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1)to an den vrikes tropo esi gia na douleuei o proxy tis eon mesw allwn programmatwn ektos flasghget den simenei oti "eine o monos pou dexetai Proxy HTTPS me authauraization" opws les.2)surfing ekana mehri na erthei to skybooster kai na stamatisei to unicast,oxi prin ena hrono 3)panta ta ftp den eihan provlimata me tis ports alla mono me ta directories pou eihan haraktires [ ] ; 4)an den stous eihan dwsei kalo itan na tous zitages 5)den diavases ta psila grammata pou den sou egiithikan pote oti den prokeite oi ipiresies pou ishian tote na min alazan 6)kalo tha itan na to aneferes sta post sou 7)oi "alhimies" pou ekana me tis ip kai ta p2p programmata vasizontas sto unicast kai anaferontan se ola ta tote forums 8)den anaferthikes se filo alla se filous pollous hwris na dineis plirofories gia to pote mirazosoun ton kodiko.parolauta to ffm mporousan na to hrisimopoiisoun 100 atoma me to diko sou password gia mia fora ("To pio kalo bebai htan oti mporousa na to mirastw me filous mou kai na xrisimopoioume to idio kwdiko oloi..." ) 9)4:30 i ora kai pali den "kuniete filo" stin netsystem(enimerono entelws pliroforiaka).den ehw skybooster kai oute tha edina pote auta ta lefta.egw edina esoda me ena aplo account pou to ehw MONO egw PS1:skeftome na parw ena account me alla 100 atoma na katevazoume sighronws apo to FFM,pws sou fenete? PS2:oxi giati eutihws les oti tha katafigeis stin netsystem,kalo sou taxidi


<small>[ 03-07-2002, 04:37: Το μήνυμα επεξεργάστηκε από: Amaverick7 ]</small>

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Filoi Amaverick7 kai tdohd, vlepw oti katexete arketa to antikeimeno kai einai apolyta dikaiologhmeno( as mou epitrapei o rolos tou diaithth) na diafwneitai entona. Omws...psyxraimia, ti exete na xasetai-ti exete na kerdisete? Mporeite re paidia na me vohtheisete kai mena ligaki, pou den gnwrisw kai tosa polla kai enw exw piato 1.20m me aplo LNB strameno pros Astra, me karta Wintv DVB-s, den kserw an aksisei na kanw xrhsh ths Europonline. Ligo pio panw anaferw tous logous gia tous endoiasmous mou. Tdohd kai Amaverikc7 dwste mou kamia kalh symvoulh plz!!!!!!


</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by siluanos:

<strong>Filoi Amaverick7 kai tdohd, vlepw oti katexete arketa to antikeimeno kai einai apolyta dikaiologhmeno( as mou epitrapei o rolos tou diaithth) na diafwneitai entona. Omws...psyxraimia, ti exete na xasetai-ti exete na kerdisete? Mporeite re paidia na me vohtheisete kai mena ligaki, pou den gnwrisw kai tosa polla kai enw exw piato 1.20m me aplo LNB strameno pros Astra, me karta Wintv DVB-s, den kserw an aksisei na kanw xrhsh ths Europonline. Ligo pio panw anaferw tous logous gia tous endoiasmous mou. Tdohd kai Amaverikc7 dwste mou kamia kalh symvoulh plz!!!!!!</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">File siluano,kai oi dyo etairies xrhsimopoioun ton Astra 19,2o,To piato sou einai arketo (mias kai to ena apo ta dyo pou exw einai 0.8m) kai doulevw kai egw me Win DVB-s ths Hauppauge pou einai symbath kai me tous dyo.Egw eksefrasa tis empeiries mou me tis dyo etairies.Sthn NetSystem bebaia eimai mono 2 ebdomades.Den tha hthela na se parw ston laimo mou (dioti syzhtame gia 50.000 ews 100.000drx)gia mia apo tis dyo,mporeis na zhthseis dokimastiko kai na exeis apopsh (h netsystem emena mou eixe dosei gia 7 hmeres,pithanologo oti kai h EON tha exei kati analogo).Gia prissoteres diafhmhseis bebaia sto k.k. Moderator pou einai pio "epaggelmatias" ston xwro....



opws ehoume proanaferthei se proigoumeno post to file fetch tis EOL twra eine iper grigoro.otan zitiseis ena arheio arhizei na to katevazei mesa se 6 secs.twra oso gia ta p2p programmata.an dokimaseis na katevaseis gia liga secs mesw MODEM ena arheio apo p2p programmata kai vgeis sto DOS kai kaneis netstat tha sou vgalei tin ip kai tin port tou allounou pou katevazeis.meta mporeis na anoixeis internet explorer kai na valeis tin http://ip:port gia na deis pws ehei tin onomasia tou arheiou.epita kaneis dexi click sto arheio pou thes kai kaneis "download with EON".


</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">File siluano,kai oi dyo etairies xrhsimopoioun ton Astra 19,2o,To piato sou einai arketo (mias kai to ena apo ta dyo pou exw einai 0.8m) kai doulevw kai egw me Win DVB-s ths Hauppauge pou einai symbath kai me tous dyo.Egw eksefrasa tis empeiries mou me tis dyo etairies.Sthn NetSystem bebaia eimai mono 2 ebdomades.Den tha hthela na se parw ston laimo mou (dioti syzhtame gia 50.000 ews 100.000drx)gia mia apo tis dyo,mporeis na zhthseis dokimastiko kai na exeis apopsh (h netsystem emena mou eixe dosei gia 7 hmeres,pithanologo oti kai h EON tha exei kati analogo).Gia prissoteres diafhmhseis bebaia sto k.k. Moderator pou einai pio "epaggelmatias" ston xwro....

Filika,tdohd </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">File tdohd, se eyxarhstw poly pou antapokrithhkes sthn erwthsh mou. Telika tha dokimasw kai egw thn NetSystem, mias pou kai apo enan allo filo akousa asxhma pragmata gia thn EON. O endoiasmos mou einai an aksisei genika to doryforiko Internet, dedomenw tou oti se ligo kairo lene oti tha erthoun kai oi DSL grammes. Tha hthela poly, na mou peis tis empeiries sou me thn NetSystem, wstoso egw skeftomai na kanw xrhsh ayths ths eptahmerhs dokimhs, gia thn opoia ekanes logo. Kai pali se eyxarhstw poly gia tis plhrofories.


gia to kazaa den ehw dokimasei me auto to sistima.katevaza otan ipirhe to unicast akoma.pantws gia to imesh akoma kai simera douleuoun roloi ston ie kai sto fetching.vevews tha prepei na vreis atomo hwris queue kai me fast speed


<small>[ 06-07-2002, 00:06: Το μήνυμα επεξεργάστηκε από: Amaverick7 ]</small>


oute me to imesh mou douleuei... kano netstat kai perno kati tetoia


</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">

CP kostasgr:1214 TIME_WAIT

CP kostasgr:1214 pppoe-66-112-25-249.rb.spt.centurytel.net:3491


CP kostasgr:1214 AToulouse-105-1-5-123.abo.wanadoo.fr:3915 FIN_W


CP kostasgr:1214 gw.sw-stusie.uni-freiburg.de:62138 SYN_RECEIVED


CP kostasgr:1214 sdnat1.dk-tv.net:6284 ESTABLISHED


</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">kai meta ston explorer grafo px :



kai den mou vgazei tipota... ti kano lathos?


</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by siluanos:


</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">File tdohd, se eyxarhstw poly pou antapokrithhkes sthn erwthsh mou. Telika tha dokimasw kai egw thn NetSystem, mias pou kai apo enan allo filo akousa asxhma pragmata gia thn EON. O endoiasmos mou einai an aksisei genika to doryforiko Internet, dedomenw tou oti se ligo kairo lene oti tha erthoun kai oi DSL grammes. Tha hthela poly, na mou peis tis empeiries sou me thn NetSystem, wstoso egw skeftomai na kanw xrhsh ayths ths eptahmerhs dokimhs, gia thn opoia ekanes logo. Kai pali se eyxarhstw poly gia tis plhrofories.</strong>


Dystixws me to DSL exw psilo apogohteytei...exw paraggeilei sthn Etairia...dioti se idiwtes den dinoun akoma kai mou to pane apo mhna se mhna akougontas diafores dikaiologies,hrthe kai h anakoinwsh ths Planet oti den dinei prin ton 9/2002 kai oti tha kraththei seira protairaiothtos kai katalabaineis ti "mayres" skepsei kanw.Eksalou mia kalh DSL syndesh ypo proypotheseis (apostash apo to kentro,BW ISP klp...) tha sou dinei d/l mexri 384kbps enw me to Sat exeis 1Mbps...Fysika to DSL den exei thlefwnika telh alla...egw ekana thn syndesh mou pantos kai ean exei erthei mexri tote to DSL tha ta xrhsimopoiw kai ta dyo...meta thn lhksh ths ethsias syndromhs to ksanaskeytomaste...

Apo ta diafora post pou exoun graftei pisteyw na katalaves (kai mallon oloi katalayan) ta osa elega elega gia alxhmies me to p2p kai pianou oi apanthseis einai "epaggelmatikes". Pws tha esthanosoun ean ebazes mia tainia na katebei gyrw sta 600MB kai ekei gyrw sto 90% kleisei h syndesh dioti o user pou katebazeis psaxnei na brei to bw tou to opoio exei parei apoklhstika h EON kai se kanei ban kai meineis me thn xara oti tha eblepes thn tainia to epomeno brady???gia na mhn milhsoume gia periptwseis opou to FFM grafei oti exei katebasei thn tainia alla den sthn stelnei pote (spanies men,yparktes de)...



Gia opoious endiaferontai pragmatika giauto to forum kai diavazoun ipeuthina kathe post tha vlepan oti eipothike oti den mporeis mesw tis eol na katevaseis pia apo p2p programmata irc etc live me tin apli sindromi tis EON. Vevews mporeis na katevaseis mesw tou skybooster pou sinergazete i eol me minimum 96KB/s me oti exoda auto sinepagete, afou ipostirizei socks5 pou ehoun shedon ola ta programmata tetoiou tipou. Oso gia mia tenia pou eftanes sto 90% kai o user pou tin eihe se bannare apla tin sinehizes apo allon user. Kai oso gia tis "alxhmies" opws xanaeipa den douleuoun pia gia to live katevasma kai itan aples gnoseis gia to pws epikinwnei to pc sou me to internet kai me allous users. Telos, den iparhei arheio pou na emfanizete sto FFM kai na min katevei ston hdd sou ektos an gia kapio sfalma diko sou den pragmatopoiithei auti i metafora.i eol autin tin stigmi diathetei parapanw apo 20.000 users. egw kai to 60% toulahiston autwn twn users(opws proekipse apo POLLS) eimaste plirws euharistimenoi apo tin eol pou kathimerina hwris na dinoume oute euro ston OTE kai kathe OTE pernoume oles tis latest movies, games, mp3s, applications pollwn $ ktl ktl(peripou 20GB/mera). idi arketoi irthan kai milisame live sto efnet irc sto #eol to bradi kai tha heromoun na sinomilisw live me opoiodipote kai na prospathousa na lisw kathe aporia tou.


<small>[ 09-07-2002, 05:38: Το μήνυμα επεξεργάστηκε από: Amaverick7 ]</small>


</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Dystixws me to DSL exw psilo apogohteytei...exw paraggeilei sthn Etairia...dioti se idiwtes den dinoun akoma kai mou to pane apo mhna se mhna akougontas diafores dikaiologies,hrthe kai h anakoinwsh ths Planet oti den dinei prin ton 9/2002 kai oti tha kraththei seira protairaiothtos kai katalabaineis ti "mayres" skepsei kanw.Eksalou mia kalh DSL syndesh ypo proypotheseis (apostash apo to kentro,BW ISP klp...) tha sou dinei d/l mexri 384kbps enw me to Sat exeis 1Mbps...Fysika to DSL den exei thlefwnika telh alla...egw ekana thn syndesh mou pantos kai ean exei erthei mexri tote to DSL tha ta xrhsimopoiw kai ta dyo...meta thn lhksh ths ethsias syndromhs to ksanaskeytomaste...

Apo ta diafora post pou exoun graftei pisteyw na katalaves (kai mallon oloi katalayan) ta osa elega elega gia alxhmies me to p2p kai pianou oi apanthseis einai "epaggelmatikes". Pws tha esthanosoun ean ebazes mia tainia na katebei gyrw sta 600MB kai ekei gyrw sto 90% kleisei h syndesh dioti o user pou katebazeis psaxnei na brei to bw tou to opoio exei parei apoklhstika h EON kai se kanei ban kai meineis me thn xara oti tha eblepes thn tainia to epomeno brady???gia na mhn milhsoume gia periptwseis opou to FFM grafei oti exei katebasei thn tainia alla den sthn stelnei pote (spanies men,yparktes de)...

Greetingz... </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">File tdohd,

hthela na se parakalesw na me vohthouses ligaki sthn plohghsh sto site ths netsystem, giati prospathw na vrw, pws ginetai na kanw xrhsh ths 7-hmerhs dokimastikhs periodou, gia thn opoia ekanes logo, kai den mporw na vgalw akrh. Epsaksa alla dystyxws den ta katafernw kai toso kala, isws epeidh kai ta agglika mou den einai kai toso fhmismena kai ta italika mou xalia ews anyparkta.

An eixes ligo xrono kai mporouses na me vohthouses ligo, tha sou hmoun poly eygnwmon.


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