exei ta panta! poio exei kalitero gameplay? to pro fysika! poio yperysxise? to pro fysika gia to akseperasto mexri tora pou milame gameplay tou! vlepeis kai sy re petro oti ginete tournoua pro evo sto 360 me to pro tou ps2/xbox kai oxi me to next gen fifa tou 360! ayto ti leei? oti to gameplay metraei re paidi mou oso tpt allo! pos na to kanoume tora! to pro 360 ksero oti tha vgei kai tha to timiso deontos na sai sigouros! opos na sai sigouros oti den exeis tyxi kamoia apenanti mou...apla tha fas ligotera logo tou oti de me voleyei to control tou 360! borei na perno memonomeno paradeigma alla de thelo na leo pragmata pou de ksero giayto milao ek peiras gia ayta ta 2 paixnidia!
xrest Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 kala as ebgaine to n64 me cd k i istoria isws itan diaforetiki.. kallair eisai thirio pantws pou paizeis ff k deuteri fora...mono to ff7 eixa paiksei 3 fores logw twn triwn weapons pou ithela na nikisw. k mono xbox naxe kapoios de blepw na tou eleipse k tpt skeftomenos ta games pou ebgale..ante mono to resi4 k ta ff exase.a nai k to mgs3 k oson afora to revo k gw tha to skeftw otan parw to ps3.apla auti ti fora tha perimenw na dw ti games tha bgalei prwta k meta blepoume.dioti i epanastatikotita tou controller de mou leei tpt.protimw ta 100 sequels twn halo,mgs,ff,ninja gaiden,resi klp klp apo ta mario k tin prigipissa pali
Daredevil Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 2.les oti epaize10 xronia moni. ma pote i sony epaize moni tis? otan eixe gia antipalo to saturn? otan eixe gia antipalo pio meta to anwtero nintendo 64? oi apokleistikotites kai i megali k kali gkama paixnidiwn tin katestise 1h. tipota den einai tixaio.ousiasthka to sat htan off apo ton 2o xrono kykloforias tou sthn ousia apo dikes tou la8os epiloges (to dyskolo programming mia apo aytes) ekei panw bghke to n64 me thn N na kanei xaza la8h(pou gia mena synexize na kanei se ena pososto) opws to cartidges ta polla lefta gia royalties pou zhtouse.(isws mono kalo to joypad ths) to opoio pali se 2 xronia htan off apo kei kai pera, opte sthn ousia monh ths den epaize (kai safws oloi oi devs ebgalan gi ayth thn konsola paixnidia) 3. den milame gia paixnidia podosfairou. milame gia adventures, rpg, horror k genika alla platform paixnidia.ma egw kata kyrio logo paizw synh8ws sport games alla kai pali an e3aireseis ta jrpg den exei pou8ena na zhlepsei to xbox, san rpg i toulaxiston platform, den iparxoun antistoixoi titloi sto xbox. ao platform pou mou erxete sto myalo 8a sou dwsw 3 to otogi 1,2 kai t ninja gaiden o gia tin lanthasmeni apopsi gia to xbox pou les.. ma pote eksefrasa apopsi gia to xbox kathe autou? ego eipa oti ap tin stigmi pou me kaliptei to playstation os konsola, ap tin stigmi pou exei apokleistikotites pou den prokeitai na epaiza me to xbox kai apo tin stigmi pou to xbox den exei antistoixous titlous, ma ayto sou lew afou den exeis pai3ei titlous tou xbox den mporeis na krineis 6.kai kala na kanei autos pou pire to xbox, na parei k to 360 tora. to thema einai oti den prokeitai na paiksei MGS, gran turismo, final fantasy klp klp.opws kai o allos den 8a mporei na pai3ei alles tose apokleisthkothtes (gia to mgs kai to ff mhn to orkizese kiolas)ego prosopika skeftomai na paro san 2h konsola (an kapote paro)to revolution logw tis prototipias tou alla k logw mario. egw analoga mporei na parw kai tis treis den apokleiw tpt oso ayto me ta xrysa ayga an einai gia 400-500 eyrw siga to poso
p3tran Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 tha symfoniso me kallair! gia paradeigma pare to fifa kai to pro evo! poio exei kalitera grafika? to fifa fysika..exei ola ta licences exei ta panta! poio exei kalitero gameplay? to pro fysika! poio yperysxise? to pro fysika gia to akseperasto mexri tora pou milame gameplay tou! vlepeis kai sy re petro oti ginete tournoua pro evo sto 360 me to pro tou ps2/xbox kai oxi me to next gen fifa tou 360! ayto ti leei? oti to gameplay metraei re paidi mou oso tpt allo! pos na to kanoume tora! to pro 360 ksero oti tha vgei kai tha to timiso deontos na sai sigouros! opos na sai sigouros oti den exeis tyxi kamoia apenanti mou...apla tha fas ligotera logo tou oti de me voleyei to control tou 360! borei na perno memonomeno paradeigma alla de thelo na leo pragmata pou de ksero giayto milao ek peiras gia ayta ta 2 paixnidia! ενα game μπορει να ειναι πατατα ασχετως πλατφορμας. τι να κανουμε τωρα? να βγαλουμε το fifa καλυτερο απο το pro evo? δεν γινεται. αντικατοπτριζει ομως το launch game fifa 06 τα αθλητικα games στο 360? ουτε κατα διανοια. ασχετως αν τα γραφικα ειναι για χαζι. ειπαμε, pro evo 360 8)
privateer Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 Sony "definitely not" committing to simultaneous US, Euro launch for PS3 http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=15235
Slay Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 To conference gia tis 15 marth einai tora kai sto IGN, bebaia ti na to kanoyme otan yparxei o one sto beyond3d PS3 Announcements Pending? Koei president hints at upcoming Sony Computer Entertainment conference. March 9, 2006 - Koei CEO Kiyoshi Komatsu has made comments suggesting that new PlayStation 3 details could be arriving as early as next week. Japanese technology site Broadband Watch reports that Komatsu, fielding questions at a Japanese press conference where Koei announced final details on its PC-based massively multiplayer adaptation of the Dynasty Warriors series, touched briefly on the PS3, stating, "It seems that SCE (Sony Computer Entertainment) will have an announcement conference on the 15th, so perhaps some details relating to the PS3 will be released there." At the annual PlayStation awards ceremony last Summer, SCE president Ken Kutaragi announced that a PlayStation Conference of some form would be held in February of this year. February passed without that conference taking place. All eyes turned to the Game Developers Conference, where, on March 22, SCE's Phil Harrison will make a keynote presentation called "PlayStation 3: Beyond the Box." IGN has yet to hear details on the March 15th conference mentioned by Komatsu, but the timing would be perfect to give the Japanese press a jump on the Game Developers Conference and to help clear up some of the doubts that have been raised regarding the PlayStation 3's launch schedule over the past few weeks. http://ps3.ign.com/articles/694/694704p1.html
BlizardBill Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2006 nai alla ec les ayto: kai se rwtaw link gi ayt to mallon pragmatiko >16gb. Δεν πρέπει να υπάρχουν κανονικά τέτοιοι δίσκοι στην αγορά βρε φίλε... η Microsoft θα τους ανακάλυψε για να πληρώσει κανά ευρώ λιγότερο. Δεν τους χρειάζεται ούτε για compability η sony ούτε για memory card ... ο HD δεν έχει κανένα λόγο να είναι «δείγμα από σκληρό» στο ps3 .
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