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spyware??h trojan??pls help!!!


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prin liges meres eixa mpei se ena site gia na brw kati cracks gia ena paixnidi!!!kai ola apo ekei proilthan!!tespa exw to spysweeper ekana scan(upotithe pws ta ebgale alla tpt)bazw to spyware doctor kai afto ta idia katebazw kai to ad-aware kai pali ta idia!patwntas ctrl+alt+del brika 2 kainourgia prog pou den ta eixa pote kai oute ta iksera!!to ena legete rundll(kapos etsi)kai to allo ccapp!!ti einai afta??ksereis kaneis?kai pws tha ta eksafanisw??prokatabolika efxaristw


λοιπόν, έχουμε με πρόχειρη αναζήτηση:

"rundll.exe is a Windows System process belonging to the Windows 95, 98 and ME range of Microsoft Windows products. This is an important system process and should not be terminated. NOTE: rundll.exe can also be the LOXOSCAM and Backdoor.SchoolBus.B trojans depending on Operating System and file path; this is always a virus on Windows XP and 2000 operating systems however. Both are a backdoor Trojan that allow hackers to gain access to the computer. These program is a registered security risk and should be removed immediately. If found on your system make sure that you have downloaded the latest update for your antivirus application. Please consult the file path to distinguish between this and the system process."


"ccapp.exe is a process belonging to Norton AntiVirus 2003. It is responsible for the auto-protect and email checking facilities, both of which will not function correctly if this service is stopped. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated."

και μην αναφέρεις κακές λέξεις, όπως c...ck!!!


no worries!

to ccapp.exe είναι κομμάτι του Norton AntiVirus, αν το σβήσεις θα χάσεις τη δυνατότητα για αυτο-προστασία και έλεγχο μηνυμάτων. Θα έλεγα να αφήσεις και το άλλο πρόγραμμα ήσυχο.


δεν είπες ΑΝ υπάρχει και ΠΟΙΟ είναι συγκεκριμένα το πρόβλημά σου. Αν είναι το ότι βρήκες στα processes αυτά τα δύο exe, τότε δεν έχεις πρόβλημα. Διευκρίνησε αν υπάρχει κάποιο σοβαρό πρόβλημα στη λειτουργία του PC σου.


Koita to pc twra mia xara pigenei alla otan eimai sto net kati fores mou kleini tin selida mono tou!tha ksanakanw scan kai tha sou pw!alla eixe brei kai arxeio cws to opoio den bgenei me tpt!upotithete pws ta bgazei alla pali otan ksana kanw pali ta idia briskei!!


Exeis kolhsei mallon kapoia spyware.to arxeio pou les oti briskeis (cws) antistoixei sto Coolwebsearch , to opio einai mi ahdia pou sou allazei arketa pragmatakia sto surfing(arxikes selides,search pages...). To kallitero pou exeis na kaneis einai na kaneis update to spysweeper , to adware kai to norton sta teleutaia definitions.Meta na kaneis restart kai na mpeis se safe mode kai na trexeis me thn seira ola.Oti sou brei to kathe programma tha to valei sthn dikh tou quarantine.Gia auto to logo me to pou tha teleiwneis apo to kathe programma katharise thn quarantine gia na mhn ta brei ekei to epomeno programma . Kalh synexeia


Den mas eipes ti leitourgiko exeis. An exeis Win 2000 h XP tote to rundll einai trojan kai thelei katharisma. Me ctrl-alt-del to stamatas apo tis diergasies kai me f3 to psaxneis kai to sbhneis. An thes katebase kai thn trial ekdosh toy The Cleaner ( http://www.moosoft.com ) kai kane ena scan sto systhma sou.


Gia na apalageis apo to poly enoxlhtiko CWS (Cool Web Search) katebase to monadiko programmataki pou to eksafanizei: to CWShredder apo edw: http://cwshredder.net/bin/CWShredder.exe

Den mas eipes ti leitourgiko exeis. An exeis Win 2000 h XP tote to rundll einai trojan kai thelei katharisma. Me ctrl-alt-del to stamatas apo tis diergasies kai me f3 to psaxneis kai to sbhneis. An thes katebase kai thn trial ekdosh toy The Cleaner ( http://www.moosoft.com ) kai kane ena scan sto systhma sou.


Gia na apalageis apo to poly enoxlhtiko CWS (Cool Web Search) katebase to monadiko programmataki pou to eksafanizei: to CWShredder apo edw: http://cwshredder.net/bin/CWShredder.exe

exw ta 2000 me!!to the cleaner pou les to katebasa kai tin wra pou paw na to treksw klinei mono tou!!!


Dokimase to EasyCleaner 2: sto koumpi Startup simiwse ti trexei, svise otidipote den xreiazesai kai kane ena restart. Meta dokimase na vgaleis ola afta ta enoxlitika, eite me uninstall eite me pio viees methodous (delete twn arxeiwn)


Για δοκιμασε και το spybot search and destroy,και επισης ριξε μια ματια εδω να δεις τι ξεκιναει στην εκκινηση..start-->run-->regedit--> HKEY_CURRENT_USER-->Software-->Microsoft-->Windows-->Current version-->Run και δες τι εχει εκει.Επισης κοιτα και στο start-->run-->regedit--> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-->Software-->Microsoft-->Windows-->Current version-->Run..!Αν δεν γνωριζεις τι πρεπει να κανεις,πες μας τι βρηκες(ενα screenshot θα ηταν πιο εξυπηρετικο)και οποιος μπορει(και θελει)θα βοηθησει..:)

Koita to pc twra mia xara pigenei alla otan eimai sto net kati fores mou kleini tin selida mono tou!tha ksanakanw scan kai tha sou pw!alla eixe brei kai arxeio cws to opoio den bgenei me tpt!upotithete pws ta bgazei alla pali otan ksana kanw pali ta idia briskei!!


Υπάρχει και ιός με το όνομα Trojan.Downloader.CWS.g2

Για δοκιμασε και το spybot search and destroy,και επισης ριξε μια ματια εδω να δεις τι ξεκιναει στην εκκινηση..start-->run-->regedit--> HKEY_CURRENT_USER-->Software-->Microsoft-->Windows-->Current version-->Run και δες τι εχει εκει.Επισης κοιτα και στο start-->run-->regedit--> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-->Software-->Microsoft-->Windows-->Current version-->Run..!Αν δεν γνωριζεις τι πρεπει να κανεις,πες μας τι βρηκες(ενα screenshot θα ηταν πιο εξυπηρετικο)και οποιος μπορει(και θελει)θα βοηθησει..:)

loipon sto run ekei pou mu eipes na mpo brika...



spyware doctor


einai akribws apo ta eblepa!

alla koitaksa etsi tyxea kai sto fakelo run once

kai brika


Deletesearchforit kai sto data egrafe rundll32 kai kati alla...

perimenw apantisi thnx


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