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Enemy Territory: Quake Wars


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Apo CB :


id Software and Activision today announced the development of Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. Developed by Splash Damage and built on id Software's new MegaTexture rendering technology, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars pits the armies of Earth against the invading alien Strogg in the ultimate online strategic shooter.


Featuring strategic team play, persistent character promotions, day and nighttime combat missions, and the universe's most powerful weapons and vehicles, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars transports players to the front lines of an epic new war for Earth



For years, fans have enjoyed incredible battles on the Strogg home planet; but with Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, we're taking players back to the war that started it all � the Strogg invasion of Earth � where the choice is to fight with the humans or the alien Strogg in a massive campaign for survival," said Todd Hollenshead, CEO, id Software. "Like all great id Software games, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars unites bleeding-edge technology, a fantastic universe, and meticulously balanced gameplay to deliver an engrossing and futuristic gaming experience.


We have been so proud of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory's rave reviews, Game of the Year' awards, and massive fan-base, so to work with id again in developing Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is an amazing opportunity." states Paul Wedgwood, Lead Game Designer and Owner of Splash Damage Ltd. "The stories of the Strogg invasion of Earth have always fascinated me, and now through Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, we're able to bring this incredible war to life with an uncompromising level of detail and realism.


Screenshot :



  • Απαντ. 138
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Περιμένω πως και πως να μάθω πληροφορίες για την “MegaTexture” technology.


Μεταξύ μας, ένα καλύτερο όνομα δεν μπορούσαν να βρουν.

  • 6 μήνες μετά...

Τουλάχιστον θυμίζει περισσότερο quake από το 4. Oι χαρακτήρες είναι πολύ πιο τρομαχτικοί και αληθοφανείς από το 4. Οπτικά είναι άψογο για gameplay θα δούμε.

  • 5 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Human Classes: Field ops (fire support/machine pistol), Engineer (defense and support/shotgun, mines & traps), Soldier (duh/machine gun, LAW rocket launcher), Medic (support/ assault rifle &grenade launcher) and Ranger (sniper).

Strogg Classes: Tank (your basic stormtrooper/Bosonic Orb gun), Oppressor (heavy weapons and lightning gun), Constructor (engineer/nail gun, EMP charges), Meditek (medic/unknown weapons) and Infiltrator (sniper/rail gun).

Just from looking at the screens, Marines have tanks, helicopters, mobile radar, anti-air guns, mechs, fast attack hover fighters and amphibious assault vehicles. They don't talk much about the Strogg, but I assume they will have similar units. Except they ARE the vehicles. I think...

Strogg have an anti-gravity jetpack type unit.

id is looking to bring ET to other properties, possibly Doom.

No plans to support bots, although there are some single player training missions.

There's some sort of XP/ranking system similar to Battlefield 2.

As far as tech stuff goes, they are using the Doom 3 engine. But a lot of the changes to make Quake Wars more of a multiplayer friendly experience has been done in-house over at Splash Damage. Expect 32 player games.


OK, θα σας τη σπάσω άγρια τώρα, αλλά δεν αντέχω να μην το πω. Είναι νόμιμο ένα post με σκαναρισμένες σελίδες από ένα περιοδικό και μάλιστα από ότι καταλαβαίνω, πρόσφατο τεύχος; Απ'όσο ξέρω τα έντυπα απαγορεύουν αναπαραγωγή ολόκληρης ή μέρους της ύλης των, πόσο μάλλον αναδημοσίευση τους... Όχι τίποτα άλλο, αλλά όταν κάποιος ζητήσει ένα crack, όλοι πέφτουν να τον φάνε και εδώ κάνουν τα στραβά μάτια;


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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