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Πως μπορω να φορτωσω το HDadvance απο τη memory card?


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Πως μπορω να φορτωσω το HDadvance απο τη memory card,εχω το ghost2 ως chip στο ps2.Με τη νεα αναβαθμιση μπορει λεει να φορτωσει προγραμματα κατευθειαν απο την memory card.Μπορεσα να φορωσω το HDadvance με τη χρηση ενος παιχνιδιου PS1.Ομως θελω να φορτωνω χωρις να κανω χρηση CD.Μπορει να βοηθησει καποιος?


Αρχικα πες ποια εκδοση του ps2 εχεις.Εγω φορτωσα το psmenu σε ενα cd,μεσω αυτου

αντεγραψα το HDLoader (ιδιο με το HDAdvance) στην memory card καθως και αλλα

προγραμματα (Keyloader κα).Εχω το matrix infinity και πλεον πατωντας το R1 κατα

την εκκινηση με παει σε ενα μενου που εχω φτιαξει και επιλεγω ποια εφαρμογη απο

την memory card θελω να τρεξω.


Στις v9 και v10 πρεπει ετσι κι αλλιως να εχεις καποιο cd στο drive για την εκκινηση

του HDAdvance ακομη και αν το τρεχεις απο memory card


Finally, there is a new set of control keys to automatically

activate the different boot modes when you start up or reset

your PS2:


- L1 = Force Games to load in PSX mode (if you want to skip

auto-detect, when you know the disk is PSX format).

- R1 = Fast Boot for PS2 disks (skips PS2 Logo).

- TRIANGLE = Ghost2 Manager - Ghost2 Manager must be

installed and a memory card must be present.

- O = Dev Mode (starts file boot.elf).

- X = Override Dev Mode (if it's been selected as default mode

in GH2 Manager).

- Arrow UP = load boot0.elf from memory card.

- Arrow RIGHT = load boot1.elf from memory card.

- Arrow DOWN = load boot2.elf from memory card.

- Arrow LEFT = load boot3.elf from memory card (for example

you can have FTP server, DivX player etc. stored in the memory

card and select them with the arrow keys, if the corresponding

file doesn't exist it will bring up the PS2 browser.


Ayta grafei sto site toy ghost2 .Pws mporw na ta kanw?


an exeis network adapter mporeis na ta peraseis me to execftps , mpoytareis ton ftp server kai meta apo to pc kaneis ftp sto ps2 kai upload ta arxeia, btw den eixa idea oti ekane kati tetoio to ghost2 , tha to dokimaso to brady poy tha pao spiti kai tha po perissotera.


loipon epikoinonhsa me ton chris poy exei to http://www.consoleworld.gr kai moy eipe oti to neo firmware paizei aproblhmatista , toylaxiston sthn 50004 poy exo ego, patas to reset 8 fores kai meta petas mesa to cd me to firmware, to image tha to breis kanontas search sto google gia G2_pal_sw_1.20.rar (paranomo logo toy oti exei kodika ths sony mesa) ton manager ton briskeis nomima sto http://www.ps2ownz.com , tha to dokimaso argotera apopse poy tha pao spiti kai tha sas po nea.

Finally' date=' there is a new set of control keys to automatically

activate the different boot modes when you start up or reset

your PS2:


- L1 = Force Games to load in PSX mode (if you want to skip

auto-detect, when you know the disk is PSX format).

- R1 = Fast Boot for PS2 disks (skips PS2 Logo).

- TRIANGLE = Ghost2 Manager - Ghost2 Manager must be

installed and a memory card must be present.

- O = Dev Mode (starts file boot.elf).

- X = Override Dev Mode (if it's been selected as default mode

in GH2 Manager).

- Arrow UP = load boot0.elf from memory card.

- Arrow RIGHT = load boot1.elf from memory card.

- Arrow DOWN = load boot2.elf from memory card.

- Arrow LEFT = load boot3.elf from memory card (for example

you can have FTP server, DivX player etc. stored in the memory

card and select them with the arrow keys, if the corresponding

file doesn't exist it will bring up the PS2 browser.


Ayta grafei sto site toy ghost2 .Pws mporw na ta kanw?[/quote']


ap oti grafei, onomazeis to hdloader se BOOT0.ELF kai molis patas to velos UP, fortonei to hdloader apo tin mc.


loipon sxetikh epityxia pros to paron, opos eipa kai prin afoy ekapsa se ena cd me to nero, to firmware update ekana to ejhs , anoija to ps2 kai meta


press reset when you see blue light

press reset when you see blue light

press reset when you see blue light

press reset when you see blue light

press reset


ayto gyrizei to ghost2 se eprom write mode, kanei boot to cd kai kanei mono toy to update, kleinete to ps2 kai mpoytarete pali kai eiste pleon me to neo firmware.

Paroti katebasa ton ghost2 manager kai paroti ontos mphke sthn memory card, den brhka pos mporeis na peraseis me ayton elf arrxeia sthn mnhmh apo cd, ap'oti katalaba den to kanei akoma ayth h version poy kykloforoyn, opote den xreiazetai kai na mpei sthn memory card isos katholoy, anyway ego ton ebala.

Afoy loipon mphke prospathisa na balo kai merika programmatakia, etsi ebala to HDadvance san boot0.elf (gia xarin syntomias ta grafo me mikra alla ola ta arxeia prepei na einai me kefalaia) to execftps san boot1.elf , kai eftiaja mesa sto BOOT dir ena akoma EXECFTPS poy mesa eixe to config.dat me to ip/netmask/gateway poy thelei to execftps gia na doylepsei, kai san boot2.elf ebala ena utilitaki gia format ths memory card.


H merikh epityxia egkytai sto ejhs, eno kai to execftps kai to memory format doyleyoyn kanonika, to hdadvance/hdloader paroti jekinaei kai deixnei thn arxikh eikona, den proxoraei meta sto na deixei thn lista me ta games, anyway to paleyo na bro ti ftaiei kai giati den doyleyei sosta kai otan to bro tha epaneltho, btw ola ayta se V11 konsola 50004 me to Ghost 2 soul of messiah gia na mhn xexniomaste.


eixa katebasei to guide toy kalair poy eixe mia version h opoia empaine se mem card , oyte ayth doylepse, oyte to HDadvance, oyte akoma kai mia version toy HDloader poy brhka kai htan 9mb doylepse, exeis esy kapoia diaforetikh apo aythn poy eixe o kalair sto guide toy?


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