andrip Δημοσ. 11 Απριλίου 2007 Δημοσ. 11 Απριλίου 2007 ίσα ίσα για όσους εργαζόμαστε το παιχνίδι έχει αποκτήσει ΠΑΜΠΟΛΛΑ πράματα να κάνεις. Τόσα instances να κάνεις με φίλους πριν τι είχε να κάνεις με φίλους αν δεν ήσουν σε guild me 40 άτομα;;; ubrs? ουάου! ή μήπως zg/aq με 20 άτομα; τρέχα γύρευε. Ακόμα στο ίδιο guild είμαι και δεν υπάρχει περίπτωση να με σουτάρουν γιατί είναι normal κι όχι hardcore guild, αλλα απο την ώρα που έπιασα δουλειά μειώθηκαν raid σε bwl μπλαμπλαμπλα, καλά mc δεν πάταγα :Ρ τώρα karazhan 4-5 bosses έχουμε so far κι αυτό με χαλαρό παίξιμο απο όλους μάς, πχ 7-8 με 11 το πολύ. Για παραπάνω πράματα όντως το παιχνίδι απαιτεί πολύ χρόνο που πολλοι δεν έχουν τη δύναμη/χρόνο/όρεξη να ακολουθήσουν. Ειδικά όσο ανοίγει ο καιρός τόσο θα μειώνονται οι Online ώρες ;Ρ paidia sovareutite mia. i blizz den tha dwsei stous druid to flying skill ara to epic flying form. dld tha prepei na plirwsoun ta 5200 alla den tha plirwsoun ta 800 gold tou mount + oti tha pigainun monoi tous opou theloun. γιατί πληρώσαν τα 700 (ή πόσα ήταν δε θυμάμαι) για το κανονικό πετούμενο skill?
pseira Δημοσ. 11 Απριλίου 2007 Δημοσ. 11 Απριλίου 2007 Kapoios tis blizz eipe oti gia to epic flying form to Artisan Riding skill pou kanei 5k ine proapaitoumeno.. Omws gia na pareis to artisan prepei na exeis idi to 225 opote GG . den exei tzampa mount
andrip Δημοσ. 11 Απριλίου 2007 Δημοσ. 11 Απριλίου 2007 πολύ γενικό κάποιος είπε κάπου κάτι, αν το έχεις δει πες λινκ μια γιατί πραγματικά αυτό το ράδιο αρβύλλα δεν παλεύετε! Δε λέω για σένα αλλα λέω για όλα αυτα που βγαίνουν έτσι, ο αδερφός της γκόμενας ένος ξάδερφου μου μου είπε οτι... μπορεί και να είναι αλήθεια απλά μέχρι να βγεί μόνο εικασίες
chill Δημοσ. 11 Απριλίου 2007 Δημοσ. 11 Απριλίου 2007 Ρε παιδιά μου έχει ανοίξει xD. Lvlάρα τον lock μου χτες για κανένα μισάωρο και μου έπεσαν 2! ναι 2! συνταγές για jc με το 16 attack power!!!! Sold both for 550g each xD!!!!! Βλέπω ο alt μου να παίρνει epic flying mount σύντομα τη στιγμή που η μισή και πλέον παρέα μου δεν έχει epic ούτε στον main. Αφήστε που ως master trasmutator εδώ και μια βδομάδα παίρνω το λιγότερο δυο mights από κάθε trasmute.............Nerf my luck. Όπου να ναι θα μου κάτσει και κανα flask από το alchemy, το μοναδικό πράγμα στο οποίο είμαι άτυχος στο tbc......xD αλλά έτσι όπως με πάει η βδομάδα το βλέπω έρχεται flask - για να μην πω flaskS -.
mindtrapper Δημοσ. 11 Απριλίου 2007 Δημοσ. 11 Απριλίου 2007 Kapoios tis blizz eipe oti gia to epic flying form to Artisan Riding skill pou kanei 5k ine proapaitoumeno.. Omws gia na pareis to artisan prepei na exeis idi to 225 opote GG . den exei tzampa mount Τα quests του Warlock και του Paladin πάντως έδιναν και τα αντίστοιχα skills. Και το Epic και το κανονικό. Θα ήταν λογικό να γίνεται έτσι και για τους Druid, και νομίζω στο κανονικό flying form τους δίνει και το skill. Αλλά δεν είμαι σίγουρος γι' αυτό ίσως και να κάνω λάθος. Με το επόμενο patch συνεχίζουμε και το quest για το Netherdrake, 280% αλλά εμφανισιακά μαμάει. Αυτό όμως θα θέλει μάλλον το skill αγορασμένο οπότε άντε να γλυτώσουμε τα 200g του mount Και φυσικά το armored Netherdrake για τους προνομιούχους που σκίζουν στην Arena (310% νομίζω) How to get Neutral with Netherdrake (Netherdrake Epic Mount Quest Starter)A list by Greengoo 1. Kindness - Kill 8 Rocknail Flayers' date=' Use Carcasses to Feed 8 Dragons (don't move!). Also make sure to travel a bit when laying the meat, as the same drakes won't eat twice in a row. 2. Seek Out Neltharaku - Fly on your mount and find Neltharaku, he patrols slowly around Dragonmaw about a few hundred feet up. You'll have to be about 5 yards UNDER him to talk to him. 3. Neltharaku's Tale - Listen to story. 4. Infiltrating Dragonmaw Fortress - Kill 15 of any type of orcs in the fortress. 5.To Netherwing Ledge! - Find 12 Crystals from the floating island SE of the mainland. 6. The Force of Neltharaku - Free 5 Dragons by using the item on them, then killing the orcs they agro. 7. Karynaku - Find Karynaku, she's the second story of the fortress. 8. Zuluhed the Whacked - Kill Zuluhed and recover the key. I recommend pulling him inside so as to avoid the archers, and kill him BEFORE he summons his add. Use the key he drops to free Karynaku. 9. Ally of the Netherwing - Return to Mordenai, you will immediately gain 42,000 rep and become neutral. 10. ???? - Blizzard has announced that next patch they will be introducing a continuence of this quest line, including the ability to get exalted and purchase or receive through extensive questing an EPIC netherdrake mount. You will need epic training to use it however, so save your gold![/quote']
Skia11 Δημοσ. 12 Απριλίου 2007 Δημοσ. 12 Απριλίου 2007 Πάντως το quest chain για Netherdrake rep όταν τα έκανα τα καταφχαριστίθικα, απο τα πλέον αγαπημένα μου στο TBC. @ Benedictus: Μή βιάζεσαι με το fear όταν στη πέφτει undead
sleepy_head Δημοσ. 12 Απριλίου 2007 Δημοσ. 12 Απριλίου 2007 εγώ βαριέμαι τα quests προτιμώ να πάω σε ένα instance αλλά μου βγαίνει η πίστη ώσπου να βρώ full group :/
Remiel Δημοσ. 13 Απριλίου 2007 Δημοσ. 13 Απριλίου 2007 To vrika apo to site ton EJ kai anaferei oti einai oi allages pou tha ginoun oson afora tous rogue sto epomeno patch.Den einai blue post alla fenete alithino Rogues - Added a new double-attack animation for "Mutilate". - "Cloak of Shadows": The tooltip has been adjusted to indicate this ability removes hostile effects, rather than dispels them. "Cloak of Shadows" does not count as a dispel, and will not interact with dispel resistance or effects triggered by dispelling. This ability no longer removes the "Weakened Soul" debuff. - "Deadly Throw": This ability will now damage hunters and their pets when they are affected by "The Beast Within" or "Bestial Wrath". Those targets will still be immune to the movement impairing portion of "Deadly Throw". - Fixed a data error that caused "Ghostly Strike" and "Riposte" to generate more threat than intended. - Fixed a bug where the "Silence" effect on "Garrote" was getting resisted too often. - "Insignia of the Alliance/Horde" and "Medallion of the Alliance/Horde" now remove "Fear", "Stun" and "Polymorph" effects and no longer remove "Charm" effects. - "Improved Sap" (Subtlety) renamed "Dirty Tricks": Increases the range of your "Sap" and "Blind" abilities by 2/4 yards and reduces the energy cost of your "Sap" and "Blind" abilities by 25/50%. - Increased the frequency and amount of "Blinding Powder" found in pickpocketed junk boxes. - "Mutilate": This ability will now always consume the "Cold Blood" buff when it strikes an opponent. - Poisons: The difficulty of dispelling these is now based off the level of the player, not the level of the weapon the poison is applied to. - Reduced the reagents required to create most poisons. - "Remorseless Attacks"(Assassination): "Hemorrhage" added to the buff tooltip. This ability will no longer trigger from killing totems. - Rogue poisons no longer have charges. - "Sap" now automatically gains the full benefit of "Improved Sap". - "Shadowstep" (Subtlety): The cooldown has been reduced to 15 seconds. - "Stealth"will now be broken correctly by damage shield such as "Oil of Immolation". - "Surprise Attacks" (Combat): This talent now correctly prevents "Envenom" from being dodged.
sleepy_head Δημοσ. 13 Απριλίου 2007 Δημοσ. 13 Απριλίου 2007 - Reduced the reagents required to create most poisons.- Rogue poisons no longer have charges. επιτέλους γιατί πολύ gold έπεφτε για τα poisons. Αλλά δεν είναι blue post οπότε one can only hope
Remiel Δημοσ. 13 Απριλίου 2007 Δημοσ. 13 Απριλίου 2007 Kai einai official pleon # Added a new double-attack animation for "Mutilate". # "Cloak of Shadows": The tooltip has been adjusted to indicate this ability removes hostile effects, rather than dispels them. "Cloak of Shadows" does not count as a dispel, and will not interact with dispel resistance or effects triggered by dispelling. This ability no longer removes the "Weakened Soul" debuff. # "Deadly Throw": This ability will now damage hunters and their pets when they are affected by "The Beast Within" or "Bestial Wrath". Those targets will still be immune to the movement impairing portion of "Deadly Throw". # Fixed a data error that caused "Ghostly Strike" and "Riposte" to generate more threat than intended. # Fixed a bug where the "Silence" effect on "Garrote" was getting resisted too often. # "Insignia of the Alliance/Horde" and "Medallion of the Alliance/Horde" now remove "Fear", "Stun" and "Polymorph" effects and no longer remove "Charm" effects. # "Improved Sap" (Subtlety) renamed "Dirty Tricks": Increases the range of your "Sap" and "Blind" abilities by 2/4 yards and reduces the energy cost of your "Sap" and "Blind" abilities by 25/50%. # Increased the frequency and amount of "Blinding Powder" found in pickpocketed junk boxes. # "Mutilate": This ability will now always consume the "Cold Blood" buff when it strikes an opponent. # Poisons: The difficulty of dispelling these is now based off the level of the player, not the level of the weapon the poison is applied to. # Reduced the reagents required to create most poisons. # "Remorseless Attacks" (Assassination): "Hemorrhage" added to the buff tooltip. This ability will no longer trigger from killing totems. # Rogue poisons no longer have charges. # "Sap" no longer removes you from stealth when used. # "Shadowstep" (Subtlety): The cooldown has been reduced to 15 seconds. # "Stealth" will now be broken correctly by damage shield such as "Oil of Immolation". # "Surprise Attacks" (Combat): This talent now correctly prevents "Envenom" from being dodged.
Skia11 Δημοσ. 13 Απριλίου 2007 Δημοσ. 13 Απριλίου 2007 Rogues - Fixed a data error that caused "Ghostly Strike" and "Riposte" to generate more threat than intended. - "Insignia of the Alliance/Horde" and "Medallion of the Alliance/Horde" now remove "Fear", "Stun" and "Polymorph" effects?????????? and no longer remove "Charm" effects.- Increased the frequency and amount of "Blinding Powder" found in pickpocketed junk boxes. - "Remorseless Attacks"(Assassination): "Hemorrhage" added to the buff tooltip. This ability will no longer trigger from killing totems. - Rogue poisons no longer have charges. - "Sap" now automatically gains the full benefit of "Improved Sap". - "Shadowstep" (Subtlety): The cooldown has been reduced to 15 seconds. Τα πιο σημαντικά Imo είναι αυτά....too good to be true αλλά ας ελπίζουμε
Remiel Δημοσ. 13 Απριλίου 2007 Δημοσ. 13 Απριλίου 2007 Einai official skia11 an deis pio pano exo postarei to blue post
Skia11 Δημοσ. 13 Απριλίου 2007 Δημοσ. 13 Απριλίου 2007 Ναι αντε να δούμε. 2 free points from sap )))))))))))))
greekbaby Δημοσ. 13 Απριλίου 2007 Δημοσ. 13 Απριλίου 2007 Guys exw duo questions 1) Mporei kaneis na mou pei stous paladins th 8a ginei ??2) Poia einai to best perioxh gia farm sta outland ???for items most (monehy dld).
Chrisxxx Δημοσ. 13 Απριλίου 2007 Δημοσ. 13 Απριλίου 2007 Priests * "Binding Heal": The mana cost has been reduced by 32%. The tooltip has been adjusted to indicate it is a low threat spell, which was already the case. * "Circle of Healing" (Holy) effect increased. * "Empowered Healing" and "Holy Concentration" now affect "Binding Heal". * Focused Power (Discipline) now also increases the chance to hit with Mass Dispel, reduces the cast time of Mass Dispel but no longer increases the damage against feared targets. * "Holy Fire": The rank 9 tooltip has been corrected to indicate it does Holy damage. * "Holy Nova": Rank 2 will no longer receive double the intended increase in range from "Holy Reach". * "Mind control" no longer has a 100 yard range limitation in instances. * "Pain Suppression" now reduces damage taken by 65% and increases resistance to Dispel mechanics by 65% for the duration. * "Power Word: Shield": The "Weakened Soul" effect will no longer sometimes be re-applied while zoning with this buff on. * "Prayer of Fortitude": The range on rank 3 has been changed to match all other ranks of this spell. * "Prayer of Fortitude", ranks 1 and 2, are now available on trainers. * "Prayer of Mending": This spell is now affected by "Silent Resolve", "Amplify Magic", and "Dampen Magic". * "Prayer of Shadow Protection", rank 1, is now available on trainers. * "Reflective Shield": When this effect is triggered, the priest will no longer be forced to stand up. * "Shadowfiend": This pet will now come into the game with full health and mana, including that gained from a percentage of its master's stamina and intellect. * "Shadow Weaving" (Shadow): Effect reduced by 1% per rank. * "Shadow Word: Death": Cooldown increased to 12 sec. * "Silent Resolve": Some priest spells were unaffected by this talent. They should now all be affected. * "Spirit of Redemption" and "Spiritual Guidance" now work while the priest is in "Shadowform". * "Spirit Tap": This ability will no longer be triggered by killing some creature-cast totems. * "Surge of Light": "Smite" spells triggered by this talent will no longer sometimes critically strike. In addition, the free "Smite" granted will not consume the effect of "Inner Focus". "Holy Nova" heals can now trigger "Surge of Light" as well. * "Symbol of Hope": amount of mana regained increased. * "Touch of Weakness": This spell can now activate "Surge of Light". * "Vampiric Touch": This spell now consumes the "Inner Focus buff". μιλαμε για τεράστιες αλλαγές. πότε θα βγει το patch;;; Επιτελους buff prayers στους trainers... To shadow word Death με χαλασε λιγο αλλα οκ.
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