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Αλλαγη χρωματος Start button XP how?


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den perimena oti htan toso polyploko

telika to mono pou exw vrei einai ayto alla prepei na exeis valei to Styles XP



You must first download a program called Styles XP once you install it, reboot your machine. Browse to C:\Windows\resources\themes. Now, make a copy of the stylesXP_1 folder. Rename this to stylesXP_2 .


Open stylesXP_2.theme with notepad and browse to the bottom of the file, find this line :




change that to:




Open stylesXP_2.msstyles with Resource Hacker You should know by now, how to use resource hacker. Open the Bitmap folder. Click Action, replace bitmap, find the COLORHERE_STARTBUTTON_BMP (colorhere = blue, homestead or metallic) Find the bitmap of your new startbutton and click replace, then File > Save. Now, right click on your desktop, Properties. Themes : stylesXP_2


That's it! If the start button dosen't change its most likely that your not using the color of the startbutton you changed, ie : you changed the silver button but your using the blue color theme.

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και μετα με το Stylebuilder αλλαζετε το χρωμα με οποιον editor θελετε και δημιουργειτε ενα νεο θεμα το οποιο επιλεγετε απο τα THEMES


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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