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World Of Warcraft Topic v1

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις




Glory of the LFR Raider:

Purified by Fire – Stand in any damaging void zones for 10 consecutive seconds.

Don’t Worry, I Got This! – Queue as a tank spec while in DPS spec.

Bio Break – Finish an entire fight with auto-attacks as 95% of your total damage dealt.

I’m On a Budget – Finish an entire fight with no gems or enchants in any piece of gear.

Pre-emptive Strike – As a non-tank specialization, pull a boss before a ready check is performed.

Sorry I’m Busy! – While a boss is pulled, be a minimum of 100 yards away from the raid group.

Sorry I’m Busy, Extra Credit – Achieve “Sorry I’m Busy!” while sitting in any major city.

<Snip - Removed>– Complete the first 1 minute of any boss fight while Aspect of the Pack is active.

PVP Power! – Defeat any boss while wearing PVP equipment in each slot.

The Leech King – Complete one of the following:
- Complete an entire raid without doing any damage as a DPS specialization.
- Complete an entire raid without healing anyone as a Healing specialization.
- Complete an entire raid without gaining aggro on a single mob as a Tank specialization.

Screw you guys, I’m going home! – Leave an instance group in the first 20 seconds of a boss fight.

No, He’s Mine! – As a tank specialization, taunt a boss every 15 seconds or less for the duration of the fight.

No, He’s Mine! Part 2 – While not in a tank specialization, taunt a boss every 15 seconds or less for the duration of the fight.

Who Did That?! - Activate Bloodlust or Heroism while not in combat.

WHY WON’T YOU DODGE?! – Accept a battle resurrection 3 times in a single boss fight.

What Happened? – Cause a boss to enrage.

Rewards – “Dunce” cap transmog helmet.
New Title – “The Shamed”



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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα


χα χα...epic


πλακα πλακα, τη προηγουμενη τεταρτη πρωι τον ριξαμε τον Garrosh στο LFR...

Αλλα ειπαμε ηταν τεταρτη πρωι και μαλιστα και 10 το πρωι, λεπτα αφοτου πρωταανοιξε το wing4 στο LFR....

Ειχε ενα leader ρε παιδια...σου λεγε τα παντα, εσεις εκει και ετσι και ετσι , εσεις απο δω , εσυ αυτο κλπ κλπ....νερακι


Δεν τολμω ευκολα να το ξανατρεξω γιατι φοβαμαι τι με περιμενει ...:)


Garosh έριξα και εγώ σε LFR μετά από 2 wipes και η  μέρα ήταν Πέμπτη. Τα πάντα είναι θέμα τύχης.


Συνήθως μετά το πρώτο wipe την κοπανάνε οι ξερόλες και οι loot whores και μπαίνουν καλύτεροι παίχτες, αυτή την εντύπωση έχω.


Φημες(leak) για το next expansion 2014...


World of Warcraft: The Dark Below

>covers levels 90 to 100
>The primary antagonist’s are Azshara and her naga, N’zoth and his faceless ones and the kvaldir clashing with the zandalari
>No new character models planned at launch as they are getting sub race options which require more animation time
>Zones will be connected to other locations in the game and can be accessed from above in their lore respective zones, however they can also be accessed by underground tunnels called the “Webway”, ancient aqir carved deep roads that act as deeprun tram style shortcuts to keep everything feeling connected.
>Locations are split between underwater, underground and island based.
>no new level of flying, climbing arachnid mounts for underground, some new aquatic mounts including a ship take their place.

>lvl. 90-92 Azjol-Nerub, The New Kingdom: In the wake of wrath of the lich king the remaining nerubians not cursed to a life of undeath have thrived in a far less predatory environment and the hive city is once again alive with activity. However they have unearthed an artefact related to “The Final Titan” which has lead to the city nation coming under siege from Nzoth’s faceless army. They have sent envoys to both Alliance and Horde to come to the aid. The zone is an underground city complex based off the instances in wrath of the lich king

>lvl. 90-92 Kul Tiras: The results of the end of the siege of Orgimmar have lead jaina on a journey of rediscovering what life and family means to her. Using the magical assets of dalaran she has relocated her home island nation just in time to discover the once peaceful port she called home is under siege by naga in unprecedented numbers. Jainas brother has located something called “The heart of neptulon” which both naga and for some reason the forsaken are seeking.
>lvl. 92-94 The Maelstrom: Thanks to the efforts of thrall and the earthen ring, aided by the begrudging earth mother Therazane to heal the wounds caused by Deathwings cataclysm, the once furiously churning Maelstrom has quieted. Both the explorers guild and the reliquary seek to explore the littered ring of uncharted islands around the former engine of chaos and destruction that has left a graveyard of half destroyed galleons littered around the islets that mark its outer edge. Who knows what long lost relics have come to rest on these shores?

>lvl. 93-95 World’s Heart: At the centre of the aqir web way lies the centre of the colossal titan world engine. A massive installation known as the worlds heart. Once left to gather dust and lie forgotten it is now the focus of N’zoths second attempt to reorigionate the entire world in his own image. Fortunately the engine has been under the watch of an unexpected protector, Magni Bronzebeard the Diamond king of the Earthen has awoken ready to call heros to the halls below the Iron Forge to save the Worlds Heart from the old gods.
>lvl. 94-96 Ruins of Tel’dranash: Deep below darkshore waits a labyrinthine maze of Kaldorei ruins. Spirits of long dead and long tormented Highborne roam these dead halls where the minions of the old gods seek both the origional moonwell “The tear of Elune” and to poison the roots of Teldrassil to fell the great treetop home of the Night Elves. Players are sent to explore the newly discovered entrance to the ruins in Remtravel’s Excavation by both Malfurion Stormrage and Warchief Lor’themar to stop the corruption of Kalimdors forests from the roots – and to make sure the other faction doesn’t obtain any possible long lost Highborne relics of power that may remain in the ruins.


>lvl 95-97 Gishan Caverns: Taking the fight to the Naga a coalition of Goblins and Gnomes have, when not breaking out into fights over which is the better explosive the use, have excavated a series of caverns from one of the larger islands surrounding the maelstrom into deep volcanic caverns filled with giant creatures. Players will be cut off from their escape and discover why even the Naga fear to tread here.

>lvl 96: The Drowned Reaches: This far below the sea even light may die. Heros that breach the danger of the Gishan Caverns find an undersea forest of dark coral, luminescent monsters and amidst the ancient Highborne temples and rotten sea vessels the unexpected reveal of the sunken ruins of Zandalar.
Players will finally encounter the Prophet Zul, the avatar of Nzoth who is attempting to turn the imprisoned Zandalari that didn’t agree with his zealots into faceless ones for his masters army. A new faction “The Zandalar Court” are interacted with as The dethroned troll king Rastakhan pleads with the heros of both factions to defeat Zul and restore his people.

>lvl 96-98: Nazjatar: Capital city of the Naga, seat of Queen Azshara, this ethereal city of lights at the bottom of the ocean has seen better days. The cataclysm rocked the world to its core, the ocean floor did not escape and nor did the city. Players have freed the Kraken from the nagas influence and in their frenzy are crushing the city beneath them.
The naga appear to be on the retreat and the Alliance and Horde move in to end them. Never questioning just what they might be retreating to.

>lvl 97-99: Nya’lotha, The Dead City: Following the Naga into the rift leads players to a sight that would drive a weaker resolve mad. Neither truly organic or Architecture we see the form of an Old God released. N’zoth does not reside in Ny’alotha, he IS Ny’alotha. An endless city of Madness and Despair twisting and winding in impossible ways in every direction. Players must take down all of N’zoth’s Generals and the remaining Naga before entering the core of N’zoth at the center of the tormented land.

>lvl 100: The Rift of Aln/The Nightmare: Neither part of Azeroth or the Emerald Dream proper, The Rift of Aln is N’zoths pathway into the dream. His attempts to rebuild the world to his liking have failed multiple times in Azeroth. In a last ditch effort he has pushed through the bonds that kept his nightmare echo contained now that the green flight has lost most of its power. If the heros of Azeroth cannot stop N’zoth then he will rewrite the dream and endless darkness will pour from the worlds Emerald portals and drown the lands in eternal shadow.
>Tomb of Sargeras
>Bloodsail Cove
>The World Engine
>Zandalar, The Drowned Treasury
>Zandalar, Archive’s of History
>Crypts of the Highborne
>Heroic Blackfathom deeps
>Heroic Azjol Nerub

>The Abyssal Maw
>Palace of the Consort
>The Echoing Darkness

>Whispering Woods
>Faceless Invasion (Ironforge)
>Naga Invasion (Silvermoon)
>Too greedily and Too Deep
>A Pirates Wedding Party
>Horns of the Kval’dir
>Blazing Shipyard
>Tears of Elune
>Battle for Gilneas
>Battle for the Undercity

>Azshara crater
An account wide progression system where all characters on one account earn “Titanic Experience” that increases progression for all characters on the account in the new system. Sharing perks such as mounts at level 10 and +10% honour points in battlegrounds it allows players to enjoy the game on any character without feeling like they are being hindered too much by changing character.
Milestones will also include cosmetic gear, rare cosmetic glyphs and booster packs for Blizzards Hearthstone digital CCG

Initially NO
>new class
>new races
>models at launch
>4th specs across the board



Anything True or All False ? Σε δεκα μερες στη Blizzcon θα μαθουμε...


Προσωπική μου γνώμη είναι ότι καλύτερα να μην έχει new class // race

Ειδικά new race... κοντεύει (αν δεν είναι ήδη) ένα freak show. Έχει αρκετές races ήδη και αρκετές classes. Δε χρειάζονται παραπάνω, αρκετά για τώρα. Πας να ξεκινήσεις και ζαλίζεσαι από τις επιλογές.


Ας επικεντρωθούν σε άλλα πράγματα, πιο ουσιαστικά, να γουστάρει κανείς να παίζει και όχι να βαριέται να κανεί log in.

Έχουν πολλά περιθώρια βελτίωσης!


New Class ειναι παντα καλοδεχουμενη(εκτως απο τους Monk κατα την γνωμη μου),New Race τωρα νομιζω πως εχουμε αρκετες δηλαδη τι αλλο θα δουμε μετα κανενα Murloc ? :P  :P


New Class ειναι παντα καλοδεχουμενη(εκτως απο τους Monk κατα την γνωμη μου),New Race τωρα νομιζω πως εχουμε αρκετες δηλαδη τι αλλο θα δουμε μετα κανενα Murloc ? :P  :P


Καλοδεχούμενη ναι αλλά γιατί να βάλουμε κι άλλο μπελά στο κεφάλι μας;! Εδώ δεν μπορούν να κάνουν balance τις ήδη υπάρχουσες classes στο PvP ( και στο PvE...)


Γι αυτό λέω... ας νοικοκυρέψουμε το σπίτι μας, να βάλουμε μια τάξη... να βάλουμε μια τάξη και στα καθημερινά activities, να έχουν ένα ενδιαφέρον και μετά βλέπουμε...


και από ότι βλεπω σε ακομα ένα expansion θα εχουμε ΕΛΑΧΙΣΤA instance και 2 heroic παλια ... τοσο δυσκολο είναι να φτιαξουν κανα instance της προκοπης ;


Ανακύκλωση, ανακύκλωση, ανακύκλωση.

Πήρανε πράγματα απο 2 expansion και φτιάχνουν "καινούρια" για το νέο.Ξαναθυμηθήκανε το Azjol Nerub απο WotLK, τους naga που ποτέ δεν μου άρεσαν σαν race, το maelstrom απο το cataclysm.


κατσε φημες είναι ακομα αλλα συμφωνω απολυτα αν επιβεβαιωθουν . Ποιο azjol nerub τωρα πλακα μας κανουν ; ποτε δεν το συμπαθησα σαν instance αχταρμάς.....


Ανακύκλωση, ανακύκλωση, ανακύκλωση.

Πήρανε πράγματα απο 2 expansion και φτιάχνουν "καινούρια" για το νέο.Ξαναθυμηθήκανε το Azjol Nerub απο WotLK, τους naga που ποτέ δεν μου άρεσαν σαν race, το maelstrom απο το cataclysm.


Χμμμ... το WoW είναι ένας ψηφιακός φανταστικός κόσμος και ναι μεν δεν ειναι δυνατόν να είναι 100% ρεαλιστικός αλλά μ'αρέσει περισσότερο η ιδέα ότι στο Χ dungeon που καθαρίσαμε πριν 2-3-4 χρόνια πήγαν και εγκαταστάθηκαν κάποιοι άλλοι και έκαναν και μερικές αλλαγές. Φαίνεται πιο "φυσιολογικό".

Όπως και στον πραγματικό κόσμο, αν καταστραφεί ένα μέρος, ένα σπίτι, κάτι καινούριο θα δημιουργηθεί στη θέση του.

Ίσως θα έπρεπε κάποια από αυτά τα dungeons να "κατοικηθούν" και από alliance ή horde και να χρησιμοποιηθούν ως πόλεις - φυλάκεια ή να αποτελέσουν ακόμα και αντικείμενο διεκδίκησης και battlegrounds ή pvp τύπου wintergrasp και η παράταξη με τις περισσότερες νίκες στη διάρκεια του expansion να το κάνει δικό της για το επόμενο expansion κλπ (ιδέες τώρα, μην τα πάρετε και τοις μετρητοίς...)

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