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Sony To Debut The Playstation 3 At Gdc 2005?


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Symfona me to http://www.gamecentric.com h Sony amerikhs anakoinose oti tha dosei plhrofories gia to PS3 sthn Game Developer Conferance poy arxizei apo tis 7 kai teleionei stis 11 marth.


Sony Computer Entertainment of America confirmed tonight that they will debut their next PlayStation platform at the upcoming Game Developer's Conference, according to the company. Bracing themselves for the largest showing at the conference in their history, Sony will divulge more information on their new platform (which is currently being called the PlayStation 3) along with the PSP, PS2, and new EyeToy innovations they have planned.


"Developers are an enormous part of our success as they drive content and innovation forward, making PlayStation the best gaming experience for millions of consumers worldwide," said Andrew House, executive vice president, Sony Computer Entertainment America. "The Game Developers Conference enables us to collaborate with developers, share with them our vision for game development for new PlayStation platforms, and demonstrate our commitment to the global development community."


This year's Game Developer's Conference is scheduled to take place from March 7-11.




an ontos alitheyei ayto tha doyme sigoyra thn eidhsh kai se alla sites.





Ontos einai alitheia , apo to epishmo site amerikhs ths Sony


FOSTER CITY, Calif., March 3, 2005 Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. announced today its presence at the 2005 Game Developers Conference, held March 7-11 at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco. Sony Computer Entertainment America will host its largest overall show presence in company history, featuring the newest PlayStation platform, PSP™ (PlayStation® Portable), innovations for the PlayStation ®2 computer entertainment system and EyeToy™, as well as tools and technologies designed to encourage game development on all platforms. Company experts in game development, programming, and technology are set to speak at numerous sessions during the 19 th annual conference.




Mipos me to "featuring the newest PlayStation platform" ennoei apla to PSP? Opos kai na exei as min ligoureuomaste mias kai tha to doume sto Ellada toulaxiston sto telos tou 2006. Aste pou oi perissoteroi apo emas tha to agorasoun ena 6mino meta, mias kai i timi tha exei -klasika- pesei 25%-35% :) - Tin malakia na to agoraso me to pou bgei den tin xanakano! Eixa skasei 225 xiliarika gia to ps2 me to pou protobgike Ellada, itan aparaititi agora kai kala mesa sto paketo 2 joypads + 3 games.


Kala alles epoxes ekeines alles tora, to poly poly an do oti edo to paizoyn magkes kai zhtane extra fraga to paragkelno apo agglia, h akoma kai apo e-shop, pantos oyte kai ego tha to paro me to poy bgei, na perimenoyme ligaki na bgei kana kalo tsipaki kai meta ;-)


An thymasai otan eixe bgei to ps2 ta prota paixnidia den bgainan se DVD alla se CD, meta arxisan na bgainoyn se DVD olo kai perissotera mexri poy ftasame shmera na bgainoyn ola se DVD, kati paromoio tha ginei kai me to PS3.


Ε όχι πάντα τα παιχνίδια του ps2 ήταν σε dvd,άλλο αν δεν ήταν γεμάτα τα δισκάκια.Όχι αν δεν υπάρχουν recorder μέχρι τότε την πατήσαμε.Ας ελπίσουμε να μην συμβεί κάτι τέτοιο.

Όχι αν δεν υπάρχουν recorder μέχρι τότε την πατήσαμε.Ας ελπίσουμε να μην συμβεί κάτι τέτοιο.


Μην ανησυχεις, αλλωστε αν δεν υπηρχαν οι κοπιες, οι κονσολες τυπου Playstation, Xbox κτλ δεν θα πουλαγαν τοσο πολυ.... δειτε τα Megadrive και τα παρεμφερη με τα cartridges που κατεληξαν χεχε ;)


hmm ti na sou pw to mega drive kai to snes eixan poulhsei apisteyta kala gia thn epoxh tous, to problhma me ta cartidges meta thn epoxh cd-dvd einai o periorismenos xwros, den nomizw oti oi antigrafes einai kati pou w8ei mia kosnsola anti8etws nomizw oti einai ta paixnidia kai to kostos tous opw kai to kostsos tis idias tis paixnidomhxanhs, den 3erw polous na exoun neo geo cd,pou h kopia htan paneykolh alla h paixnidomhxanh htan panakribh kai ta paixnidia meta bia s eftanan ta 100 alla anti8etws h emporikoterh konsola olwn ton epoxwn xrhsimopoiei cartidges, to game boy.


na doyme omos poso tha krathsei kai ayto, giati to PSP thetei nea dedomena pleon, megalytera games, mp3 playback, mpeg4 playback, kai ola ayta epeidh xrhsimopoiei diskakia, mikra men alla diskakia.


Kai gia na mhn xefeygoyme apo to thema mas , oi fhmes diapseythkan gia emfanish toy PS3 sthn GDC, bebaia sto programma ton dialexeon einai kapoies gia ton Cell kai to Collada (to neo API) alla ps3 den prokeitai na paroysiastei, oxi mono ayto alla deixnoyn na diapseydontai kai oi fhmes gia emfanish toy ps3 mexri telos marth se ekdhlosh sthn iaponia, ayto poy tha ginei thn epomenh ebdomada einai mia kleiston ton thyron paroysiash toy ps3 se stelexh ths sony sthn iaponia http://gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=7214 alla to koino mallon tha to dei ton maio sthn E3 mazi me ta Xbox 2 kai Revolution, bebaia devkits exoyn merikoi shmantikoi iapones developers , h agia triada sigoyra (Capcom, Konami, Namco) kai isos kai alloi, kai arxizoyn na ftanoyn kai sta xeria dytikon developers siga siga ta devkits.


Yparxoyn nea apo thn GDC , h sony edose ta API poy tha xrhsimopoihsei toso ston Cell oso kai sthn GPU ths Nvidia, h GPU tha xrhsimopoiei OpenGL ES , eno gia ton programmatismo ton 8 SPE toy Cell tha xrhsimopoihthei mia glossa ths Nvidia h GS , h sony perna sthn antipethish kontra sto polydiafhmismeno XNA ths M$ kai katariptei oles tis fhmes apo thn allh pleyra oti to ps3 mporei men na exei kalytero hardware alla tha einai dyskolo ston programmatismo.

H anakoinosh exei os ejhs


SAN FRANCISCO--It's big, complicated and shares a fair amount of DNA with IBM servers, but there's no reason to be afraid of the Cell processor, Sony technicians told game developers on Wednesday.


That's because Cell, the chip that will power the next version of Sony's PlayStation video game console, will use programming tools that developers should already be familiar with and new tools that should allow them to work smarter, two researchers from Sony Computer Entertainment America said during a panel discussion at the Game Developers Conference here.



"The Cell is a complicated piece of machinery," said Mark DeLoura, manager of developer relations for SCEA. "What we can to do to make it easy for you, we'll do...We don't want to make you learn a new API (application programming interface) every time we come out with a new chip."


Sony has been working on the Cell, in partnership with IBM and Toshiba, for four years. Engineers revealed architectural details of the chip last month, explaining that it will be a multicore processor based on IBM's Power architecture.


Sony shared some of the first programming details on the chip on Wednesday, promising that Cell would adapt many existing development tools rather than force developers to learn whole new languages.


For starters, said DeLoura, Cell graphics will rely on a variation of the standard OpenGL library already widely used for PC games. Sony and software consortium the Khronos Group are developing Open GL/ES, a dialect of OpenGL optimized for interactive content, DeLoura said.


"OpenGL is huge--it has a lot of we just don't need for games," he said. "We've developed something for games, not running CAD (computer-assisted drafting)."


Cell will also use Cg, a language developed by graphics chip leader Nvidia for creating high-level graphics effects. And programmers will be able to control the eight "synergistic processing elements" that account for the bulk of Cell's horsepower using standard C or C++ tools, instead of the exacting assembly-level programming required with the current PlayStation 2.


New tools include Collada, a dialect of XML (extensible markup language) being created by Sony and creators of leading development tools to serve as a standard format for describing game assets. The goal is to save developers the hassle of recreating the same visual elements in different games. Make a great looking pine tree, for example, and you'll have a uniform way to describe the tree to other development tools and game systems.


"The tool vendors are working with us to create the importers and exporters for you," DeLoura said. "It's their job to make sure your stuff arrives intact."


Such reassurances were especially welcome after Dominic Mallinson, research director for SCEA, explained likely programming models for getting the most out of Cell's nine processing units, a task he likened to creating music for a large orchestra. System-level work will be handled by the operating system, but it'll be up to developers to figure out how to slice and dice their computing tasks.


"You, the developers, are the composers," Mallinson said. "It's up to you to assign tasks to get the best possible performance."


epishs edo http://pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/2005/0310/kaigai165.htm yparxei mia analysh toy ti eipothike sto seminario, se aptaista iaponika ;-) , exei omos kai arketa slides apo thn paroysiash poy einai ola sta agglika.


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