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Help meta apo eggatastash HD WD 120GB


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Loipon ... se ena pc me winXP sp2 eggatasta8hke enas caviar 120GB san slave. Kata to boot ton blepei mia xara alla ta windows DEN ton emfanizoun ston explorer.


Epishs sto device manager emfanizetai swsta.


Exoun metakinhsei ta grammata twn allwn drives mia 8esh alla to D pou 8ewrhtika tou antistoixei den emfanizetai ston explorer.


Lete na 8elei format ... h' kati allo ... alla ti???




o diskos einai new kai thelei formarisma.opote gia na bgei to gramma exoume.dexi klik sto my computer kai manage.meta disk management apo ekei tha deis ton disko xoris gramma .tha kaneis ena klik sto icon tou gia na ftiaxei prota apo ola .afou ton etoimasoun ta windows tha kaneis klik sto free space gia na ftiaxeis partition.to idio mporei na ginei kai me disk manager kai me partition magic.an otan pas sto disk management sou aniksei to wizard klisto kai ftiaxto monos sou kalitera dioti kamia fora me to wizard mporeis na mperdeuteis kai anti na to kaneis autonomo san disko na ton kaneis parea me ton allon.den einai tipota diskolo.min agxonesai.


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