ifrit Δημοσ. 18 Μαΐου 2005 Δημοσ. 18 Μαΐου 2005 pisteyw pws einai kati xrhsimo... I think this community could benefit from a guide on how to spot and deal with cheaters. I hope this will help a little in combating false accusations and reinforcing legitimate ones. If you spot a mistake or have more info to add let me know and I'll add it in, assuming anyone cares and this thread gets any responses. 1. Compare The Players Other Skills Against Their Aim In my opinion this is the fastest and most reliable tool in identifying botters, but one needs to have a little bit of skill to identify skill in others. If you haven't been playing with someone for more than a few seconds and you are accusing them of botting, you're part of the problem. Play with them for a while and look at other aspects of their skill. * Do they have projectiles moving to the door you're popping out of before they see you? * Do they switch to the best weapon for a given situation quickly? * Is it difficult to hit them because of the fluidity of their movement? * Are the power-ups always gone by the time you find them? If you find yourself answering "yes" to the above questions and others like it, you probably are just playing against a player who is better than you. Players who are very skilled often get that way because they want the satisfaction of winning against players who have the same chance they do. Count it as an opportunity to learn. I have seen decent players defeated by large margins by players with outstanding mastery of fundamentals. I have seen the same very good players accuse their opponents of cheating when they clearly were not. Just because you can defeat all of your buddies handily does not mean you could hold a pea in a bucket playing online. Learn the true measures of skill. 2. Spectate the Suspect in First Person If you have determined that a players aim far surpasses his or her skill, you should spectate them in first person (hit F4 to switch) before accusing them. Sometimes players just practice their aim more than their other fundamentals. This will also give you a chance to record a demo of them (hit "~" and then type "demorec "). There are telltale signs that aim-bots exhibit. *Does the suspect shoot directly at opponents with every weapon (including slow moving ordinance like rocket launchers or primary link rounds). You might also notice them seeking out high hitscan weapons like the lightning gun or shock rifle. The catch is that they often aren't good enough to know where to find them, so you might not even be able to tell they are looking. * Does the suspect's view "flip" very quickly to face opponents when they appear out of his FOV (via a door in the same room, spawning in, etc.)? Be careful not to confuse this and plain old lag. * When the suspect has someone under their crosshairs do they track 100% of the time regardless of how fast the opponent moves? Make sure to check for more than just a few seconds. Many people have the skill to look like an aim-bot for a couple of blinks. This phenomenon may not be visible while the suspect is using high damage per hit weapons like the Lightning gun. It is easier to see with weapons like the minigun, and very easy to see using the assault rifle primary fire. 3. Find Another Server Don't waste your time trying to convince the offender to leave or stop cheating, and don't set yourself up for acting the fool if you just aren't at a level where you can spot an excellent player yet. If the pressure of mainstream society and their own conscience hasn't convinced them not to cheat, neither will you. 4. Contact the Server Admin Don't contact DrSin or any other board admin directly. They don't know you're not a moron. If you have information about those who are providing the means to cheat they have asked you to contact them at [email protected]. Inundating them with the names of people who are potential users of malicious utilities does little good. The best thing you can hope for is to stop the cheaters from getting onto servers which you like to play on. Contact the server administrator with a demo of the possible offender and perhaps they will ban them or be convinced to introduce better cheat prevention utilities (Anti-TCC, etc.).
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