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Egw sou proteinw thn 6600gt pou einai h kalyterh gia authn thn kathgoria kathara.

An kai fan ths ATi mporw na paradextw pws h 6600gt einai koryfaia karta eidika gia ta xrhmata pou zhtaei.

Wstoso an kollas stis Ati to kako sta xrhmata pou dineis einai oti anamesa sta 180-280e yparxei keno.

Dhladh h ATi RADEON 700pro kostizei peripou 180e enw h amesws epomenh (kai poly kalyterh se epidoseis)

x800 kostizei 280e.

Omws vlepw pws h 9600 pou thes na anvathmiseis einai AGP opote thes karta se AGP.

Ara vgazoume thn x700pro pou einai mono se PCI-X kai thn x800 kai phgaineis pros:


http://=http://www.e-shop.gr/show_per.phtml?id=PER.516056]Nvidia GeForce 6600gt


Ola auta gia na katalaveis oti h ATi den exei karta se AGP se authn thn kathgoria.

Ektos an thewreis anavathmish apo 9600 se 9800 pro pou den tha deis kamia diafora ektos apo 5-6 fps.


Yparxoun X800 AGP, mporeis na pareis mia idea apo to e-shop pou ayth thn stigmi apo oti vlepo exei X800Pro kai X800XT alla den einai sthn timi pou exeis anaferei, milame pano apo 400?.



Pantos sta xrhmata pou anafereis kalyteri lysi einai h 6600GT, an thes gia Ati oposdipote tote prepei na aneveis kai allo sthn timi, ektos an thes na pas se palaiotera montela opos 9800Pro h 9800XT pou einai dyskolo na tis vreis new.


To ypoloipo systima sou apo ti apoteleite? (cpu, m/b, ram)


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