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power director 4


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exw to power director 4 kai kano ena avi dit,otan to video pou thelo na epeksergasto to katevazo sto timeline o hxos einai argos kai genikotera xalia

an den to katevaso sto timeline paizei mia xara.

any idea?


Poor audio - as soon as a video clip is put into the timeline, there is a serious decrease in audio quality. If you play the clip directly, you get original quality, play it from the timeline as a preview, the quality is lower. Same problem once you render it, EVEN IF rendered as high quality DV-AVI! The audio sounds like it is being compressed, and gives a high frequency "tinny" sound, especially to human voices. No matter what I tried, I could not render to any format that resulted in good audio.


Another audio issue - can't export a wav file for editing. If you plan to use tmpgenc for rendering DVD files, it is recommended you use a wav file for full compatibility with NTSC DVD. PowerProducer won't do it.




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