Προς το περιεχόμενο

Nintendo` s "Revolution"


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Εν περιληψη


- Η καινουρια κονσολα της Nintendo's με το κωδικο ονομα "Revolution,"

θα ειναι προς τα πισω συνβατη ενω θα εχει και Wi-Fi δυνατοτητες .

ο επξεργαστης της αναπτυσσετε απο την IBM *******

με την κωδικη ονομασια "Broadway," και το graphics chip set απο την ATI με την κωδικη ονομασια"Hollywood," are being designed to deliver game experiences not possible to date.


-Free wi-fi για τους κατοχους Ds ,ενω ετοιμαζονται τιτλοι που υποστηριζουν τα προηγμενα χαρακτηριστικα της φορητης κονσολας ,αναγωριση φωνης ,

οθονη επαφης ,ασυρματη επικοινωνια.


- η επιβεβαιωση της ελευσης του νεου Ζelda για Gamecube



παντως η IBM τα σαρωσε ολα μια εχει αναπτυξει(μονη της η σε συνεργασια

με αλλες εταιρειες) τις Cpu ολων των νεων κονσολων ps3 ,xbox2 ,nintendo

revolution και μην ξεχναμε και τους Apple.



Το αστειο-παραδοξο-οξυμωρο

τι αλλο ???

οι ΙΒΜ -pc comptibles και το γεγονος οτι η

Ibm εχει πωλησει προσφατα το αντιστοιχο PC τμημα της

σε μια κινεζικη εταιρεια.




Thousands of video game developers in a standing-room-only crowd today heard Nintendo President Satoru Iwata outline the company's bold vision for the future. Iwata, a veteran video game designer and player himself, made several major announcements during his Game Developers Conference keynote speech, "The Heart of the Gamer," including such highlights as:


- Nintendo's next game console, code-named "Revolution," is proceeding on schedule and will include both backward compatibility and Wi-Fi features.


- Nintendo soon will offer a free Wi-Fi connection service to Nintendo DS owners.

- Iwata demonstrated several new software titles using the innovative features of the Nintendo DS, including voice recognition, touch-screen control and wireless connectivity.


- Iwata unveiled new images from the highly anticipated Legend of Zelda® adventure coming this year for Nintendo GameCube.


"This is Nintendo's plan: make our existing game world better," Iwata said. "For us, this is a passion. This is a mission of adventure."


Revolution: Iwata announced that Revolution will feature built-in Wi-Fi protocols, which will allow users around the world to connect with one another wirelessly. Revolution's technological heart, a processing chip developed with IBM and code-named "Broadway," and a graphics chip set from ATI code-named "Hollywood," are being designed to deliver game experiences not possible to date.


"We're excited to be developing the graphics chip set for Revolution, which continues our longstanding relationship with Nintendo," says Dave Orton, ATI Technologies Inc.'s president and chief executive officer. "As the leading graphics provider, ATI is committed to delivering exceptional visual performance that enables consumers to interact with new and visually compelling digital worlds. ATI is proud to support Nintendo's innovative contributions to gaming."


Nintendo DS: Iwata announced that the Wi-Fi protocol for Nintendo DS will provide users with a link to other players across the country or around the world. Once the service begins later this year, Nintendo DS users will be able to connect to the service wirelessly at Wi-Fi hot spots, whether they're at home, in a hotel or at a coffee shop. As one of several Wi-Fi games, Nintendo's in-house development team is creating a new Animal Crossing game for global Wi-Fi play.


On the keynote stage, Iwata also took part in a spontaneous eight-player wireless contest of Mario Kart® DS to demonstrate the local area network capabilities of Nintendo DS. He added that shipments of the DS game system have now surpassed 4 million units to North America and Japan in the 16 weeks since launch. With the system set to debut in thousands of stores across Europe within hours of his address, that number will approach 6 million units shipped by the end of March.


DS software: The speech featured a live demonstration of two Nintendo DS software titles that Iwata said represented types of entertainment that go beyond the traditionally accepted definitions of "video games." One, Nintendogs, asks owners to nurture and interact with a variety of breeds of digital puppies. Puppy owners can issue voice commands, play games and train their puppies while developing real emotional bonds with them. Nintendogs is set to launch later this year in North America. The second title, Electroplankton, offers an otherworldly array of sights and sounds aimed to soothe or stimulate players with the innovative use of both the touch screen and voice interaction.


"This is designed to produce harmony, not adrenaline," Iwata said.


Zelda: Iwata wowed the crowd by showing previously unreleased footage of the stunning Legend of Zelda adventure for Nintendo GameCube. The game will launch later this year, and is expected to be the most sought-after game of 2005 on any console.


Nintendo will announce more information about both Revolution and the Nintendo DS Wi-Fi service at the Electronics Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles in May. To hear the full audio podcast of Iwata's speech, visit http://www.nintendo.com.


ayta eine! file nemo moy eftiakses tin mera (iksera merika pragmata apo prein ala twra kserw liga perisotera!) malon tin evdomada poy pleon gia emena (logo ds) eine i eydomada NINTENDO!


mia parathrhsh kai mia eyxh,

h parathrhsh einai oti telika ap'oti deixnoyn ta pragmata mono to xbox2 den tha einai backwards compatible, pragmatika asteio an skeftei kaneis oti thn konsola thn ftiaxnei h M$.

Kai h eyxh moy einai na petyxei to neo Revolution kai na antagonistei to PS3, sthn deyterh thesh ton konsolon apo thn trith poy einai tora, kai na steiloyme thn M$ spiti ths poy thelei na kanei tis konsoles mas PC.


eine arga gia ti microsoft na stamatisi... thelei ti proti thesi kai tha ti parei me ti triti ekdosi poy mnalon tha eine laptop!

i nintendo omos den exei aploys gamer fun ala orkismenoys nintedakides fun poy den tin alazoyn me tipota!


mhn eisai toso sigoyros gia thn M$, kai thn agora ton web servers ithele, alloste giayto eftiaxe ton IE gia na exei thn agora ton browsers kai meta na ektopisei thn netscape apo thn agora ton servers, pragma poy katafere men, alla den ypologise toys xenodoxoys, dhladh to linux kai ton apache server, etsi ayth thn stigmh exei to 20% ton web servers, opote mhn to exeis katholoy sigoyro oti den tha apotyxei kai stis konsoles.


egw to mono poy ipologizw stin dynami cash poy exoyn (sosta tin les m$) kai oti tis aresi na eine monopoliaki! i istoria mas exei diksi pos ola ta wraia exoyn kai ena telos (san siera h kai sega an thes)ala dystixos me tin dinami toy cash poy exei tha argisi na erti kai gia tin m$ opos sosta les!


giati toso menos gia tin consola tis microsoft?diladi ti to kako eixe?mia xara konsola kai poli oraia games....nomizete oti tin sony den tin noiazoun ta fragka?.....anywayz.....oso ta *amise i sony allo toso ta *amise kai i microsoft.....an 8eloyme na doume sobari e3eli3i sto gaming prepei na figoun kai oi dio...i nintendo pragmatika mporei na alla3ei ton tropo me ton opoio paizoyme paixnidia...to exei apodei3ei kai sto parel9on alloste....makari na eixame nintendo kai sega para ayto poy einai tora.

giati toso menos gia tin consola tis microsoft?diladi ti to kako eixe?mia xara konsola kai poli oraia games....nomizete oti tin sony den tin noiazoun ta fragka?.....anywayz.....oso ta *amise i sony allo toso ta *amise kai i microsoft.....an 8eloyme na doume sobari e3eli3i sto gaming prepei na figoun kai oi dio...i nintendo pragmatika mporei na alla3ei ton tropo me ton opoio paizoyme paixnidia...to exei apodei3ei kai sto parel9on alloste....makari na eixame nintendo kai sega para ayto poy einai tora.

file me to ds i nintendo lakse ton tropo poy pezoyme ta games... oso gia to xbox eime apo toys protoys poy to peira stin elada (650 eyrw to peira me to halo dyo xeiristira kai ena game poy oyte kan to thimame logo natalaghs!

giati toso menos gia tin consola tis microsoft?diladi ti to kako eixe?mia xara konsola kai poli oraia games....nomizete oti tin sony den tin noiazoun ta fragka?.....anywayz.....oso ta *amise i sony allo toso ta *amise kai i microsoft.....an 8eloyme na doume sobari e3eli3i sto gaming prepei na figoun kai oi dio...i nintendo pragmatika mporei na alla3ei ton tropo me ton opoio paizoyme paixnidia...to exei apodei3ei kai sto parel9on alloste....makari na eixame nintendo kai sega para ayto poy einai tora.


den "misoume" to xbox alla tis stratigikes ths ms, h opoia leitourgei poly epithetika parolayta exo xbox kai exo paiksei kana dio paixnidakia epano tou. Kai pragmatika eyxome to epomeno xbox na einai mia xara konsola.


parolayta sto deytero miso tou post sou diafono orizontios kai kathetos. H sony ekane foverh douleia me to psx kai doksa soi o theos pou "gonatise" thn nitendo ligaki giati h big N to eixe parakanei.


isos na eisai mikros ilikiaka, alla h nitendo eixe tous developers me to vourdoula. For starters eixe ena eidiko chip mesa se kathe catrige (ta opoia eftiaxne h idia) gia na eksasfalizei to gegonos oti kanenas den tha mporesei na ekdosei paixnidia pou den tha perasoun egrish apo th nitendo.


meso tou monopoliou ths den epetrepe se developers na ftiaxnoun paixnidia gia alles konsoles, an eftiaxnes paixnidi mia fora gia th nitendo tote hsoun ypoxreomenos na ftiaxneis MONO gia th nitendo.


otan bgike h sony me to psx h nitendo arxise na xanei developers ton ena meta ton allo, htan de toso anoitoi pou sinexisan ayto to tertipi mexri to nitendo 64 (kai kseroume pos katalikse ayto).


mind you, eimai MEGALOS fan ths nitendo, h eteria me ligh tyxh kai thn proanaferthisa stratigiki single handendly anenipse to kosmo tou home gaming apo to crash tou '84 alla se kamia periptosh den einai "agia"


parolayta to game cube einai ekseretikh konsola, ftini me apisteyta paixnidia, to DS einia ligaki GTPK alla ti na kanoume shit happens. Opsometa gia to revolution pantos....


btw einai mono dikia mou aisthish h to exete kai eseis dei to gegonos oti h IBM tous exei piasmenous olous apo ta @@?


katse na deis pou h cpu tou xbox einai enas cell kai pou h intel tha arxisei na parapaiei ta epomena xronia....


katse na deis pou h cpu tou xbox einai enas cell kai pou h intel tha arxisei na parapaiei ta epomena xronia....



no chance in hell, o cell einai koino project Sony, IBM , Toshiba, alloste ginan hdh leak xontrika kapoia specs apo to gamespy kai xeroyme oti tha exei enan power pc me 3 cores sta 3ghz to xbox2, den yparxei kamia pithanothta na deis ton cell se proion ths M$ , opos epishs den yparxei pithanotha na deis thn Sony h thn Nintendo na xrhsimopoioyn DirectX.


Koita3e ayto gia tin monopoliaki tis politiki den to gnoriza...mporeis na mou fereis ena paradeigma?ayto apokleiete na efarmozotan se olous tous developers, para se orismenous....ipo8eseis kano....an isxie ayto poy anafereis to genesis kai snes den 8a eixan koina paixnidia..........ayto gia to tsipaki poy les kata ti gnomi mou ekane poli kala...giati diladi na min pernane ap aytin ta paixnidia kai na ta eggrini?giati na ekdidei paixnidia gia tin konsola tis xoris tin eggrisi tis?



xe i ibm kala kratei...

Koita3e ayto gia tin monopoliaki tis politiki den to gnoriza...mporeis na mou fereis ena paradeigma?ayto apokleiete na efarmozotan se olous tous developers, para se orismenous....ipo8eseis kano....an isxie ayto poy anafereis to genesis kai snes den 8a eixan koina paixnidia..........ayto gia to tsipaki poy les kata ti gnomi mou ekane poli kala...giati diladi na min pernane ap aytin ta paixnidia kai na ta eggrini?giati na ekdidei paixnidia gia tin konsola tis xoris tin eggrisi tis?


μονο arcade παιχνιδια, οχι τιτλους straight to console.


αναφορικα με το τσιπακι, ομολογουμενος εκανε καλα-μεχρι ενος σημειου. Υπηρξε μια περιοδος που ηταν απαραιτητο και μαλιστα εσωσε την βιομηχανια. Απλα δεν ηξερε που να σταματησει, οταν ανεπτυξε ορμη το ολο πραγμα ξανα η nitendo επεμενε. Αποτελεσμα της επιμονης ηταν ακριβος το οτι η Nitendo εχασε τη σονυ και αργοτερα εχασε ΑΠΟ τη σονυ. Βεβαια εχει και τα καλα του, το 90% των παιχνιδιων του N64 ηταν ΑΨΩΓΑ σε αντιθεση με τις απιστευτες σαβουρες που ειχε γεμισει το psx.

no chance in hell, o cell einai koino project Sony, IBM , Toshiba, alloste ginan hdh leak xontrika kapoia specs apo to gamespy kai xeroyme oti tha exei enan power pc me 3 cores sta 3ghz to xbox2, den yparxei kamia pithanothta na deis ton cell se proion ths M$ , opos epishs den yparxei pithanotha na deis thn Sony h thn Nintendo na xrhsimopoioyn DirectX.


δεν θα ημουν τοσο βεβαιως...οι τρεις πυρηνες της cpu δεν ειναι ιδιαιτερα παραλογο να ειναι απλα ενας cell ελαφρως τροποποιημενος ενταξι ειναι far fetched εν καιρο θα δουμε


no chance in hell' date=' o cell einai koino project Sony, IBM , Toshiba, alloste ginan hdh leak xontrika kapoia specs apo to gamespy kai xeroyme oti tha exei enan power pc me 3 cores sta 3ghz to xbox2, den yparxei kamia pithanothta na deis ton cell se proion ths M$ , opos epishs den yparxei pithanotha na deis thn Sony h thn Nintendo na xrhsimopoioyn DirectX.[/quote']



δεν θα ημουν τοσο βεβαιως...οι τρεις πυρηνες της cpu δεν ειναι ιδιαιτερα παραλογο να ειναι απλα ενας cell ελαφρως τροποποιημενος ενταξι ειναι far fetched εν καιρο θα δουμε


ma h dynamh toy Cell den einai sto PPE poy einai mia paralagh toy POWER 5 Core, alla sta 8 SPE, sto apisteyto bandwith toy EIB, kai ton dyo I/O interfaces, sthn kataplhktikh sxediash toy memory controler, sto oti to kathe SPE exei 256kb Local Addressable Memory, alloste ta 256 Gflops poy apodidei einai apo ta SPE, ta GFlops toy kyrios core den einai mesa se ayto to noymero, alla eykola mporeis na to ypologiseis otan to VMX unit toy POWER 5 core kanei 10 flops ton kyklo sta 4ghz exeis alla 40 Glops.

Ontos ta Core toy epexergasth toy Xbox2 mporei na moiazoyn poly me to PPE toy CELL, opos epishs mporei na moiazei kai to Core poy tha exei to Revolution, alla ayto exei mikrh eos elaxisth shmasia sthn telikh apodosh toy Cell.


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