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World Of Warcraft Topic v1

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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα


Αυτες τις μερες εκαναν καποια upgrade στο site και μετα απο καποια ωρα armory, create account/manage account δεν λειτουργουσαν για αυτο κιολας να σου εβγαλε error inter page...δοκιμασε παλι το πρωι, και αν δεν το περασει, σε βγαλει σε screen νσ λεει invalid card, mail στο tech support της blizz.


Ode to a gamer


my girlfriend just wrote that for me

i would like to share that poem with the comunity





Tonight's the time to turn off the WoW

And raid with me in the here-and-now

Enter there through my Dark Portal

I'll make you feel more Paladin than mortal.


We'll do a little PvP

You'll farm my Wetlands territory

Our own Alliance we will build

And you can play in my super Guild.


Let's have a duel just you and me

I'll bring you up to level seventy

With just your loot (and expansion pack)

I might let you take me from the back.


I'll lead you on a naked quest

Take off that shiny armored vest

Intensify your DPS!

Your stealthy rogue will earn his crest.


You will teleport yourself right here

Show me all your powerful gear

Deep inside my labyrinthine cave

Let me feel your Burning Crusade.


I'll let you earn some Honor points

When your secret oil on me anoints

The white hot glow of desire and need

Your magic spell will do the deed.


So turn off that game and come to this muse

Put your mouse-hand where it's much-better used

I'll show you when you play with me

It's much more fun than any MMORPG.






χαχαχαχαχα! απλά κορυφαίο!! Ρε για δες που στο εξωτερικό τους γράφουν ολόκληρα ποιήματα για να τους ξεκολλήσουν από τα pc και να τους κάτσουν ενώ εδώ θέλουν τεμενάδες:P:-D

Αυτες τις μερες εκαναν καποια upgrade στο site και μετα απο καποια ωρα armory, create account/manage account δεν λειτουργουσαν για αυτο κιολας να σου εβγαλε error inter page...δοκιμασε παλι το πρωι, και αν δεν το περασει, σε βγαλει σε screen νσ λεει invalid card, mail στο tech support της blizz.




οκ εγω το προβλημα με την καρτα το εφτιαξα , ετσι οπως την εξισα εβλεπα το 0 για G ,


ρε παιδια πειτε μου ειμαι lvl 57 pros 58 τι να κανω να παιξω battlegrounds η στην Outland ριχνουν καλυτερα αντικειμενα κτλ ????


Battlegrounds παιξε οταν φτασεις 70lvl. Αν θελεις παιζε και τωρα κανε το daily π.χ. αλλά μην αγορασεις αντικειμενα. Γενικοτερα μεχρι να φτασεις 70lvl μην ασχολεισαι ιδιαιτερα με αντικειμενα, πανοπλιες κτλ... Απο 58 μεχρι 60 θα διπλασιασεις ΗP και Μανα απο τα quest rewards.


Δεν είναι ένα single player game να σου πούμε τι κάνεις, άρχισε κάνοντας μερικά Battlegrounds για να πιάσεις το feel του PvP, τα άλλα classes, και lvlάροντας, μαθαίνοντας το class σου και το game οι απορίες σου θα λύνονται σιγά σιγά.


Έχεις char με το όνομα skia?


τελικα ευκολο το s4 για πρωτες μερες. πας 1700 αρκετα ευκολα με λιγη προσπαθεια. εμεις το πηγαμε 3 φορες 1700 ανετα και το ριξαμε τωρα γιατι καναμε κατι δοκιμες σε specs.


να και μια εικονα απο οτι προλαβα να παρω μεσα σε 2 ωρες που επεξα το session4



Ode to a gamer








Κλαίω. Σοβαρά κλαίω. Και ΟΚ μου έφυγε και λίγος καφές από τη μύτη όταν είπε: Deep inside my labyrinthine cave

Let me feel your Burning Crusade.


Legen - wait for it - DARY!!!!

Κλαίω. Σοβαρά κλαίω. Και ΟΚ μου έφυγε και λίγος καφές από τη μύτη όταν είπε: Deep inside my labyrinthine cave

Let me feel your Burning Crusade.


Legen - wait for it - DARY!!!!


Μήπως είδες την απάντηση ενός άλλου για το δίστιχο που αναφέρεις?


cave? how many guys has she been with? and if it burns i suggest going to the doctor for some antibiotics.






Τα πρώτα νέα για το WoTLK




* Entangling roots will be useable indoor.

* Nourish will be a new healing spell, healing for more hit points for each HoT effect on the target.

* There isn't any plan to change cyclone





* All kind of pets will have their own talent tree. A tanking talent tree, a DPS talent tree, and an utility talent tree. Each kind of pet family will have its own talent tree and its own unique ability.

* The shot clipping will be removed from Steady Shot, you'll be able to use it without "interrupting" your autoshot. Hunters will be able to just smash their button.

* There are going to be new pets in WotLK.

* The skill points for each pets are being changed to the new "Pet talents" and will disappear.





* Divine Hymn will be a deep-holy talent protecting your party from attackers, any attacks done to you or your party will cause the attacker to be afflicted by sleep.

* The 51 point talent for Shadow Priests is Dispersion : You disperse into pure shadow energy, reducing all damage taken by -90%. You are unable to attack or cast spells, but you regenerate 6% health and mana every 1 sec for 6 seconds.

* Guardian Spirit - Calls upon a guardian spirit to heal and watch over the friendly target. The spirit heals the target for 642 every 2 sec, and also prevents the target from dying by sacrificing itself. Lasts 10 seconds.





* Mages are getting a Frostfire bolt dealing Frost-Fire damage to make elementalists more viable.





* Totems are being "condensed" into a smaller amount of totems, for exemple Strength of Earth and Grace of Air totems will be merged into the same totem

* A new weapon enchantment will be available "Earthliving Weapon". It will increase the healing power of the Shaman.

* Flametongue will give spell damage bonus to the Shaman.

* Totems are being moved to physical school, you can't counterspell anymore.

* Totems will also affect raid members, not just the local party.

* Shamans are getting "Hex", a polymorph-like spell on a medium cooldown allowing them to turn an enemy into a frog. The enemy cannot cast or attack but is still in control of his character.

* Windfury won't be a weapon enchant anymore and will be changed to a buff. You will be able to use it in bear form or with poison.





* Rogues will get a talent called "Fan of Knives", an AoE ability allowing them to attack all enemies within a short range. It will be some kind of "emergency" ability and you won't be able to spam it.

* Sap will now work on more targets, humanoids, beasts, dragonkins, demons. "Anything with a skull and a brain inside of it".





* Retribution paladins itemization will be moved to the same item as Warriors/Death Knights

* A new reactive healing spell will be added - Hand of Purity.

* Paladin's short-term-blessings no longer overwrite long-term-blessings.





* Demonic Circle will allow warlocks to scribe a circle in the ground to teleport to it later with another spell.

* The 51-Point demonogy talent is a Demon-Form, this will allow you cast AOE Shadowbolts





* Titan's Grip is a new Fury talent and allows warriors to wear 2 hand weapons with a single hand.

* Protection Warriors are getting a spell called "Shockwave" allowing them to damage and stun all the monsters in front of them.

* Bladestorm will be a new Arms talent whirlwinding all enemies in range every x seconds for a few seconds.





Τα priestakia τα φτιαξανε παλι , οπως και τον paladin και τον rogue αλλα ... ο warrior εφαγε το μεγαλυτερο buff ... Titan's Grip is a new Fury talent and allows warriors to wear 2 hand weapons with a single hand.


Αναρωτιέμαι πως καταλήγεις στο συμπέρασμα ότι μας φτιάξανε πάλι? Τακτική της blizz είναι να παρουσιάζει τους priests uberbuffed - ενώ δεν είναι - και με το που βγαίνει το game στην αγορά να αρχίζει τα αχαλίνωτα nerfs.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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