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Pos mporo na katevaso to e-mail ton Yahoo kai hotmail sto Outlook express


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Kalispera se olous paidia!!!

Vriskomai sto eksoteriko to telefteo kairo k me exei apasxolisei to pos mporo na kataveaso to inbox kai to outbox ton yahoo kai ton hotmail accounts mou ston ipologisth mou sto outlook.Kapou eixe parei to ayti mou oti ginete h me rithmiseis sto outlook,opos stis kanonikes mas syndeseis,h yparxei kapoio programmataki pou voithaei kai analamvanei ayth thn diadikasia.einai alitheia ayto h planate sthn fadasia ayto?ean gnorizete kati kai mporeite na me voithisete h voitheia sas tha itan oti eprepe.


Eyxaristo poli



για το yahoo (sorry για το κατεβατό):


Outlook Express (IE 5)

Outlook Express allows you to add a new email account to your existing profile. This means you do not have to replace your current settings in order to send and receive Yahoo! Mail messages. Here's how:


1. From the Tools menu, choose "Accounts."

2. Select the "Mail" tab.

3. Click the "Add" button.

4. From the Add menu, click "Mail."

5. In the text box labeled Display Name, type your name and click "Next."

6. In the Email Address box, type your Yahoo! Mail address (be sure to include "@yahoo.co.uk") and click "Next."

7. Under "My incoming mail server is a..." select "POP3."

8. Type "pop.mail.yahoo.co.uk" in the Incoming Mail (POP3, IMAP, or HTTP) Server box.

9. Type "smtp.mail.yahoo.co.uk" in the Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server box.

10. Click "Next."

11. In the Account Name box, type your Yahoo! Mail ID (your email address without the "@yahoo.co.uk").

12. In the Password box, type your Yahoo! Mail password.

13. If you want Outlook Express to remember your password, check the "Remember password" box.

14. Do not check the boxes labeled "Log on using Secure..."

15. Click "Next."

16. Click "Finish."


Important: The Yahoo! Mail SMTP server now requires authentication. To turn this setting on:


1. From the Tools menu, choose "Accounts."

2. Select the "Mail" tab.

3. Double-click the account labeled "pop.mail.yahoo.co.uk."

4. Select the "Servers" tab.

5. Check the box next to "My Server Requires Authentication."

6. Click "OK."


To control deletion of messages from the Yahoo! Mail Server:


1. From the Tools menu, choose "Accounts."

2. Select the "Mail" tab.

3. Double-click the account labeled "pop.mail.yahoo.co.uk."

4. Select the "Advanced" tab.

5. In the Delivery section at the bottom of the window, check "Leave a copy of messages on server" if you want to save your Yahoo! Mail messages on the Yahoo! Mail server as well as on your local computer. Do not check this box if you want your messages to be deleted from the Yahoo! Mail server once you have received them in Outlook Express.


file eyxaristo poli gia thn apanthsh sou alla edo mou grafeis gia yahoo.co.uk!ti ginete otan ego to e-mail mou einai yahoo.com h yahoo.gr?


to hotmail palia prosfere paromia dunatothta mesw outlook express...me http server omws oxi POP3 alla pleon den ginetai

Den xaneis bebaia tipota na dokimaseis...idia diadikasia me parapanw alla sto bhma 7 dialegeis http anti pop3 kai provider hotmail, bazeis to mail sou kai password k eisai ok


βάζεις yahoo.com ή yahoo.gr

αν το δοκιμάσεις θα δείς αν δουλεύει... για συντομία σου έκανα ένα copy τα mail options που έχει το δικό μου... ίσως αν μπείς και σύ στο δικό σου λογαριασμό τα βρείς...


malista malista!!!tha to dokimaso etsi kai tha sas po.Gia to hotmail kserete ean mipos iparxei kanena programataki epipleon pou kanei thn douleia ayth?


gia to yagoo server bazeis




den paizei rolo ean exeis @yahoo.gr h' com


gia to hotmail den yparxei kanena problem apla bazeis onoma server hotmail kai oi rithmiseis mpainoun mones tous!!!


edwsa prosfata ecdl kai ta psilothymamai


Είστε σίγουροι ότι μπορεί κανείς απευθείας να κατεβάσει μέσω POP3 τα e-mails από απλούς λογαριασμούς Yahoo και Hotmail;


Εντάξει, για το yahoo.gr λένε ότι δουλεύει, αλλά για τις άλλες περιπτώσεις πρέπει να χρησιμοποιήσεις κάποιο επιπλέον πρόγραμμα.


Για το hotmail δεν το έχω ψάξει πολύ, αλλά για το λογαριασμό μου στο Yahoo! χρησιμοποιώ το YPOPs!.


telika ginete h den ginete to yahoo guys?

me to hotmail ksereis kaneis?

ena filos mou leei oti pezei kai programmataki giafto.


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