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Ούτε μόνοι τους δεν φαίνονται ικανοί να πάνε καλά , και αφού έχασαν ουσιαστικά τα πρώτα Χριστούγεννα, θα χάσουν και τα δεύτερα μόλις βγούν τα Ps3-Rev.


Ίσως βέβαια ουσιαστικά να εννοούσε το μεθεπόμενο xbox , που υποθέτω θα βγει πολύ γρήγορα μετά το xbox360, και τότε όντος για 2-3 χρόνια ακόμα θα έχουν το νεότερο σύστημα.

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o gates eχει μιλησει και για αυτο..

μαλλον σε τετραετη κυκλο θα παιξει η m$ τις κονσολες της απο εδω και μπρος..

πολυ καλυτερο αυτο απο τα 10 χρονια (!!!) που λεει η sony


Θα θέλουν σίγουρα να το κάνουν και κάθε 2 χρόνια, για να μοιάζει ακόμα περισσότερο με το Pc και τις συχνές αναβαθμίσεις του .

Έχουν λεφτά για «πέταμα» μεν, αλλά αν δεν πιάσουν το νόημα με τις παιχνιδομηχανές δεν θα γίνουν ποτέ πραγματικά ανταγωνιστικοί.


ego pantos den tha epairna ena sistima pou tha iksera oti se 2-3 xronia tha epavan na to ipostirizoun... na tin xeso tin ms k tin sony an kanoun kati tetoio. den pao na rikso tin 400-500 sto pc kalitera? mono loser tha bgei opoios prospathisei na kanei kati tetoio.

παιδες' date=' την μονη σωστη εκτιμηση εδω και 3 χρονια την εκανε ο gates με το επιτελειο του..


ειχανε πει ΤΟΤΕ ολοι μαζι:

θα βγαλουμε το επομενο xbox τοσο πιο γρηγορα απο τον ανταγωνισμο, ωστε να ειμαστε μονοι μας στην αγορα [b']για 2 χριστουγεννα..


kai meta xypnhse....


η nvidia στον προϋπολογισμο τετραμηνου της δεν εμφανιζει εσοδα απο τη sony (που σημαινει οτι μεχρι τελος τετραμηνου ουτε μια ΒΙΔΑ απο ps3 δεν θα κατασκευαστει)

oxi shmainei oti den tha exei paei ps3 se retailer, giati tote tha parei ta postosta ths h Nvidia


τα specs τουλαχιστον απο τη μερια της nvidia εχουνε κλεισει (οποτε μην περιμενετε αλλη καλυτερη gpu)

Ta opoia poia einai? ta xereis esy? an ta xereis tha eisai o monadikos.

ρατανε τους playstationακηδες lockαρισμενους στο ps2 και να λεμε οτι το μετριο black ειναι "σχεδον" nextgen :)

well done sony-san 8)

ti krima gia sena, poy ta idia lene kai poly xbox fans gia to Black.


Sony cries wolf over PlayStation 3 launch plans


PlayStation 3 remains the mystery console for which far more questions have been posed than answers have ever been offered. Information on the console remains sparse, but to date, Sony hasn't actually broken any of its commitments regarding the platform - largely, it has to be said, because the firm has been incredibly evasive about ever making any such commitments.


All of that may be about to change. Every sign now suggests that Sony is about to break the first of its PS3 promises - specifically, the very tentative "Spring 2006" date which has been attached to the system since the very first official pronouncements were made about the PlayStation's next-generation sibling.


The problem is that the first day of spring on the calendar falls next Wednesday, and from that day Sony has a three-month window in which to launch the console, at least in some form, in order to make good on its commitment. That may not sound unreasonable, but bear in mind that as yet we have no idea what price point is planned for the console, what territory is to be targeted for launch first, what software will be available, what the marketing campaign will look like or even whether the system is being manufactured as yet.

Despite this, Sony is adamant that it will get the machine out the door on schedule. Third parties are less convinced, and we know of few if any in the west who are working on products for a Spring release - although we can't speak for Japanese publishers, who for all we know could be supporting a Spring launch to the hilt, however unlikely that may seem. Retail, meanwhile, is preparing for an autumn / winter launch for the system, and the industry in Europe is hopeful of a pre-Christmas launch, but will express little surprise if we end up seeing the PS3 in March 2007 - despite constant assurances to the contrary which European publishers claim to have received.


Ultimately, the simple problem here is that nobody trusts a word Sony says about its launch schedule. While the paranoid and often overtly negative comments of some analysts and journalists have suggested massive delays to the PS3 for often entirely spurious reasons - and some of the price estimates for the console floating around are downright ridiculous - there's no doubt that Sony's already dubious track record for delivering hardware has taken a serious battering from the botched launch of the PlayStation Portable, and the firm's silence on PS3 isn't helping matters much.


We understand perfectly what a tricky balancing act Sony faces at the moment and over the coming years, with no fewer than three platforms to keep healthy simultaneously in very closely related markets. We understand that Microsoft has forced Sony's hand, and that the Japanese electronics giant would be far happier to just bury the PS3 for many more months and focus on selling more PS2s, more PSPs and more software. However, none of those things change the fact that its current information blackout on PS3 is coming across as sheer arrogance to the rest of the market - and that the industry's implicit assumption is that the firm is lying about the spring date.


After all, if you're going to launch a brand new console platform in three months time, you'd rather if your partners - not just in publishing, but in development, in retail, and even in media - knew about it by now. Secrecy is all very well, but with each passing day the sales of Microsoft's Xbox 360 grow stronger, the software line-up improves, the supply channels become more robust and the company's offering becomes more attractive to consumers. If the spring launch isn't going to happen, or just as importantly, if the spring launch is going to see a dismal trickle of units released into the Japanese market followed by a wait of several before it hits the rest of the world, Sony needs to start telling people now, and letting them know where it goes from here.




φιλε slay

τα specs στην gpu εχουνε κλεισει. χωνεψε το. δεν ειναι ασχημα, απλα δεν ειναι καλυτερα απο το 360.


για το black, ειλικρινα θες να μιλησω??

κατ'αρχην θα σου πω 3 λεξεις..


πολυ υποδεεστερο σαν game απο οποιοδηποτε απο τα 3..


διαβασε και τι εγραψα στο τοπικ 360 για ζεσταμα,

και επιπλεον ακου και τα υπολοιπα:

ειναι πολυ μικρο, εχει replay value 0, δεν εχει κανενος ειδος online, οι αντιπαλοι εχουνε iq ραδικιου

και οποιος λεει οτι αυτα τα γραφικα ειναι σαν nextgen, απλως ειναι ...τυφλακας.

γιατι αν εννοει οτι το gameplay ειναι nextgen, τοτε ειναι και ζαβαδι.

πιο απλα δεν μπορω να το θεσω..


PlayStation 3 component prices: Why so high?


The big question will be how much of a financial loss Sony will have to swallow on each box in order to get consumers to buy them.


The estimated total bill of materials for Sony's next-generation game console will be between $725 and $905, according to various estimates. In comparison, the Xbox 360 from Microsoft comes with a component bill between $501 and $525.


Though Sony hasn't disclosed the price of the PS3, analysts figure it will have to be in the ballpark of $299 to $399--the price for the two versions of the Xbox 360. PS3 pricing speculation has heated up in recent days, along with rumors that the long-awaited game console could be delayed for up to a year.



The pricing disparity between the components for the two consoles comes largely because the Sony box will contain a Blu-ray drive, which supports the new high-definition Blu-ray DVD format. That could cost $200 to $300 or more per console. The processor in the PS3 also will likely cost more.


The unusual nature of the new console's component menu makes it difficult to pinpoint the cost estimate. The PS3 will be one of the few machines on the market with XDR memory, based on designs from Rambus.


Some analysts have suffered addition problems, too. Merrill Lynch wrote in a widely publicized research note that the component bill would total $900, not including a detachable drive, but Merrill later told CNET News.com that it meant to say $800.


Nonetheless, the cost of the rest of the components is roughly equal for both the Sony and Microsoft consoles, according to various analyst estimates.


The materials price estimates do not include marketing, software development, advertising or other costs, which will push Sony's total cost per console even higher. A Sony representative said the company would not comment on pricing.


A mismatch between the retail price and the cost of materials for a game console isn't unusual, because console manufacturers expect to make up the difference by selling games to run on the consoles. That's what Microsoft did with the Xbox 360.


The cost of making game consoles also drops rapidly over time because manufacturers don't usually upgrade the configurations year after year, while the cost of the components they're using drop. Merrill Lynch, in fact, estimates that the component bill will drop to $320 in three years, not including the detachable drive.


Ken Kutaragi, who heads up Sony Computer Entertainment, is counting on it. In 1999, the processor and the graphics chip inside the PS2 took up 239 and 279 square millimeters in surface area, respectively, which made them relatively large (and hence relatively expensive) chips, he noted in a speech in February in San Francisco. By 2004, the two chips were condensed into one that took up only 87 square millimeters, almost one sixth the size.


Here's how the components stack up.


Processor: The PS3 will be a showcase for the Cell processor from the SIT powers (Sony, IBM, Toshiba). The cell consists of a PowerPC core with eight signal processing cores. While the large number of cores help run multimedia applications, they also make for one large chip. Cell will take up 221 square millimeters of space, larger than the 168 square millimeters of the Xbox 360 processor. Larger chips are typically more expensive to make.


A greater percentage of the real estate on the Xbox 360 chip, also from IBM, is given up to cache memory. Cache is typically cheaper to manufacture than logic transistors, which own more of the real estate on Cell. As a result, Sony faces two disadvantages in terms of cost.


Kevin Krewell, editor in chief of the Microprocessor Forum, estimates the chip will cost between $150 and $170 at launch. Merrill Lynch puts the cost at $230, dropping to an estimated $60 in three years. In comparison, iSuppli estimates the cost of the Xbox 360 chip at $106.


The optical drive: For PS3, this is the killer. In 2006, manufacturers will have to pay $200 to $300 for Blu-ray drives, according to Wolfgang Schlichting, an analyst with IDC. By 2007, the price will drop to between $100 and $200. The Xbox has a standard DVD drive, with an optional HD-DVD drive.


Standard DVD drives sell for $20 or less. Even recordable DVD drives at wholesale sell for a mere $28 to $32.

Graphics chip: This looks like a tie. Microsoft worked with ATI Technologies to develop a chip that costs about $141, according to iSuppli. Sony teamed with ATI rival Nvidia for its chip, which could cost $120 to $150, according to Dean McCarron at Mercury Research. Since the two chips are based on the high-end PC chips from the two companies, and since ATI and Nvidia are such fierce competitors, it's a safe bet that the two are roughly equal here.


Memory: Looks like a tie, but Sony may take a slight hit here. The Xbox 360 will come with 512MB of GDDR (graphics double data rate memory, meant for handling graphics-intensive programs like games). The PS3 will come with 256MB of 700MHz GDDR 3 memory and 256MB of XDR memory. Bob Merritt of Semico Research says it's safe to assume that both types of memory will sell for a 100 percent premium over conventional DDR2 memory in 2006, dropping to a 50 percent premium the following year. A 256-megabit DDR2 chip sells for about $2.46 on the wholesale market, he said, leading to a price of about $79 for 512MB of GDDR (here's the math: 2.46 x 2 x 2 x 8. There are eight bits in a byte).


iSuppli and Merrill Lynch put the cost of memory at, respectively, $65 and $50. The average between the three is $65.


The only variable is that XDR may not decline in price as fast as GDDR, which is more widely used. The royalty Rambus charges is unknown.


In a twist, Samsung will make memory for both consoles.


Hard drive: The $399 version of the Xbox 360 comes with a detachable 20GB hard drive. Sony will include a detachable drive but hasn't set specifications. So again, it's a draw. On the wholesale market, the drives go for about $40.


Everything else: The power supply, the chassis, the wireless components--all of these parts will come from the same (or similarly situated) competitors in China and Taiwan and will cost the same. The "other" category of parts comes to about $165, according to iSuppli and $100 according to Merrill Lynch. Let's average that out to $130.


Total: If you use the low-end figures for Cell ($150) and the Blu-ray drive ($200) the PS3 materials bill comes to $700. The high estimate, including a $230 chip and $300 drive, comes to $880. The average is $790. The Xbox 360, meanwhile, comes in at $476 through averaging prices from different analysts. A study from iSuppli puts the figure at $525.



... Sony is adamant that it will get the machine out the door on schedule...

While the paranoid and often overtly negative comments of some analysts and journalists have suggested massive delays to the PS3 for often entirely spurious reasons ...

ΧΑΧΑ, πολύ το ευχαριστήθηκα το συγκεκριμένο κομμάτι ... πραγματικά μας έχουν κουφάνει ρε παιδιά με σαχλαμάρες λόγους για καθυστερήσεις του ps3, και εμείς αντί να το βλέπουμε και να γελάμε καθόμαστε και τις αναδημοσιεύουμε όλη την ώρα !!!

Τα «Αμερικανάκια» τις πιστεύουν κιόλας χωρίς πολλά-πολλά, από ότι παρατηρώ γενικά !!!!

(ευτυχώς που δεν μου ξέφυγε βρε privateer αφού είχες κάνει bold μόνο όσες υποθέσεις μιλάγανε για καθυστέρηση.... )



Πιστεύω ότι μόλις πέσουν και οι τελευταίες τυπικές υπογραφές για το θέμα των HighDefinition media σε κανά μήνα, τότε θα μπορούν να μας ανακοινώσουν την ημερομηνία κυκλοφορίας και τα πλήρες χαρακτηριστικά.

Και πως θα βγει πρώτα σε Ιαπωνία βέβαια και από Σεπτέμβριο-Νοέμβριο σε Αμερική και Ευρώπη, με τους μεγάλους τίτλους.

Πιστεύω ότι μόλις πέσουν και οι τελευταίες τυπικές υπογραφές για το θέμα των HighDefinition media σε κανά μήνα' date=' τότε θα μπορούν να μας ανακοινώσουν την ημερομηνία κυκλοφορίας και τα πλήρες χαρακτηριστικά.

Και πως θα βγει πρώτα σε Ιαπωνία βέβαια και από Σεπτέμβριο-Νοέμβριο σε Αμερική και Ευρώπη, με τους μεγάλους τίτλους.[/quote']


Kαι μετα ξυπνησε,οπως λεει και ο Slay!

φιλε slay

τα specs στην gpu εχουνε κλεισει.

safos kai exoyn kleisei' date=' ta akrinh noymera den xeroyme akoma.

δεν ειναι ασχημα, απλα δεν ειναι καλυτερα απο το 360.

H G70 (ayth poy poylietai gia PC) bgazei ta diplasia polygona, kai exei to diplasio fillrate apo to xenos, xonepse to.


για το black' date=' ειλικρινα θες να μιλησω??

κατ'αρχην θα σου πω 3 λεξεις..


πολυ υποδεεστερο σαν game απο οποιοδηποτε απο τα 3..[/quote']

Gnomh soy, yparxoyn polloi kai malista xbox xrhstes poy diafonoyn

Kαι μετα ξυπνησε,οπως λεει και ο Slay!

Εσύ υποθέτω ότι στηρίζεις τις αντίθετες εκτιμήσεις σου στο επόμενο xbox που λες ότι θα βγάλει πολύ σύντομα η Μicrosoft , έτσι ?

Αλλά εξήγησε μας λίγο παραπάνω, γιατί αλλιώς δεν μπορούμε να καταλάβουμε τίποτα.


stoixhmatizo 50 euro gia 1 augoustou 2006 :D.

Δεν ξέρω αν το έχουν βάλει και στο στοίχημα πουθενά :) , αλλά εγώ θα έλεγα 28 Μαίου Ιαπωνία(spring όπως λένε), 10 Οκτωβρίου Αμερική, και 10 Δεκεμβρίου Ευρώπη.

Θα ξεπουλήσουν επειδή είναι Ps3 και όλοι θα το θέλουν πριν τις γιορτές, αλλά τα παιχνίδια που θα αφήσουν πολύ πίσω τον ανταγωνισμό , άνθιση του blueray και ίσως μείωση τιμής θα έρθουν αμέσως μετά.

Τότε θα τελειώσει ουσιαστικά το xbox360, και η Microsoft θα προσπαθεί να βγάλει το επόμενο.

Θα ξεπουλήσουν επειδή είναι Ps3 και όλοι θα το θέλουν πριν τις γιορτές, αλλά τα παιχνίδια που θα αφήσουν πολύ πίσω τον ανταγωνισμό , άνθιση του blueray και ίσως μείωση τιμής θα έρθουν αμέσως μετά.

Τότε θα τελειώσει ουσιαστικά το xbox360, και η Microsoft θα προσπαθεί να βγάλει το επόμενο.

poly ioulio bern diabazeis ec :P


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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