kavaliotis Δημοσ. 16 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 16 Απριλίου 2001 Geia sas..Loipon sta 8emata NOVA eimai asxetos kai 8a h8ela na me fwtisete ligo giati 8a agoraso tora kai 8elo boh8eia..Ego loipon 8elo na paro kai NOVA alla mias pou 8a paro kai piato,e 8a valo kai doruforiko internet!Mporoun auta na doulevoun sugxronos mazi?Entaksei 8elo kai mia karta gia to pc,to ksero.Poion apokodikopoihth sunistatai?Auton pou dinei h NOVA?Apo keraia, 0.60m mikrh den einai?Giati 8elo na piano polla kanalia mia pou 8a dwsw tosa lefta..Epishs,auto to LNB ti einai? Eimai Thessaloniki, opote peite kai kanena kalo magazi na ta paro..Telos,oti nomizete oti prepei na ksero prin paro,peite mou. H boh8eia sas 8a einai polutimh!
Επισκέπτης Δημοσ. 17 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 17 Απριλίου 2001 Loipon...<BR>Sou proteino to HUMAX IRCI-5400 pou einai poli kalos doriforikos dekths alla kostizei ligo etsi??(Peripou 180.000) Ama thes kai doriforiko internet ektos apo thn NOVA tha prepei na pareis megalutero piato apo 60cm. To katallilo einai 1.20m alla kai me 1m pisteuo tha eisai mia xara.To LNB einai enas metatropeas suxnothtas (den mas endiaferei ti kanei) kai topotheteitai pano sthn keraia sto kentro , opou otan oi aktines tou doriforou sulegontai apo to piato na sugkentronontai sto LNB kai meso tou kalodiou na metaferontai ston dekth os data.<P><<GrOOvyRider>>
kavaliotis Δημοσ. 17 Απριλίου 2001 Μέλος Δημοσ. 17 Απριλίου 2001 Tipota se poio f8hno den uparxei omws? Giati entaksei den 8elo na dwsw tosa polla gia apokodikopoihth..Gia keraia kai ego mallon gia 1.2m to vlepo..Pou mporo na do etsi apokodikopoihtes kai keraies me tis dunatothtes tous kai tis times tous?
Επισκέπτης Δημοσ. 17 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 17 Απριλίου 2001 Koita uparxoun kai dektes me timh 60.000 ths HUMAX kai einai polu kaloi.Koitakse merika periodika opos to TV SAT h' psakse na breis magazi me doriforika gia na deis times/sugkriseis kai genika xaraktiristika.<BR>Epishs mporeis na episkeutesai to site <A HREF="http://www.satleo.gr" TARGET=_blank>www.satleo.gr</A> gia na eisai enimeros me ola ta teleytaia geonota<P><<GrOOvyRider>>
Επισκέπτης Δημοσ. 17 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 17 Απριλίου 2001 Epishs ante kai <A HREF="http://www.humaxdigital.com" TARGET=_blank>www.humaxdigital.com</A> <P><<GrOOvyRider>>
apokaliptis Δημοσ. 17 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 17 Απριλίου 2001 Miladi mporeis na exeis to idio piato me nova kai doriforiko internet?Den exw katalavei tpt...
Επισκέπτης Δημοσ. 18 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 18 Απριλίου 2001 Mporeis arkei na bgazeis to kalodio ths keraias (piato) apo ton doriforiko dekth kai na to bazeis sthn eisodo ths keraias ths doruforikhs kartas tou PC.Fusika tha prepei to piato na mhn einai mikrotero apo ena metro.<P><<GrOOvyRider>>
-nick- Δημοσ. 21 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 21 Απριλίου 2001 Ginetai opos leei o GrOOvyRider alla me merikous providers Doryforikhs de ginetai....<BR>]nick[<BR>
kavaliotis Δημοσ. 21 Απριλίου 2001 Μέλος Δημοσ. 21 Απριλίου 2001 Telika den mporw na exw sugxronos doruforiko internet kai na vlepw kai tv?Den mporo na vlepo tv kai na katevazw apo to internet? An oxi,e polu vlakeia..Epishs vghke mia karta gia pc pou legetai WinTV NOVA..Einai idia apo oti eida me thn DVB-S pali apo WinTV alla 60 xiliades fthnoterh!<P>PS:Ginetai mono me to piato kai mia karta san thn wintv nova na exo doruforiko internet kai na vlepo ta free kanalia sto pc?
FoXfOxFoX Δημοσ. 22 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 22 Απριλίου 2001 hi.<BR>egw paidia tha thela na dw mia apanthsh sto erwtima tou filou kavaliotis.<BR>kai ayth h WinTV NOVA sinolo poso kanei?, einai kalh?<BR>egw thelw mia gia pc.<BR>ayth pou exei to plaisio HAUPPAUGE WIN DVB-S SATELLITE me 83900 ΔΡΧ +fpa kalh einai?<BR>h SKYSTAR 1 DVΒ PC / SATELLITE CARD me 69900 ΔΡΧ +fpa ti leei?<P>tis exei edw : <A HREF="http://www.plaisio.gr/IWCatSectionView.process?IWAction=Load&Section_Id=763&Catalog_Id=1&Merchant_Id=1&pcount=0" TARGET=_blank>http://www.plaisio.gr/IWCatSectionView.process?IWAction=Load&Section_Id=763&Catalog_Id=1&Merchant_Id=1&pcount=0</A> <P>an einai mape tote se pio magazi na apey8in8w? eimai salonika.... <P>egw thn thelw gia ta eleythera doriforika kanalia kai gia sat internet...<P>akousa pws i europe on line einai mapa.<BR>kai antistixa i planetsky einai kalh : <A HREF="http://www.planetsky.gr" TARGET=_blank>www.planetsky.gr</A> <BR>7500 to mina den einai kapws polla?<BR>gia sindesh me aplo isp pou xreiazetai, me tin x-treme tha iparxei kapio problem?<BR>giati an einai 7500 to mina kai o ote poso kostos monadas....<BR>tha bgainei to dimino 15000 sat kai poso o ote... twra me apli eimai sta 60-70000 <P>ti prwtinete?<P>epipleon eixa dei gia ena common interface aksias 25000...... ti einai ayto? xreiazetai aparetitos?<P>thanx guys<P>------------------<BR> <A HREF="HTTP://GO.TO/FOXFOXFOX" TARGET=_blank>HTTP://GO.TO/FOXFOXFOX</A> <P><IMG SRC="http://www.mclaren.com/images/logo.gif" border=0><p>[This message has been edited by FOXFOXFOX (edited 22-04-2001).]
kavaliotis Δημοσ. 22 Απριλίου 2001 Μέλος Δημοσ. 22 Απριλίου 2001 >>kai ayth h WinTV NOVA sinolo poso kanei? einai kalh? <P>Egw thn eida se aggliko site (apo ekei pswnizw <A HREF="http://www.dabs.com" TARGET=_blank>www.dabs.com</A> ) kai thn exei gurw stis 65.000drx..An pas sto site ths hauppauge 8a thn deis ekei kai 8a deis oti exei ta idia xarakthristika me thn DVB-S.<P>Ki egw salonika eimai kai ama pas sto site ths NOVA 8a deis merika magazia pou poulane piata kai sou kanoun egkatastash, Egw dustuxws 8elo na vlepw kai NOVA,ara den mporo na katevazo apo to net sugxronos.<P>>>akousa pws i europe on line einai mapa.<P>Apo pou to akouses auto?Giati oloi etsi lene alla enas filos tou aderfou mou pou exei katevazei me 2MB/sec kai an auta pou leei to site einai sosta, dhladh 2Mbit/sec, tote maximum katevazeis me 15MB/min!!<P>>>kai antistixa i planetsky einai kalh : <P>den thn ksero kai apo oti eida sto site ths, uposthrizei stis 7500+fpa taxuthtes apo 1MB to lepto ews maximum sxedon 3MB to lepto,oxi kai ta astronomika posa pou perimeneis apo mia doruforikh sundesh..<P>Tora gia tthn xtreme,an mporeis na mpeis den 8a uparxei problem,ego pantos 8a thn sunexisw thn otenet pou exo.Elpizo na boh8hsa kai perimeno kai apo allous apanthseis kai boh8eia!
passenger57 Δημοσ. 22 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 22 Απριλίου 2001 H Win TV NOVA είναι νομίζω μόνο για να βλέπει κανείς FTA κανάλια και δεν παίρνει άρθρωμα CI για να βλέπεις NOVA ...δεν αποκοδοικοποιεί δηλαδή ψηφιακά μπουκέτα.Μακριά απο EUROPE ON LINE!!!!Έχει φτάσει σε τέτοιο σημείο απο τις πολλές συνδρομές που μια απλή σύνδεση με την x-treme είναι 10 φορές πιο γρήγορη!!!!<IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm11.gif" border=0> <P>WinTV-Nova <P> <BR>Hauppauge gives the possibility of entering the Digital world of Satellite with its digital card WinTV-Nova!<BR>It will be able to receive Digital Free to air Television, and to have a fast access to Turbo Internet .<P>Get digital video broadcasts on your PC: Receive free-to-air digital TV and radio stations directly on your PC! WinTV-NOVA is a single slot DVB receiver board which brings digital satellite broadcasts (TV and radio) to your PC. Digital reception provides incredibly sharp TV pictures and near CD quality radio. With WinTV-NOVA, you can watch digital TV broadcasts in a resizeable window on your PC screen and listen to digital radio in stereo. WinTV-NOVA lowers the cost of digital TV reception by using your PC's processor to decode the TV image. If you have a 400MHz Pentium II or faster, you can use NOVA to display TV while still running other PC's applications. Surf the net while you watch high quality digital TV. <BR> <P>Personal Digital VCR: With WinTV-NOVA, you can record your digital TV programmes to your hard disk, and play them back in full original digital quality!<P><BR> <BR>Compression Mpeg-2: Record whole films in formatMPEG-2. Since the DVB uses a format of compression MPEG-2, it can use functions of recording and Audio editing of programs and Video,directly from his hard disk. Compression MPEG-2 allows the recording in complete screen.<BR> <P>Broadband Internet has been developed to speed up the Internet web surfing and downloading performance. To use "Broadband Internet", you need to have an account with a "Broadband Internet" Service, plus an account with a local Internet Service Provider. The Internet access inside a local network over a Proxy server cannot be used. <BR> <P>How "Broadband Internet" Works: First, you connect to the Internet via your local Internet Service provider. Secondly, you log on to your Satellite Internet provider. If you are sending a request for a specified web page, the request goes via your local provider to the Satellite provider. They will then grab the Internet data and send this specified web page via Satellite back to your Computer. The speed is dependent on the satellite provider, however the WinTV-NOVA card is specified to receive and filter up to 40Mbit/s of Data.<P>WinTV-Nova Features: <P>Supports Windows?95/98/2000/ME <BR>Reception of DVB Data services (max Download speed 40Mbit/s) <BR>Live digital TV from satellite in a resizeable window <BR>Digital stereo radio <BR>Record and playback of digital TV (using MPEG-2 compression) <BR>System requirements: <P>PC with Pentium II Processor (min. 233MHz for Data reception) (min. 400MHz for TV reception) <BR>Windows? 95, 98, 2000 or ME <BR>Free PCI 2.1 Slot <BR>Sound Card <BR>CD ROM Drive <BR>DirectDraw? - compatible PCI/AGP Graphic card o Internet Explorer 4.X or higher o One free Interrupt (IRQ) <BR>Digital Satellite Dish <BR>Included in the package: <P>WinTV-Nova PCI card <BR>Software on CD ROM (incl. Manual in PDF Format) <BR>Quick Installation Guide <P> <BR><IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm1.gif" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm1.gif" border=0> <p>[This message has been edited by passenger57 (edited 22-04-2001).]
Επισκέπτης Δημοσ. 24 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 24 Απριλίου 2001 H Europe ON Line edo kai kairo exei anebasei ton arithmo ton sindromiton ths se arithno opou oi texnologikes ths ikanothtes den mporoun na antapokrithoun.Dhladh to mono pou kserei einai na proseggizei pelates-syndromhtes me tromeres aukshseis esodon alla den eksuxronizei ta mhxanhmata ths oste na tous parexei pragmatika yphresies.Gi'ayto h taxhtyta ths einai sxedon panta xamhlh kai spania me diakekomeno ruthmo upshlh!<P><<GrOOvyRider>><BR>----------------- <A HREF="http://www.groovyzone.net" TARGET=_blank>www.groovyzone.net</A>
FoXfOxFoX Δημοσ. 24 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 24 Απριλίου 2001 telika einai i oxi kalh i europe on line?<BR>katri eixa akousei gia 15000 to xrono...ali8euei?<BR>alla pali pws kapios exei 2mb /sec kai allos xeirotera apo xtreme....<BR>mipos autos me ta 2 mb /sec exei kapio akrivotero paketo sindeshs?<BR>egw ena normal ftino thelw...<P>edw ellada kai sigkekrimena salonika an kserei kaneis poleitai afti i win tv nova?<BR>alla apoti eida gia tv einai se resiable window kai oxi fullscreen....<BR>8a protimousa se fullscreen gia tv out sthn thlewrash tou saloniou....<P>telika ti protinete?<BR>kai apo karta kai apo sindesh...<BR>thanx
kavaliotis Δημοσ. 24 Απριλίου 2001 Μέλος Δημοσ. 24 Απριλίου 2001 Opote poia etairia proteineis esu?<BR>
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