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Μόνο που το θέμα δεν έχει καταλήξει και είναι ένας λόγος που αργούν τα Bluray-HDDVD (και κατ' επέκταση το PS3).


AACS has finally made the baby step of offering provisional licensing to the likes of Sony, Toshiba, and the other early manufactures of hi-def DVD solutions.

  • Απαντ. 6,5k
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Αν υπάρξει πρόβλημα, γιατί η Microsoft ανακοίνωσε HD Dvd; Τόσο άσχετοι είναι;

Μέχρι αυτή τη στιγμή έτσι φαίνεται ... βάση των όσων ξέρουμε , όλες οι αναλογικές έξοδοι θα δουλεύουν και χωρίς HDCP μεν , ΑΛΛΑ θα βγάζουν σήμα μόνο μέχρι 920*540 (ή κάτι τέτοιο) που είναι λίγο καλύτερο από απλό dvd αλλα όχι HD .


Οπότε θα μπορείς να δεις τις Hd ταινίες στο Xbox360 , αλλά αν δεν κάνουν κάποια ειδική συμφωνία, ή δεν βάλουν ψηφιακή έξοδο με κάποιο τρόπο, φαίνεται ελάχιστα χρήσιμο το drive.

H samsung pou exeis exei dvi kai hdmi ypodoxes

Telika prepei na eimaste polloi me samsung hdtvs :)

Και εγώ αυτή πήρα. Είναι μέσα στις 5 καλύτερες 32αρες της αγοράς , έχει σχέση απόδοση/τιμή:10 , πολύ καλή εικόνα και συνδεσιμότητα. Εκτός από hdmi+dvi έχει και d-sub15 για σύνδεση με την κάρτα γραφικών του υπολογιστή χωρίς να παρουσιάζει overscan.

Πάντως όντως είναι πολλοί αυτοί που την έχουν γιατί όταν πήγα πριν από τα χριστούγεννα να την αγοράσω ήταν το μόνο από τα γνωστά μοντέλα που δεν μπορούσα να βρώ διαθέσιμο (υπήρχε μόνο το μοντέλο της βιτρίνας).

εε! φανατικοι playstationακηδες που ΔΕΝ θα παρετε 360----->>>>>>παρτε τουλαχιστον μια samsung :))))

An htan na paro HDTV, den tha epairna me tipota TFT, h tha perimena tis SED, h tha symbibazomoyn me mia plasma.

slay, εσυ αγορι μου δεν εισαι για nextgen.. πας κατευθειαν στο next-next :mrgreen:

emm ti na kanoyme, otan exeis synithisei sto 30.000-40.000:1 contrast ratio, den pas sta mizera 700-1000:1 ton TFT, ante na symbibasteis me ena 10.000:1 ton plasma.


Slay,η πλασμα μου εχει 1200:1 και χτυπαει στα αφτια κατι 10.000:1 πλασματακια....


Hitach PD7200 πενταστερη σε ολα τα ξενα sites και περιοδικα,9.8/10 παντου παιρνει...Η δευτερη καλυτερη 42" στο κοσμο μετα απο την Panasonic στα 3.000 ευρω,και η Panny εχει 4.500 ευρω!


Και απο τα 1080p σε 1080i το ματι δεν βλεπει τη διαφορα,το εχουμε πει και πιο παλια αλλωστε.


Οταν λες 30.000:1 και 40.000:1 που αναφερεσαι?Καναν Barco εχεις?Που το βαζεις τετοιο γαιδουρι και παιζει?

Slay,η πλασμα μου εχει 1200:1 και χτυπαει στα αφτια κατι 10.000:1 πλασματακια....

thn exeis sygkrinei dipla se plasma 10.000:1 kai htan kalyterh h dikia soy? h etsi apla to les?


Και απο τα 1080p σε 1080i το ματι δεν βλεπει τη διαφορα,το εχουμε πει και πιο παλια αλλωστε.

1. Ypotimas ta antrhropina matia

2. Thn paroimia me thn alepoy thn xereis fantazomai.


Οταν λες 30.000:1 και 40.000:1 που αναφερεσαι?Καναν Barco εχεις?Που το βαζεις τετοιο γαιδουρι και παιζει?

oi kathodikes, exoyn theoritika apeiro contrast ratio, to pragmatiko toys einai sta epipeda poy edosa parapano, giayto ton logo kai den eixe akoystei pote to contrast ratio prin bgoyn oi TFT, giati htan toso megalo poy den eixe nohma.


But thereʼs a more important issue – can you really see the difference in resolution between 1080i and 1080p? Tests of visual acuity to determine the resolution required of a television transmission system by the BBCʼs J.O. Drewery and R. Salmon determined that at 9 feet, a 50 inch screen at 720pʼs resolution will give you all the resolution you can see! At 9 feet, a 56 incher needs 1080i to avoid seeing the pixel structure. If you sit farther or closer, you may need more resolution.




There are pseudo-scientific charts around that suggest MOST of us won't see much of a real world improvement in 1080P over 768P simply because of the eyeball's resolution capabilities. There is a "sweet spot" that is dependent on output (native) resolution versus size of your display.


Bottom line: If you are further back that the "SS", you don't get the benefit of higher resolution.


For example, I have a Sony 55" with 768P. It has a "sweet spot" of approximately 10 feet. My couch is located about 12 feet away... (nothing practicable can be done about its location...)...consequently, I am not getting even the full whammy from 768P. A 55" 1080P set has a "sweet spot" of about 6 feet. If you are sitting on my couch at 12 feet, they will look identical. Both quite good, by the way. I am not complaining about anything. To the contrary, science is telling me to enjoy my 55" 768p for a long time.


By the way, I did confirm this "in the field" when I was at CES this past January.


Sooooo, don't work yourself into a lather because you have an earlyish 720 DLP or 768 LCD. In your home you probably won't see the difference anyway.


πηγη:http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=642734 thread #7


Διαβασε και ολο αυτο το αρθρο:

Obviously, the quality of the source material you're viewing is very important, but so are screen size and how far you're sitting from your TV. Indeed, our resident video guru, Senior Editor David Katzmaier, reports that the extra sharpness afforded by the 1080p televisions he's seen is noticeable only when watching 1080i sources on a larger screen. Comparing a 50-inch 1080p DLP set to a 50-inch 720p DLP set, for example, he says you'll be hard-pressed to notice more detail with 1080i sources, especially from farther than 8 feet away. Even if you can see the difference, it will be much less obvious than, say, the difference between DVD and 720p HDTV. Of course, performance will vary from set to set, and we'll know more when we have a chance to thoroughly test more 1080p televisions.


Katzmaier also says that the main real-world advantage of 1080p is not the extra sharpness you'll be seeing, but instead, the smaller, more densely packed pixels. In other words, you can sit closer to a 1080p television and not notice any pixel structure, such as stair-stepping along diagonal lines, or screen door effect. This advantage applies regardless of the quality of the source.


Another thing to consider: even if the display has a native resolution of 1080p on paper, it can't necessarily display all 2 million-plus pixels in the real world. For example, the Sharp LC-45GX6U, a 1080p 45-inch flat-panel LCD, actually wasn't as sharp as it claimed to be; it couldn't resolve every line of a 1080i-resolution test pattern.


Finally--and this may sound weird--but many 1080p televisions don't accept 1080p sources at all. In our experience, only the aforementioned HP can handle 1080p via its HDMI inputs--all other current 1080p HDTVs cannot. Instead, they upconvert 720p and 1080i sources to 1080p.


Oh, and I would be remiss not to mention computer connectivity. Those of you thinking of running your PC through a 1080p set should be aware that you may not necessarily get to use all that extra resolution--even if you have the right high-end graphics card. For instance, the Sharp set we tested allows you to max out at only 1,280x1,024 resolution while the less-expensive Westinghouse LVM-37W1, along with Samsung's 1080p RPTVs and one series of high-end sets from Mitsubishi, accept true 1,920x1,080 resolution from a PC. We expect most 1080p HDTVs announced in 2006 to handle 1080p sources, but for now, that capability is rare.


The bottom line: if you're thinking of going big, really big (a 60-inch screen or larger), the extra resolution may make it worth the difference--as long as you have a pristine, 1080i HD source to feed into the set. As to whether true 1080p sources from PS3, a Blu-ray deck, or an HD-DVD player look better--we'll have to wait until 2006 to find out. Of course, it's probably a good idea to buy--or wait for--a set that can accept a 1080p signal so that you'll be able to make that judgment.


Πηγη: http://reviews.cnet.com/4520-6449-6361600-1.html



Δες και αυτο,με ενα τυπο με PC,κανει πειραματα με τις αναλυσεις με καρτα NVIDIA.

I see no difference in game performance from 1080i/1080p of course 60 fps as oppsed to 24 in gaming is what you want it plays and looks perfect!! Who needs XBox when you can just use your PC, as long as you have the proper hardware no problemo. Another thing I also noticed is a 37" HDTV @ 1080p makes no difference in PQ you need to go bigger for you to see the difference.You want the 60 fps for game play for certain situations performance wise. So don't let the big names fool you into thinking you need this for a 37" at a higher price. Sceptre has a nice unit that supports the 1080p signal at Cost Co for cheaper than other Name brands. But they have judder issues from what I have heard. And also make sure you get a TV with the proper 1080p input, the early releases are converting it from a 1080i signal through component,so be careful what you shop for in the future. And that's about all I got to say about that!


Διαβαστε λιγο για το σημα HDMI και τα 1080p,ειδικα για αυτους που εχουν τηλεοραση στα 1080p:

As far as my case my Syntax HVE blows away my Samsung LTN 32" as a monitor and HDTV at twice the cost. Highest supported res in WXGA on Syntax is 1920x1080 1368x768 Native it can go higher but there is no compensation for overscan when you go way beyond the capibility's of the TV. My Sammy can't even come close to these numbers not by a long shot. 8 ms response as opposed to 12 on my Sam. Companys like Syntax, Maxent, Sceptre are making big time news. Why not go to AVS Forums and check out the reviews on CES and maybe wait till the 2nd Q and see if prices drop on the early technology. Also another note HDMI 1.3 is supposed support 1080p but if you have been keeping up many people are having serious issues with HDMI as of right now. I didn't go with this standard for one reason and one reason only it's too new.


I knew better,and am glad I did go with just DVI-I also with DVI-I it has clamping screws as HDMI does not and the grossly overpriced "Moster" cables are so heavy that it interferes with the HDMI signal, in other words it so heavy it pulls the cable out if it's socket just enough for you to loose a signal. Best to wait till HDMI matures and let the forums do the talking from real people in the real world. Asking what the best TV is out there is like say'ing what's the best PC, matter of preference and how you like the spec sheet. Some people like DLP's while other's will swear on LCD, so it's a toss up and as I said let your eyes be the judge. I wouldn't worry about 1080p as of now but then again it does make sense to be ready when it is a standard with the cable co's. If I were you go to Costco and see what they have I know they sell Sceptre and some Panny's, Proview and some other "B" brands. For me and my Syntax getting the 1080p was just an added bonus with a little luck.





You have the best Q&A ever! So, I keep reading that the PS3 will run in 1080p. Is there a noticeable difference to the naked eye between 1080i and 1080p? If so, is it worth dropping the extra $500-$1000 to get a 1080p television now so you don't have to replace it in 6 months?





Dear Jake,


There is a noticeable difference, though it is really only terribly apparent on screens 50"+ and when seen from within 9 feet or so, as the addition of extra pixels in a 1080p display mean that all the pixels are packed closer together, which minimizes the "screen door" effect if you are looking at the display close-up. If you are planning to get a HDTV or some sort in the 60" range and image quality is something you really care about, I would say it's worth the extra $1000.


πηγη ign.com



Τελικα,τι πιστευεις?

Oταν σου λεω οτι ειναι no.2 στο κοσμο στις 42" τους τελευταιους 4-5 μηνες(υστερα απο ερευνα,ειναι 8 μηνες:D)χρειαζεται να την βαλω διπλα σε 10.000:1 (που στην ουσια δεν ειναι ουτε καν 2.000:1) για να καταλαβω τη διαφορα?

Kαι οσων αφορα την αλεπου,στο εχω ξαναπει,θα παρω PS3 και 1080p πλασμα,οποτε....


Take a l@@k: http://www.avreviews.com/index.php?action=Show%20product&product=Hitachi%2042PD7200


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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