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Half Life 2!


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  • Απαντ. 40
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  • Τελ. απάντηση
den tin anoigeis esi alla o mauros pano stin skalosia.aneva mila tou ki an to paixnidi den exei provlima (ai disabled klp) tha stin anoiksei.



Όταν λές να του μιλήσω εννοείς να πατησω το Ε όταν είμαι κοντα του; Το κάνω αλλα τίποτα...


re paidia HELP

to paizw (to paixnidi) k otan kanw save kapou k meta paw na to ksanapeksw mou vgazei min A.I. disabled!!!

ti na kanw?

exw tin ekdosi pou 8elei na kaneis unpack ston HD to game kai na trexeis to Launcher.exe


please Help!!!



<oti aksizei ponaei k einai diskolo>

re paidia HELP

to paizw (to paixnidi) k otan kanw save kapou k meta paw na to ksanapeksw mou vgazei min A.I. disabled!!!

ti na kanw?

exw tin ekdosi pou 8elei na kaneis unpack ston HD to game kai na trexeis to Launcher.exe


please Help!!!



<oti aksizei ponaei k einai diskolo>



pata ~ kai meta grapse ai. me to pou 8a to grapseis auto 8a sou simplirwsei apo mono tou tin protasi. kane scroll down mexri pou i protasi na ginei aidisabled 0 - dld apenergopoiei tin apenergopoiisi tis texnitis noimosinis. einai eukolo 8a to vreis..

Όταν λές να του μιλήσω εννοείς να πατησω το Ε όταν είμαι κοντα του; Το κάνω αλλα τίποτα...

mallon i ekdosi sou einai provlimatiki.simvainei se pollous..


kane auta.

Go into your hl2\cfg\ folder, and create a txt file, inside this text file, write the following lines.

ai_norebuildgraph "1"

ai_disable "0"


Save, then rename the text file to ai_fix.cfg, right click the file and set it to read only.

Next, open up valve.rc in notepad, you should see the following

// load the base configuration

//exec default.cfg

// Setup custom controller

exec joystick.cfg

// run a user script file if present

exec autoexec.cfg


// stuff command line statements



// display the startup level



under "exec autoexec.cfg", add this line

exec ai_fix.cfg


Eleos re paidia,psaxte ligo to paixnidi..min to perimenete etsi etoimo sto piato...game pezete...an den spaseis ligo to kefali sou h' na valeis na doulepsi to "akatoikito"..pio to nohma an paizeis ena game parea me ena walkthrough..eleos..kai walkthrough xrisimopioiste se kana adventure,se kana rpg,oxi se action..mpam mpoum einai..an den zoristite ligo paratiste to gaming kai asxolithite me tpt allo pio aplo...


boy mou den zitise kanenas liseis kai simvoules ok?se arketes kopies tou paixnidiou iparxei provlima kai to paixnidi thes den thes den proxoraei.apla leme pos diorthonetai to lathos auto.to sigkekrimeno kollima tou paidiou ofeiletai se tetoio lathos.na fantasto pos to`xei termatisei to hl2 e?

paides to problhma einai gnwsto. katebaste thn konsola tou game patontas (~) kai balte thn ekshs entolh:




meta apo auto tha eiste ok



Δηλαδή να μην κάνω όλα τα παραπάνω;;

boy mou den zitise kanenas liseis kai simvoules ok?se arketes kopies tou paixnidiou iparxei provlima kai to paixnidi thes den thes den proxoraei.apla leme pos diorthonetai to lathos auto.to sigkekrimeno kollima tou paidiou ofeiletai se tetoio lathos.na fantasto pos to`xei termatisei to hl2 e?

File mou den anaferomai se esena..Esy xilia mpravo pou dinis tetoia voithia gia to AI tou game..oi alles apories einai eknevristikes...pou paw apo edw?ti kanw apokei?pws anoigei h porta..eleos dld re paidia, psaxte ligo tin katastasi...min kolonete me tin mia..

Game einai , spaste ligo to kefali sas na to lisete..ayti einai h diaskedasi..

File mou den anaferomai se esena..Esy xilia mpravo pou dinis tetoia voithia gia to AI tou game..oi alles apories einai eknevristikes...pou paw apo edw?ti kanw apokei?pws anoigei h porta..eleos dld re paidia' date=' psaxte ligo tin katastasi...min kolonete me tin mia..

Game einai , spaste ligo to kefali sas na to lisete..ayti einai h diaskedasi..[/quote']


Άντε ξαναπάλι... Μα αφού ο giorgos th. λίγο πιο πάνω σου το λέει ξεκάθαρα!!! ΣΕ ΑΡΚΕΤΕΣ ΚΟΠΙΕΣ ΤΟΥ ΠΑΙΧΝΙΔΙΟΥ ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ ΠΡΟΒΛΗΜΑ ΚΑΙ ΤΟ ΠΑΙΧΝΙΔΙ ΘΕΣ ΔΕ ΘΕΣ ΔΕΝ ΠΡΟΧΟΡΑΕΙ

Άν τύχενε και έπεφτες σε μια προβληματική κόπια θα σκεφτόσουν όλο αυτό για να την ανοίξεις;;;;



Go into your hl2\cfg\ folder, and create a txt file, inside this text file, write the following lines.

ai_norebuildgraph "1"

ai_disable "0"


Save, then rename the text file to ai_fix.cfg, right click the file and set it to read only.

Next, open up valve.rc in notepad, you should see the following

// load the base configuration

//exec default.cfg

// Setup custom controller

exec joystick.cfg

// run a user script file if present

exec autoexec.cfg


// stuff command line statements



// display the startup level



under "exec autoexec.cfg", add this line

exec ai_fix.cfg


Re pedia kai ego ixa to idio problima (A.I. DISABLE) me tin kopia mou otan to epeza (optan protobgike).


Ego ixa brei ali lisi sto problima telios mpakalistiki

kathe fora pou mou ebgaze to minima ebgena apo to pexnidi kai girnousa to roloi mia mera prin apo tin hmerominia pouto ebala tin teleftea fora.

Kai sinexiza to pexnidi fisiologika


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