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World Of Warcraft Topic v1

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  • Απαντ. 24,3k
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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα


Some realms are still unavailable. We are working on bringing these realms up as quickly as possible. The English realms currently undergoing extra maintenance are:





Laughing Skull






Defias Brotherhood




Lightningʼs Blade





The Maelstrom

The Venture Co.

Twisting Nether



We apologise for the inconvenience this causes.



Update: The realms that are currently down are expected to be brought up at 19 Paris time (CET, GMT+1).


Kales 8.


p.s. apo to epishmo forum


kollose eimai serres autes tis meres epeidi trexw me ta last mathimata pou exw gia na teleiwsw tin sxoli mou ( na mou minei mono ptixiaki kai praktiki koinos ) . Ews twra exw minei me 2 mathimata na xrwstaw kai mallon opws eipa to 1 to exw perasei ara menei 1 . Apo tin last time pou vrethikame me aduril ktl ktl ktl den mporesa na kanw kai polla file mou gi auto den exoume vrethei katholou.


Oso gia tin wra pou tha anoiksei o server mas , ean einai kata tis 8 ara gg mc. Siga na min exoun logarei atoma wste na mporesoume telika na pame sto mc.


Polaki ean pesei ns belt logika tha tin pareis kai na parakalas na pesei kana gutcore reaper logo tou gegonotos oti tha to pareis ( to eixe parei enas me kana 100 dkp ean den kanw lathos mia fora ) . Parakala omws na pesoun ns bracers epeidi pezei na se kremasw gia auta ta bracers :D :P . Filakia paides elpizw na ta poume kai in game

  • Super Moderators

ouf epitelous shmera phra rank 10 (solo pvp sta BGs etsi :P )...panemorfo to full pvp set tou Druid (Night Elf)

o server mou pantws anoiktos apo tis 10+ to prwi :D


exei dei kaneis sto Allakhazam auto to weapon? http://wow.allakhazam.com/item.html?witem=18582


kai kala tou Illidan? :P ahaha apsogo weapon gia to Expansion :D


kai kala apo Nefarian? http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?witem=13262


private servers ftw :P


Polaki an thes FR se leather uparxei to volacanic set (prasina alla ta forao akoma kai ego [shaman] ston Vaelastraz merikes fores).


Sunithos ego san shaman exo 180 FR unbuffed gia ragnaros. Na xereis pantos oti an pas gia FR de tha exeis max dps.


Psise to guild na sou ftiaxei to epic Lava belt. Einai pattern an paei o Lworker honored me Thorium.


http://thottbot.com/?i=19205 gia BP.


http://thottbot.com/?i=35816 apo DM shoulders.


http://thottbot.com/?i=35667 gia head i http://thottbot.com/?i=27293 (se ena apo ta dyo rixe to FR kata protimisi stou set)


Kane to quest sto mc gia na pareis http://thottbot.com/?i=35573


Trinket apo DM http://thottbot.com/?i=38436


An breis na to agoraseis (leme tora) http://thottbot.com/?i=3765


Legs ta Volcanic pou sou eipa kai tous rixneis kai to enchant (an exeis deutero).


Gia back prospathise na pareis apo Domo to Fireproof Cloak kai rixtou kai to enchant pano (an thumamai kala +7 FR). Allios http://thottbot.com/?i=20121


Trinket tis Onyxia.


Me auta pou sou eipa kai upologizontas oti merika den einai eukolo na ta pareis (px ebgala to lava belt, to deutero enchant kai ebala to FR pou exoun merika prasina) pas peripou 130 FR unbuffed. Mia xara tha einai.

ouf epitelous shmera phra rank 10 (solo pvp sta BGs etsi :P )...panemorfo to full pvp set tou Druid (Night Elf)

o server mou pantws anoiktos apo tis 10+ to prwi :D


exei dei kaneis sto Allakhazam auto to weapon? http://wow.allakhazam.com/item.html?witem=18582


kai kala tou Illidan? :P ahaha apsogo weapon gia to Expansion :D


kai kala apo Nefarian? http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?witem=13262


private servers ftw :P


To proto einai GM item kai to deutero akougetai oti to psareueis apo kapou alla amfiballo an uparxei akoma sto game.


το The Twin Blades of Azzinoth δεν είναι gm item (δεν πρέπει να ισχύει αυτό που γράφει το allakhazam) είναι το sword το οποίο θα πέφτει με πιθανότητα 0.0000 όταν θα τρώς τον ilidan στο καινούργιο instance που θα μπαίνουν παρέα 40 alliance 40 horde

το The Twin Blades of Azzinoth δεν είναι gm item (δεν πρέπει να ισχύει αυτό που γράφει το allakhazam) είναι το sword το οποίο θα πέφτει με πιθανότητα 0.0000 όταν θα τρώς τον ilidan στο καινούργιο instance που θα μπαίνουν παρέα 40 alliance 40 horde



PArea?Gia to burning crusade milame?


προσεχε με αυτα, εμας ενα παιδι απτο guild εγινε banned επειδη ειχε προγραμματακι για fishing...


Οσο για το πρωτο boss BWL, λιώναμε εμείς 3 ώρες που λέτε, και ξαφνικά οταν αποφασίζουμε να κάνουμε τελευταία προσπάθεια μπαίνει και paularas και πέφτει!!!

Ελα ρε μέγα executer rogue!!! :D :D :D


παντως αυριο πάλι BWL αν και θα προτημούσα ενα farm MC... τωρα στανταρ θα παιξει MC & Onyxia Παρασκευη και Σάββατο, και θα τα χάσω και τα 2...




etsi einai . mpike o executer :D . Apla thelei na xrisimopoieis full skils se magous kai na min xarizeis kastana oso parakseno kai na sou fainetai. Kai i malakia einai oti den prolava na se swsw an kai psofise o magos mprosta sta podia mou afou eixe minei me 1000hp exontas faei esena prwta.


Genika opws elega to prwto boss bwl einai polli eukolo arkei na ginei to swsto kiting kai ola ta alla einai eukola.


Egw pantws kserw oti mc tha pigainame apo tin stigmi pou eixame faei to prwto boss bwl , etsi eixe pei kai o anamartitos oti aurio ( dld simera pempti ) pame mc na farmaroume na paroume kai kana item.. Eidomen

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