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metal gear 3-φυλακη.


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


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009.1 - Escape from the prison


The first and most important thing to do is to pick up the fork lying on the

ground and enter the Cure menu. Remove the Fake Death Pill that The Boss

shot you with, along with the transmitter that Ocelot rammed into your back.

If you don't remove the transmitter, an Ocelot team will be tracking you.

Also, be sure to eat the rat to regain stamina.



There are three ways to escape from the prison, and I'll list them in order

of effectiveness. Note that all three will work fine, but there are

benefits, like extra items or not going into alert, with some of the



Worst - The least effective strategy is to use the Fake Death Pill that The

Boss fired into Snake with the revolver. If you've played the original Metal

Gear Solid, this works a lot like the way Solid Snake escaped from the

prison in Outer Heaven. Take the Fake Death Pill and wait for the guard to

see you. When he finds your body, he panics and rushes into the cell.

Quickly revive yourself and beat the guard up before he can run back out.

There's almost no chance to prevent an alert here, so I suggest you run your

ass off to the sewers.


Next To Worst - The only way you can use this strategy is if you pressed R1

during the torture scene. If you did, you'll have seen a hooded man holding

up a sign with a radio frequency on it. Enter that frequency to unlock the

door, do this when the guard is in the small corner office to avoid

detection. Crawl past the office and down the hall before the guard reenters

the hall and exit the prison through the door before the bathroom.


Best - The best way to escape from the prison will not only avoid an alert,

but also gives you the Fake Cigarettes to use. And since you have to get to

the opposite side of the fortress, having a weapon isn't a bad idea.


If you hang around in the cell for a while, you'll notice that the guard

throws food at you every time he passes by. The food is usually bad: bats,

spiders, et cetera, and some of it is rotten, so I don't suggest eating it.

Instead, throw the food back out through the small hole in the door. The

guard runs over and eats whatever you throw at him. Eventually, after

feeding him enough, you get to watch an extra scene where Snake talks to the

guard, who happens to be the grandfather of Johnny from the other Metal Gear

games. After figuring out that you're not such a bad guy, Johnny takes pity

on you and gives you the cigarettes that he stole from your gear. Little

does he know that they're actually the Fake Cigarettes that sprays out the

sleeping gas. You'll also notice the same radio frequency that the hooded

figure was holding in the torture room is also on the back of the photo that

Johnny shows you.


After the scene ends, use the strategy described in Nest To Worst.


Note that it's a good idea to collect some food before breaking out of the

cell. If you destroyed the food storage before being captured, you can

distract the guards by throwing food at them.





Αν θες όλο τον οδηγό, θα τον βρεις εδώ, πας μετά 'επεξεργασία', 'επιλογή όλων' και κάνεις το κείμενο επικόλησση στο σημειωματάριο σου και το αποθηκεύεις! :wink:


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