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Παρουσιαση νεων κονσολων στην Ε3


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Πάντως κατ'εμένα η λογική λέει πως το PS3 θα είναι όπωσδήποτε πιο δυνατό

απο το xbox360 αφού θα βγεί 6 μήνες τουλάχιστον αργότερα, οπότε η Sony

έχει χρόνο ακόμα και να βελτιώσει ελαφρώς την κονσόλα της(π.χ. να ανεβάσει

το ρολόι του CPU ή να ενεργοποιήσει και τις 8 SPU) αν χρειαστεί.


Όσον αφορα τα games του PS3 και συγκεκριμένα το Κillzone αναρωτιέμαι γιατί

μας φαίνεται τόσο δύσκολο να το δεχτούμε ως real-time.Αν αναλογιστεί κανείς

τα γραφικά που έχουμε δεί σε games αυτής της γενιάς(π.χ. Doom3,Halo 2,Gran

Turismo,Metal Gear 3, Resident 4,Ζelda,Ninja gaiden,Ηalf life 2 κτλ) εμένα μου φαίνεται

απολυτα αναμενόμενη μια τέτοια απόδωση απο εντελώς νέο hardware και

παιχνίδια που θα βγουν σε 1-2 χρόνια.....

Αλλιώς θα είχαν απόδωση όπως τα PC του σήμερα και θα ήταν εντελώς ξεπερασμένα

σε 2-3 χρόνια

  • Απαντ. 404
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To Reuters φιλοξενει δηλεωσει του Kazuo Hirai της Sony και εκτος των αλλων κανει καποιες ενδιαφερουσες δηλωσεις για την τιμη που θα εχει το Ps3 οταν κυκλοφορησει.


"Given the technology that we are packing into the box, as a general thought, I think consumers would be willing to consider a higher price than a previous generation product"


Μαλλον η Sony εχει αρχισει απο τωρα την προσπαθεια δικαιολογησης της υψηλης τιμης της κονσολας της...


Ολο το αρθρο εδω http://www.reuters.com/audi/newsArticle.jhtml?type=technologyNews&storyID=8534442


"Όσον αφορα τα games του PS3 και συγκεκριμένα το Κillzone αναρωτιέμαι γιατί

μας φαίνεται τόσο δύσκολο να το δεχτούμε ως real-time"


Ειναι δυσκολο γιατι απλα ειναι prerendered...

To αν θα δουμε τετοια γραφικα στα next-gen μηχανηματα θα το δουμε συντομα.Προσωπικα δεν αμφιβαλλω.Οπως και να το κανουμε παντως ειναι prerendered...


αν δεν δείξουν στοιχεία των δυνατοτήτων της κονσόλας, τότε δεν θα δικαιολογείται

η ψηλή τιμή...μάλλον πρεπει να περιμένουμε λίγο...


den mporei na einai diplasia h dynamh tou epexergasth


ante to poly 10 me 15%


eleos paidia ta powerpc einai dynata alla den xefevgoun toso

apo sxediash se sxediash (pou einai kai ths idias xronias!!)



mhn xexname oti o ppc tou xbox exei 3 cores!!! kai 1mb ram


an katalava kala, to ps3 ehei pio dinato epexergasti? kai to xbox 360 ehei perisoteri ram? omos pistevw oti i megaliteri ram, tha pexei pio simantiko rolo. toulahiston stin arhi.


megaliterih ram mesa ston epexergasth to opoio einai arketa symantiko!


alla kai 512 mb h opoia mporei na pai megalhtero meros se grafika apo oti to ps3! (256vram)


oso gia thn diafora l2 mnhmhs apo 512 se 1 mb an thimame kala

tosh htan kai h vasikh diafora to celeron apo ton p4 h opoia htan theamatikh sta paixniadia


na deite pou gia na prolavei telika h sony tha pesei

se provlhmata paragoghs san auta tou DC

oso gia to bluray to kanei oxi giati xriazete poly xoro to paixnidi

alla gia na piesei tis kinimatografikes na paroun to format ths..


@digitalsoul πηγαινε πρωτα μαθε τι ακριβως ειναι ο Cell ο επεξεργαστης του PS3 δηλαδη, και μετα κανεις σχολια για αποδοση, γιατι απο τα λεγομενα σου βγαζω το συμπερασμα οτι δεν εχεις ιδεα, ετσι για να παρεις μια ιδεα ο Cell στο Ps3 εχει 8 cores, φιλικα παντα, ενημερωσου.



Το thread το διαβασες καθολου? που ειδες οτι εχει λιγοτερη μνημη? εκτος αν εννοεις τα παραπανω 10mb edram, αν οχι σε ποσοτητα εχουν την ιδια δηλαδη 512, σε ταχυτητα τωρα η μιση μνημη του ps3 εχει την ιδια ταχυτητα με την μνημη του xbox, η αλλη μιση εχει την διπλασια.




Επειδη δεν σε προλαβα και εγραψες και αλλη ανακριβεια, ακου να μαθαινεις, η CPU του Xbox360 εχει 3 PPC cores που μοιραζονται 1ΜΒ cache χοντρικα δηλαδη αντιστοιχουν 333ΚΒ σε καθε core, ο Cell απο την αλλη εχει 512ΚΒ για το PPC core και απο 256ΚΒ Local Memory για καθε ενα απο τα 7 SPE.

megaliterih ram mesa ston epexergasth to opoio einai arketa symantiko!


alla kai 512 mb h opoia mporei na pai megalhtero meros se grafika apo oti to ps3! (256vram)


oso gia thn diafora l2 mnhmhs apo 512 se 1 mb an thimame kala

tosh htan kai h vasikh diafora to celeron apo ton p4 h opoia htan theamatikh sta paixniadia



gia autous tous logous pistevw oti to kenourio xbox mporei na apodosei kalitera sta games pali apo to to ps3.

vevea mporei na kanw kai lathos


gia na voulonoun merika stomata:




E3 2005: Perfect Dark Zero: First Impressions


Forget every screenshot you've seen. We've seen Rare's shooter in motion, and it's gorgeous. First impressions.

by Douglass C. Perry

May 18, 2005 - Forget the crappy screenshots you've seen. They completely misrepresent the game. Forget that Microsoft didn't show its number one game at its news conference. That was a mistake, in hindsight. My first appointment to Microsoft's booth on day one of E3 was with the Rare team responsible for the upcoming Perfect Dark Zero, and I was wowed.



I had mixed expectations; I'm a realist. Games in development often have low framerates and shoddy AI. They're not done. Of course they do. Today, I saw a demo of Perfect Dark Zero running on a Xbox alpha kit (a PC) using an old ATI graphics card, not the final GPU from the Xbox 360, and was told the game was only using about 25% to 30% of the system's full power. And Perfect Dark Zero looked incredible. Incredible. It looked nearly as good as Gears of War, which, in my humble opinion is the best looking 360 game of the show so far (I saw that running in realtime too). So, simply put, Perfect Dark Zero shocked me.


Shocked, because I wanted to see this at the Microsoft conference. Shocked, because they hid a game that clearly does NOT look like merde. Shocked, because this looked like a real next-generation game, completely changing my perception I had temporarily formed based on the early screenshots. For whatever reasons Microsoft didn't want to show it, the game I saw looked like the game I wanted to play, and have imagined playing for years.


So, enough of that. In the demo room behind closed doors, Richard Cousins, producer, and Duncan Botwood, multiplayer designer, showed off three levels of the multiplayer game. There are two main multiplayer modes: Deathmatch and Dark Ops. Deathmatch is exactly what it sounds like, a free-for-all kill-or-be-killed multiplayer mode for more than 50 players. Rare clarified that they feel comfortable with 50-players simultaneously playing online right now, not the previously spoken 64 players (which was correctly quoted before), and are testing to see how many more they can get. Dark Ops is a round-based multiplayer mode with distinct rounds, a bunch of weapons, where you earn cash for kills, and is much like Counterstrike, only with different scenarios.


The demo started in a spawn room. The spawn room serves two purposes, the first of which eliminates spawn camping. If you're killed, you'll re-spawn in the enemy-free spawn room with weapons. The second use is for what Rare called Advanced Teleports. When you come upon an Advanced Teleport in the open space, you can wire it to work for you, given the proper tools. Once wired, it immediately transports you to the spawn room, for new weapons, health, whatever.


There are three vehicles in the game -- the jetpack, a motorcycle, and a hovercraft -- but Rare only showed the jetpack in motion. The movement and fluidity of the jetpack is excellent. You can fly around in full 360 degrees while the camera pulls out to a third-person perspective. The level of detail, shading and lighting on the jetpack is fantastic. You can easily jump into a jetpack with the press of a button, and both you and enemies have access to them.


Visually, the levels we saw are massive, and every thing you can see is being generated in realtime. There are no flat artistic backgrounds. What you see is actually there. The desert map we saw boasted two bases, and it was without a doubt, massive. But it's designed for up to 50-plus players, so it will double in size when enough players are there to play. Players can manually choose to scale the map sizes, or the game will count the players available and set up the right size map for the right number of players.


The game we saw showed off incredible high-fidelity imagery. Everything is bump and normal mapped. The roads and walls and surfaces delivered parallax textures, a technique that uses one- to two- polygons yet provides volume and normal mapping and perfect reflections, lighting and shadow work over vast surfaces. There was a level of dust moving though the bases, which looked like Persian forts and similarly architectured buildings. The color palates were sandy yellow and brown, but the fine tile work was bright in design, offsetting the desert surroundings. The jetpack issues a light-sea blue fume and heat vlurring effect that reflects on any surface you fly by, providing an eye-catching effect. Even the gun reloads are beautiful. There is a slight blur effect used for these too. The level of detail on the guns is ridiculously high.


There were only two characters on-screen simultaneously and the game was running at about 20-25 frames per second, but again, the game is only running at 30% capacity. The special effects were running beautifully. All of the weapons have primary and secondary fire, and the secondary fire on each weapon is totally different. For instance, the pulse rifle's secondary fire option is a cloaking device. The only way you can see a cloaked enemy is by using a specially acquired vision technology, or if the enemy happens to run through a dust cloud, in which case you'll see a mercurial transparent silhouette that's gorgeous.



Weapon-wise, the game returns the RPC (seen in the original Perfect Dark), a pulse rife, a handgun, s sniper rifle, and many more. The jetpack itself has weapons built in for you to shoot. There was no HUD showing off any kind of ammo count, so it looks, right now, to have unlimited ammo. Gadget-wise, you can throw out a sentry device coming from what Rare called a Laptop gun. Basically, what looks like a sticky mine attaches to a wall, and when an enemy comes near, it starts firing when an invisible line is crossed. Enemies can either blast them to pieces or they can rewire them to reverse their actions, shooting at you instead. You will see the enemy armor degrading over time, too. Enemies will run by and you'll see their armor in tatters, falling off and broken off. It looks excellent.


The game is shown from the first-person perspective, but it often switches to the third-person perspective. For example, when to come close to a wall, it instantly switches to a cinematic view, enabling you to see your character, the corner you're hiding behind, and the enemy you're hiding from. The switch in perspective is instantaneous and it works. The same camera option happens when you crouch. When you fire, the camera instantly zooms to an over-the shoulder perspective, giving you a better angle on the opponent. The game offers auto-aiming very much like in DOOM 3 or in Halo 2. Rare feels comfortable getting its game to run at 30 FPS when all is said and done.


You can hold four weapons simultaneously, and you have four slots to put them in. You can fill up all the slots with weapons, or if you like Halo's excellent melee system, you can fill up only three. By doing so, the empty slot enables you run up to enemies and steal their weapon right out of their hands. It's totally fun to run up to an unsuspecting enemy, grab their weapon and then kill them with it. Very satisfactory, even when just watching.


Audio-wise, the game supports an interesting sound scheme. By using the Dpad, players can decide to speak globally to all of the players on their team -- yes, up to 50-plus people -- or by hitting another angle on the Dpad, they can decide to speak with individuals or a small group. The local audio found in Halo 2 is not what this game is about. You will not be able to hear from an enemy when he's killed you and wants to trash talk. You won't be able to hear him at all.


After our 30-minute demo I was smiling, excited and still a little perplexed. Why didn't Microsoft show this on the showfloor, why didn't this very demo appear in motion in front of the hundreds of people crowded into the Shrine Auditorium? The demo I saw of Perfect Dark Zero, using an alpha kit running on a current-generation graphics card, is only running at 30% capacity. And it looked gorgeous. Absolutely beautiful, and nothing like the screenshots or clips you've seen so far. We'll have more on Perfect Dark very soon indeed.

ET: What sort of wireless technology do you use in the controllers? Is it Bluetooth, or something proprietary?


TH: It's a proprietary technology that we developed. In order to do great games in a wireless fashion, you want to make sure you address some latency issues and some bandwidth issues. So we developed a proprietary technique in order to do that.

Αυτό είναι σαφέσταση σπόντα προς τα bluetooth χειριστήρια του PS3. Επίσης, διαβάζοντας τη συνέντευξη, ισχυρίζεται πως όσα έχουμε δει μέχρι στιγμής έτρεχαν σε Alpha Development Kits που είναι σε γενικές γραμμές 2 φορές πιο αργά από το τελικό XBox 360.


Τέλος, αυτό που είπε για το XNA, ότι δηλαδή αναπτύσσεται ταυτόχρονα για XBox και Windows, είναι πιστεύω το μεγάλο όπλο της Microsoft. Ας φτιάξει ένα framework στο οποίο οι developers θα αναπτύσσουν παιχνίδια που θα τρέχουν και σε PC και σε XBox (έστω και με ελάχιστες μετατροπές) και μετά να δω τι θα κάνει η Sony..


Καταλάβετε το guys, η Microsoft πάντα χρησιμοποιεί τη δύναμη ενός προϊόντος για να προωθήσει και άλλα (π.χ. Media Player, Internet Explorer στα Windows). Έτσι το βλέπω να γίνεται και τώρα...


Δεν μας δινεις και το url του αρθρου για να ΜΗΝ δουμε και εμεις αυτα τα καταπληκτικα screenshots?, γιατι περα απο το damage control καλο θα ηταν να ηπηρχε και καμια αποδειξη, μονο και μονο οτι δεν το εδειξαν στην conference τους λεει παρα πολλα, και δεν μιλαμε για ενα τυχαιο third party παιχνιδι, μιλαμε για το παιχνιδι που υποτιθεται θα ειναι το killer app κατα το launch του xbox360.


re slay fatsa karta ine sto IGN,ti url ke hazomares.Ke o anthropos episis sou lei "apo screenshots den tha dis tipota,ego to ida se kinisi ke trelathika".Esi "eki" zitas screenshots.Ti na po.....


YΓ.tha to anevasoune se video pados ke tha to dis..ligo ipomoni slay

re slay fatsa karta ine sto IGN,ti url ke hazomares.Ke o anthropos episis sou lei "apo screenshots den tha dis tipota,ego to ida se kinisi ke trelathika".Esi "eki" zitas screenshots.Ti na po.....


exactly my point

να τον βρασω τον ενθουσιασμο του αν δεν εχει να μου δειξει τιποτα, οταν εχουν να δειξουν κατι ειδοποιησε μας.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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