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Enemy Territory: Quake Wars


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Beta 2 Tomorrow Along With 25,000 New Keys


Hey guys, badman here checking in from QuakeCon. Public Beta 2 was rolled out into the BYOC area today and a lot of the guys there have been playing it and are really enjoying it by the looks of it. We'll have more on QuakeCon later - for now I want to give you a quick update about how we're going to get Beta 2 out to the rest of you folks. First thing's first: The release date. FilePlanet will be launching Beta 2 tomorrow (Friday) morning Pacific Standard Time, at which point participants of the ETQW Public Beta will be able to grab it from there.


Better yet, since we've had a ton of license key requests via email and the forums from people eager to test the ETQW Public Beta, we're going to make 25,000 additional keys available. Some of these have already gone out to the BYOC folks at QuakeCon, but the vast majority will be available via FilePlanet at the same time as the updated beta client.


Weʼre working with all of the Game Server Providers running servers for the ETQW Public Beta to make sure all of their machines are up to date when Beta 2 launches. At that point we'll also be discontinuing running servers for Beta 1. On top of all that, Beta 2 comes with the unranked server code, so you will be able to run your own server for that and customize it to your liking.


The feedback on the ETQW Public Beta has been extensive and very valuable so far and we're excited to be able to bring you this update implementing so many of the things you've asked for. Please keep the feedback coming and we hope to see you on the servers when Beta 2 rolls out.


Opote ayrio etoimasteite gia beta :)


Mpa mapa to karpouzi, kanane kati alages pros to kalitero alla ta oximata sinexizoun na einai oti xirotero exw dei se game. Nomizeis pws eise se sigkrouomena mia edw pane mia ekei drama to pws kinounte.

O ixos exei beltiosi ta grafika kala i kinisi twn pextwn kaliterepse twra omws troo kai ena oreo kolima meta apo 10-15 lepta pexnidiou kai prepei na kanw reboot to pc ....


Ean minei etsi egw pantos den to agorazw :)


Ah nai ... pezei kai me to key tis BETA1 den xriazete na parete to neo BETA2 key apla prepei na katebasate ksana enoite tin BETA2 kai na dilosete sthn arxi oti eiste idi user tou game.


id Software Confirms Launch Date for Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars (Windows PC) at QuakeCon 2007


Gamers in attendance at QuakeCon 2007 were rewarded with a special announcement when id Software and Activision, Inc. unveiled that Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Windows PC will be on EU store shelves on September 28, 2007 and North American store shelves beginning October 2, 2007




Εγώ πάντως απορώ πως βγάζουν τέτοιο game στις 28/9 .. το game είναι κακοφτιαγμένο και γεμάτο bugs. Τα γραφικά είναι πολύ καλά, η μουσική σε καλο επίπεδο, από εκεί και πέρα η κίνηση των παιχτών και τον οχημάτων είναι τραγική. Ναι μεν βελτιώθηκαν λίγο στην beta2 αλλα πάλι δεν παίζεται το game. Την μια βλέπεις εδώ το όχημα την άλλη εκεί και η αίσθηση καθώς το οδηγείς είναι αθλια.

Υπάρχουν και άλλες μικρές λεπτομέρειες που βαριέμαι να γράψω που δε μου άρεσαν, μονο εάν παίξεις την beta2 θα καταλάβετε τι εννοώ μην κοιτάτε τα screenshot και τα videos στα games εντέλει δεν λένε την αλήθεια. Πρέπει να παίξεις το game για να δεις εάν αξίζει μονο τότε.


A και το πιο ωραίο, έχει ένα bug το game που μετά από 10-15 λεπτά στο game σου παγώνει και πρέπει να κανεις hard-reboot !!!! Παρατήρησα διαβάζοντας το beta forum του game ότι πολλοί έχουν αυτό το πρόβλημα με intel cpu και nvidia κάρτα γραφικών. Αίντε να δούμε εάν θα βγάλουν κανένα patch για την beta2 γιατί τώρα εκτος ότι δεν βλέπετε δεν παίζεται κιόλας


min arxizete tin kritiki otan de kserete me ti exete na kanete...


epidi egw to beta to paizw edw kai kamposo kairo

mu fanike kai emena paragemismeni mufa, OMWS..

ontos les kai kaliteri kodikopiimeni mixani de mporusan na ftiaxun,,

einai merika cmds pu prepei na ftiaxeis kai ola tha trexun mia xara..


osoi paizoun kai exoun apories i diskolies oso anafora to performance ime edw! :P


to thema ine pws prepei na allakseis dio tria pragmatakia kai tha paizei fine akoma kai sta 50 fps..


egw to gustarw poli to paixnidaki pantws..



A και το πιο ωραίο, έχει ένα bug το game που μετά από 10-15 λεπτά στο game σου παγώνει και πρέπει να κανεις hard-reboot !!!! Παρατήρησα διαβάζοντας το beta forum του game ότι πολλοί έχουν αυτό το πρόβλημα με intel cpu και nvidia κάρτα γραφικών. Αίντε να δούμε εάν θα βγάλουν κανένα patch για την beta2 γιατί τώρα εκτος ότι δεν βλέπετε δεν παίζεται κιόλας


auto isxiei mono gia tis 8800 kai simvenei epidi trexoun programmata opws rivatuner everest klp ekini tin ora...

psaxe ligo to prama prin pis kati -.-....


Πρέπει να παίξεις το game για να δεις εάν αξίζει μονο τότε.


dude...ine BETA oxi episimo demo apo to ti tha perimenume stin episimi ekdosi ...xalarose


File mou epidi einai BETA ti simenei pws tha prepei egw na doso manual entoles gia na peksei to game opws tha eprepe na pezei? to eleos !!! rithmismeno eprepe na itan. Ean thes na boithiseis grafeis tis entoles file mou de perimeneis na se parakalesoun na to kaneis :).


Egw sto BETA forum blepw kai allous me to problima kai xoris na exoun 8800 Episeis eise lathos den trexw kanena rivatuer i everest i otidipote paromio oute kan overclocking exw kanei tin karta opote den ftaei auto.


Den nomizw na diorthothoun polla ean krinw tis diafores BETA1 me BETA2 otan bgei to DEMO. Lipame alla to pexnidaki tha paei apato ean minei opws einai auti thn stigmh exei athlio gameplay auti einai i prosopikh mou apopsi :)

File mou epidi einai BETA ti simenei pws tha prepei egw na doso manual entoles gia na peksei to game opws tha eprepe na pezei? to eleos !!! rithmismeno eprepe na itan. Ean thes na boithiseis grafeis tis entoles file mou de perimeneis na se parakalesoun na to kaneis .
ola ta FPS paixnidia prepei na rithmizontai analoga me ta specs pu exeis kai me tis areskies sou..idika auto prepei na rithmistei me manual epidi einai ena entelws kainourgio netcode kai apetei perissotera..an esy variesai,magkia sou ,alla mi les oti to paixnidi ine ... otan de ksereis pws na to paikseis. An mu peis ta specs su isws se voithisw idalws tsekare etouto http://community.enemyterritory.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2042


Lipame alla to pexnidaki tha paei apato ean minei opws einai auti thn stigmh exei athlio gameplay auti einai i prosopikh mou apopsi


i iD vgazei patches kai modes sxedon kathe 1-2 mines opote min anisixeis..


To epai3a ligo k gw to QW.... kalo moy fanike, idiaitera i mixani grafikwn einai poli elafria kai to ebala sto high se 1024 me tin x800xt kai me ton palio p4 pou exw....


Bebaia prwtimo to BTF2 alla kai auto den einai asximo....


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