overclocker Δημοσ. 6 Μαΐου 2005 Δημοσ. 6 Μαΐου 2005 Fantazeste kana memory stick loader gia to psp?!?!? gamato tha'tan! Κορυφή!!! Άντε να βγούν και τα αντίστοιχα Flattening Tutorials για Memory Stick.
Bourdoulas Δημοσ. 6 Μαΐου 2005 Δημοσ. 6 Μαΐου 2005 poy exeis dei ayto me tis 8ikes gia mini cds?paizei kana link?gia na doume 8a bgaloyn kanenan loader.to gamato einai oti etsi 8a xreiazetai ligoteri energeia ara perissotero gaming
Kraken Δημοσ. 6 Μαΐου 2005 Μέλος Δημοσ. 6 Μαΐου 2005 an thimamai sosta, ta umd exoun storage 1,8 gb.... ta memory stick duo pro pou dexetai to psp den einai 1gb to megisto? Και έτσι να είναι,δηλαδή μέχρι 1GB μέγιστο, το πολύ πολύ τα ριπάρουν να χωράνε. Όπως με το DRC απο GD => CDR, στο PS2 DVD =>CDR κλπ. Πάντως "περιπλανιέται" στο διαδύκτιο ένα αρχείο ονόματι boot.xxx αλλά είναι ακόμα BETA. ΤΙ (θα) κάνει?Θα βάζεις στο memory stick το παιχνίδι που θέλεις και θα τρέχει απο εκεί. Το αρχείο αυτό θα είναι ένα γενικό και θα μπαίνει σε όλα τα παιχνίδια. Αν δείτε την "δομή" απο το Wipeout Pure θα καταλάβετε: > 0001872 , >:\PSP_GAME\SYSDIR\BOOT.BIN <=== 0003712 , >:\PSP_GAME\ICON0.PNG 0004832 , >:\PSP_GAME\USRDIR\Data.wad 0004816 , >:\PSP_GAME\USRDIR\DevMenu.cfg 0004176 , >:\PSP_GAME\USRDIR\PRX\videocodec.prx 0004192 , >:\PSP_GAME\USRDIR\PRX\mpegbase.prx κλπ κλπ
Daredevil Δημοσ. 6 Μαΐου 2005 Δημοσ. 6 Μαΐου 2005 endiaferon.... exoun parei fora oles oi underground skhnes teleytaia synexeia new releases spasimata klp klp
kallair Δημοσ. 7 Μαΐου 2005 Δημοσ. 7 Μαΐου 2005 sostos o kraken me tin meiosi tou megethous twn paixnidiwn. sto site tou ps2-scene exei enan tutorial kai poia games mporeite na kanete shrink kai na xoresete perissotera games se ena dvd diskaki.
Dark_son20 Δημοσ. 8 Μαΐου 2005 Δημοσ. 8 Μαΐου 2005 pantos ola ta isos pou exoun vgei mexri stigmis einai kato ton 500mb...
Predatorkill Δημοσ. 8 Μαΐου 2005 Δημοσ. 8 Μαΐου 2005 Sorry για το τεραστιο post,αλλα ριξτε μια ματια σε ολο το post,αξιζει για να μαθετε τι γινεται με το cracking του PSP...Ολα αυτα ειναι αντεγραμμενα απο forum που ασχολουνται με το ειδος! Let me clear this up. There have been two strides towards pirating games on the PSP (not saying pirating is good or bad). One is the ability to put code on a memory stick and execute that code. The second is the ability to copy a game off a UMD (Universal Media Disk) - the format that the PSP uses. This post is a result of the second "breakthrough". What does it mean? Nothing. You will not be able to use this file for anything. You cannot put this on a memory stick, and play it on your PSP. Why are people posting it if it can't be used? No idea. Some people think that it will be usable in the not-too-distant future. Maybe. I can't say - the format might need to be changed, rendering your download useless. A mod-chip might come out that will be required to use these rips. Or someone might write an emulator so you can play the PSP games on your PC. Only time will tell. A friend who works @ EA and who develops games for the PSP believes that the PSP is wired to require the UMD to be used in a game - a game cannot be run only from the memory stick. Keep all this in mind when contemplating a download. The demos that were featured in Japan prior to the Dec. launch all had the PSP games running via Memory Stick (Commercial Games, Minna No Golf, RR, etc). No UMD. Also there are apps and games which can be downloaded in the future (Namco I suppose is now though), which can be played via the Memory Stick. So wouldn't this disprove your friend's theory of games not being able to run via the Memory Stick? I think it would just be a matter of programming in the game, rather than the PSP itself. Just my thoughts, take it with a grain of salt. It was what he was led to believe. Keep in mind, the games demoed in Japan might have been special versions of the PSP that had the ability to play from a memory stick. Sony has not been able to ramp up the production of UMDs as quickly as they wanted (EA took a beating in their revenue over the delay of the PSP in North America, and over the shortage of UMD discs). Perhaps Sony made some special PSPs to disable this "hardwiring" of a game to the UMD way back in December when the PSP debuted. Obviously something like that would be simple for them to do. Also keep in mind that the PSP has a BIOS, much like your computer. The BIOS might control how a game can (or cannot be loaded). Sony can tweak the BIOS to allow a game to be loaded from a memory stick. I suspect that the BIOS will be the chink in the armor of the PSP. You can replace the BIOS chip on your motherboard. Perhaps a mod-bios chip will come out that will make the PSP less "restrictive", if you get my meaning. i disagree, as it has been announced that there will be games that can run wirelessly with 2 psps running a game from one umd - they do this buy running a smaller game file transferred onto the memory stick - by that account its possible to launch a game from a stick. i agree that its only a matter of time before its done. i mean, there are apps out already that can be run from the stick, so why not games? if it is indeed hardwired somewhow, then i reckon there will be a mod chip/bios tweak that will route the "hardwiring" virtually to the stick first. As for why people upload the games? so other potential "home developers" can see what a psp game is really made of. I just wanted people to know that you weren't downloading a game, but rather an image of a game will not run on a PSP right now. Might in the future, might not. Extracted from IGN.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSP Slips and Cracks Coders have found the first weak point in the encryption armor. by Nix May 5, 2005 - Depending on what side of the of the law your ethics lay, there may be good news or bad news on the PSP hacking front. Although coders are still a long ways away from having full access to Sony Computer Entertainment's handheld hardware, a slip in the system has opened the door to both homebrew programming and videogame piracy. Capitalizing on an error in the Japanese release hardware's BIOS component for encryption checking, programmers have been able to run code compiled for the PlayStation Portable without an official license. The programs make use of the PSP's downloadable application system (that folder marked "Game" in your PSP directory, on the PSP's game menu under Memory Stick) to run programs off of a Memory Stick instead of the locked UMD format. The PSP is designed to run games and programs downloaded from the net this way, but it was never intended for unlicensed programmers to have access to the system -- it is only due to a bug in the Japanese v1.0 BIOS, which fails to run a check for an encryption signature, that these illegitimate programs are able to be recognized and run unsigned. American and most Japanese PSPs are still locked out to hackers, as this bug was only present in PSP BIOS version 1.0 (all US systems and current Japanese systems are upgraded to the 1.5 version.) But the homebrew community is already loading up to take advantage. And unfortunately, so are the pirates. Independent software designer loser has designed an application that converts .ELF files (a common executable format often used in UNIX and Linux design) programmed for the PSP hardware to a PSP-playable application. Since many parts of the PSP are standard industry components, getting a basic program to run on the CPU (not the GPU or other Sony-specific hardware) has already been accomplished with an easy version of the common test application, "Hello World" fully operational on early Japanese systems. (IGN can confirm that the application does indeed run on early Japanese PSP systems.) Meanwhile, on the Dark Side, ripped versions of PSP games are popping up on internet servers -- it was almost inevitable that pirates would be able to burgle the code, but system encryption would have kept those illegal copies from working. With this encryption hole, the system may not be entirely safe from pirates. The unfortunate result may be that illegal, stolen games may be as likely as well-intentioned homebrew projects. Sony has given unprecedented access to the PlayStation Portable with all of its standard inputs and hardware features (the UMD drive is the only proprietary function on the system), and has left the region coding off of the games. It takes one gusher of a bleeding heart to feel sorry for a big company like Sony, but it is a shame that PSP games might get stolen. On the other hand, the homebrew community is a good group of folks to have on your side. In fact, Sony has courted independent coders with past PlayStation systems, including the Japanese Yaroze PS one programming tool and the inexpensive PS2 Linux Kit. It would take careful consideration for what programmers would and would not have access to, but it is hoped that Sony might come up with similar homebrew-friendly solutions for the PSP. We'll have more from the basements and back-alleys of unlicensed PSP development efforts as things unfold. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Therefore, if I understood the article well, our Japanese PSP friends, can use this U/L as soon as they finish D/Ling it. Needless to say that if we could get our hands on that 1.0 BIOS and flash it to our PSP... voila! free PSPing for all. According to tech site Engadget.com, savvy modders have figured out a way to crack the UMD format, successfully converting games such as Ridge Racers into an ISO. In addition, homebrew apps have already surfaced--possibly starting up a dedicated community as seen with the Xbox. How long their engineering freedom will last is in question, however, as Sony will undoubtedly try to prevent further tinkering with firmware updates. But for now it paves the way for users to dump games onto Memory Sticks!!!!!!!!!!. Raising concerns of piracy. Although the UMD holds up to 1.8 gigabytes of space, games released typically take up much less space with some taking up as little as 200MB. Even if Sony takes steps against cracking the UMD format in the future, the company will face a bitter battle to uphold its proprietary edge; as seen with Apple's iPod and Microsoft's Xbox, modders tend to continually tweak and adjust toward the manufacturer's countermeasures. The sony psp will allow you to play rom games direcly from the mory stick! As the media used by the sony psp is not standard there is a way to make backups of games so it will only be able to play roms using a mermory stick. Now as the code will need to be digitaly signed not every code on the memory stick will run, perhaps pluged into the usb por will be needed. Is only a matter of time to see this on the market. Spect to be able to run llinux on your PSP and from there run Linux games. Well, good news, bad news, take it whichever way you like it. This is definatly another step to the independent modders that want to fool with the PSP and see what its real potential is. Just hope Sony isent as anal as Microsoft, when messing with thier hardware/software. sources tell me they released an Elf to PBP Converter that enables you to run Homebrew code on a Japanese PSP that hasnt had the firmware update. App Name = Elf to PBP Converter Authors Website = http://www.internalreality.com/ the included param.sfo file is now made as simlpe and generic as i could while it would still work. You can now also set the name of your app from the command line Tps2dev toolchain tool takes an elf file compiled for psp and "converts" it into a PBP file. You can then copy this pbp file to a subdir in "PSP/GAME" on your memcard (eg to "PSP/GAME/APP1/EBOOT.PBP" This tool has been designed so that you could run it at the end of your makefile, you could even set your makefile to then copy the pbp to your psp after making it (assuming you first set your psp to usb mode). also take a look at this : http://www.media.pspscene.com/hsdemonz/PSP_Videos/naoneo_from_psp_on_efnet_working_on_getting_backups_running/wipeout.avi how to make wipeout pure start from memorystick, but you cant play it yet couse it still crashes after the intro wich is likely couse of the parameters in the eboot.pbp wich have still to be cracked video above. Get the HELLOWORLD eboot.pbp file which can be found on net. Then get the program pbpexplorer. Just google 'pbpexplorer' and you will get a link for it. it is only 25k. Have the Wipeout Pure UMD disc contents available. Open the HELLOWORLD eboot.pbp file in pbpexplorer. Just go down the column and right click each file like PARAM.SFO and then click INJECT then select the PARAM.SFO from your Wipeout UMD root dir. continue doing this for all the files. *make sure you change the CATEGORY section to MG instead of UG. when you have inserted all the sound/graphics etc, save the file to you PSP/GAME/WIPEOUT directory. it doesn't have to be called 'wipeout' - just whatever you want as long as it is in your GAME folder on the PSP. then go to GAME in your PSP and you will have Wipeout available with full sound. now, this is only the intro. once you click to continue - it will start reading off of the memory stick for about 5 seconds and u might think it is gonna work,,, but it will not play the game..... yet.... it will give u an error. btw i have the wipeout umd contents in the same folder on the memory stick
Wolfidis Δημοσ. 8 Μαΐου 2005 Δημοσ. 8 Μαΐου 2005 Βαριέμαι να τα διαβάσω όλα αυτά... τουλάχιστον κάνε μια περίληψη στα ελληνικά....
Dark_son20 Δημοσ. 8 Μαΐου 2005 Δημοσ. 8 Μαΐου 2005 olo to alo einai ena geniko mplampla gia to an tha spasei kai isos spasei..ma den kseroume kai mporei kai tetia diavase tis last 10 grames
nfs11 Δημοσ. 4 Ιουλίου 2005 Δημοσ. 4 Ιουλίου 2005 'EEEEEEτοιμοοοοοοοοο . Βγαίνει όπου να'ναι . Loader που παίζει όλα τα παιχνίδια από το Memory Stick χωρίς καμία αλλαγή στα iso και χωρίς κανένα πρόβλημα To use it, simply put your PSP iSO in the MS root (no file extraction is required at all) and then rename it xxx-umdgame.iso. The UMD iSO Launcher is loaded via exploit (as is done with emulators/homebrew) and press X to launch the game! That's it! No ripping, modifying game files, or any other LAME "Xecuter-type" garbage... and the best part is it works with ALL current PSP games! More to come on it very soon, and be sure to drop by iRC EFnet #PS2Ownz for all up-to-the-minute NEWS on the UMD iSO Launcher! This is truly a Day of Independence for the entire PSP scene! Περισσότερες πληροφορίες και εικόνα στο ps2nfo.com
Kraken Δημοσ. 4 Ιουλίου 2005 Μέλος Δημοσ. 4 Ιουλίου 2005 Εδώ βγήκε utility να σου επιτρέπει να κάνεις τα δικά σου iso απο games του PSP, το οποίο iso γράφετε στο memory stick... Κάνουν καλή δουλειά τα παιδιά
kallair Δημοσ. 5 Ιουλίου 2005 Δημοσ. 5 Ιουλίου 2005 Pote eginan ola auta re paidia? 1 mera exo na mpo net mono!
bennasi-4- Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2005 Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2005 kalos sas vrika aderfia proti fora p graphw an k eimai melos kaposo kairo anyway oso gia ta umd diskakia exoyn xoritikotia 1.4gb k einai ta legomena mini-dvds p ta vriski kanis eukola sta magazia k graphonte me dvd-recorder opos lipon katalavenete me to psp exi gini ntoros dioti einai k i kaliteri foriti konsola p ta graphika tis einai paromia (k isos fenonte k kalitera logou tis mikris othonis) me toy ps2 k einai k proti firiti konsola p dexete diksakia epitelous ara oi copies tha dinoun k tha pernoun ... to psp tha kanei ti diafora se sxesi me tis ales forites konsoles .. einai playstation ara i epitixia ine dedomeni..!!!
kallair Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2005 Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2005 file kaneis lathos. den einai mini dvds ta umd....
Slay Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2005 Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2005 Oxi mono ayto , den yparxoyn oyte recorders oyte kai recordable diskakia, gia logoys asfaleias h sony apofasise na mhn dosei se kanenan, etsi oi developers stelnoyn sthn sony ton kodika toys kai toys ftiaxnei se umd tis build h sony kai toys tis stelnei piso.
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