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prob me jedi knight 2 :((


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re gmt to kano install..pao na to paixo..kai ekei sto loading gia na pexei kollaei olo to sistima !toxo kanei unistall klp apo tin arxi alla tpt..ekei...

ti sto dialo fteei ?????? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" />


<small>[ 29-07-2002, 17:41: Το μήνυμα επεξεργάστηκε από: necronio ]</small>


dokimases to wickedgl4.99 stin voodoo2?

to medal of honour trexei se sena? (xrisimopoiei q3 tropopoiimeni engine kai ayto)

ego den exo provlima me v2 sto medal of honour)





JK2 uses the system's OpenGL driver to render stuff. 3dfx cards have a maximum texture size of 256 (with the exception of Voodoo 4/5), and when you try to stuff anything higher than that (like screenshots, star wars text, etc) and don't cut it up/resample+clamp first, it produces graphical glitches. That is a known issue on 3dfx boards, and the engine itself (when displaying textures) does take care of that because it was written back in 1999 when a lot of users had 3dfx boards, but the load/save screens is what was added in by LucasArts/Raven, who happily ignored the issue because "3dfx is no longer in business" (using this as an excuse).


Back to the point. Another Q3A-engine game, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, provides an alternate OpenGL implementation for 3dfx boards. Their driver is based on Metabyte's WickedGL (http://www.wicked3d.com/technology/wickedgl.htm). Using this driver with JK2 fixes most of the issues with 3dfx boards. The version of the Wolfenstein driver is labelled 4.99, whereas the latest version on Metabyte's site is 3.02 and have not been updated for a while.


Missing/Corrupted Text/Level Start Screens

Extremely Long Savegame Load Times

I have posted the Wolfenstein WickedGL driver on My Homepage, under Voodoo 3 Tweaking section. To the bottom of the page, there is a Files section, and one of the files is the thing. This .zip contains the file named "OpenGL32.DLL". Unzip the archive into your {JK2}\GameData directory (where JK2MP.EXE and JK2SP.EXE files are located) and then run the game. JK2 will reset your graphic settings to defaults because of the new OpenGL driver, so be sure to reconfigure your graphics. Now you should be able to run JK2 with satisfactory graphics.


Other issues

Flashing Skies

If you are experiencing flashing or corrupted sky graphics while using original OpenGL drivers, be sure to set "Depth Precision (16-bit)" and "Depth Precision (32-bit)" settings under 3Dfx Tools/Advanced/[Glide/OpenGL] to either "Disable" or "Fast" (do NOT use "Faster"). (In Registry: HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/Class/Display/0000/Glide key, String Values: FX_GL_16BPP_ZPRECISION and FX_GL_32BPP_ZPRECISION, set both to either "0" or "1" (not "2")).


Unreadable Star Wars Intro Text

That again is because of max texture size = 256 limitation. There are several ways to read the intro should you want to.


The Hardest Way - Disable OpenGL Hardware Acceleration

a)Start JK2, press [shift+~] to bring down the console. Type "seta r_allowSoftwareGL 1" and press [Enter].

b)If using WickedGL, rename/move the OpenGL32.DLL file from your {JK2}\GameData folder.

c)In your C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM folder (C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 if using NT/2000) locate the file "3DFXOGL.DLL" and rename/move it.

d)Start JK2; everything will look nasty and slow as hell because hardware acceleration is disabled.

e)At console, type "r_picmip 4; r_mode 2; s_mixahead 5.0; snd_restart; vid_restart".

f)Start a new game and have patience to wait for the first map to load. The animation will be jerky but the intro will be readable.

g)Quit the game, restore the renamed files, start JK2, at console type in "s_mixahead 0.2; snd_restart" and then reconfigure your video settings.


Easier Way

a)Open the file "assets0.pk3" in your {JK2}\GameData\base folder with WinZip or an analogous program (it is a ZIP file).

b)There is a file called "tc_engl.tga" under \menu\video folder withing the ZIP; extract it.

c)Open the extracted file with your favorite image browser and read the intro.


The Easiest Way - The intro text is:




It is a time of relative peace in the galaxy. Eight years have passed since the Empire's defeat at the BATTLE OF ENDOR, but the NEW REPUBLIC still struggles to restore order and vanquish its enemies.


After defending the VALLEY OF THE JEDI from the evil JEREC and nearly falling to the dark side himself, former Jedi Knight KYLE KATARN has severed his connection with the Force and returned to his mercenary ways. With his longtime partner, JAN ORS, Kyle continues to aid the Republic in the fight against the IMPERIAL REMNANT.


As the Remnant launches its latest gambit to regain control of the galaxy, Kyle and Jan have been sent by the New Republic to investigate the planet KEJIM, home to a long-dead Imperial outpost....


<small>[ 02-08-2002, 02:08: Το μήνυμα επεξεργάστηκε από: Nemo ]</small>

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xanadokimasa to paixnidi ston hdd tou patera mou(to exume sto idio pc) kai duleve!!! opote karta grafikon/ixou den fteei..den mporo na katalavo ti fteei... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" />


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