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File Sfetsas pires eleutherotypia kai dialexse to tunnel auto? i etsi stin tyxh?Egw den xserw pio tunnel na dialexsw.Molis vgeis pes mas ti vrikes gia na xseroume kai emeis smile.gif" border="0<P><BR> -= SpY =-


den exw bgei akoma ypologizw oti kata tis 7:00 tha bgw apo to tunnel.Den exw parei akoma thn efhmerida alla diale3a to sygekrimeno epeidh maresei to cinema:PP kai epeidh einai notia!<BR>mhn arghseis na diale3eis tunnel giati sto telos den tha exeis wra gia periplanhseis.<BR>me to pou bgw se stavrodromi tha kanw post cool.gif" border="0


Re gmt! Ti pexnidi einai ayto? Giati dne katalaveno tpt? Ola apo tixi ta vrisko patontas edo ki ekei frown.gif" border="0 frown.gif" border="0 frown.gif" border="0 frown.gif" border="0<BR>Dialexa ki ego to Theater. Tora prepei na eimai 9 ores OnLine mexri na vgei i tipisa apo to tunnel?<BR>Kolaei kai to pc gmt kai dne mporo na kano tpt allo! <BR>ggrrrrrrr!!!!!<BR>Sto pexnidi me tus ixous den prolava na pexo poli kai mazepsa elaxistous pontus! frown.gif" border="0 frown.gif" border="0 frown.gif" border="0


Loipon A)bghka apo to theater oi epiloges einai oi e3hs<BR>1)parakampsh boreio anatolika 4hr<BR>2)zoo anatolika 6hr<BR>3)athletic center notioanatolika 4hr<BR>egw epele3a thn trithepilogh<BR>(h proth mou epilogh na paw synema BGHKE AKARPH oute ena bonus)<BR>peite kai seis tipote re paides..<P>Christina den xreiazetai na eisai online synexeia.Apla mpes meta apo oses ores sou leei.


Paides to nokiagame 3ekinhse osoi exoume dhlosei symetoxh nomizw oti tha eprepe na kratame epafh me tous allous insomniacs pou asxolountai.Epeidh egw toulaxiston mias kai exw megalh empistoshnh stous insomniacs(mias kai panta allhlobohthiomaste)proteinw na 3ekinhsoume apo afto edw to forum thn antalagh stoixeion mpas kai bgaloume kamia akrh.<BR>#ekinaw legontas sas oti kata tis 11 prosopika diale3a to tunnel <B>Movie theater(south 9HR)</B>kai perimenw na bgw...<BR>molis ta kataferw tha dosw anafora tou ti brhka ekei.Oso gia ta tune pairs to synoliko mou recor einai 356.Anagastika ekana peripou 6 lathi(tyxh) kai den xtyphsa thn mia apo tis 2 bombes(tyxh pali).<P>osoi pistoi proselthete<BR> cool.gif" border="0 smile.gif" border="0


Exw ontws parei arketous bathmous.<BR>loipon akouste pws exoune ta pragmata ws twra<P>To prwto stavrodromi exei epiloges<BR>1)chemical plant<BR>2)roundabout southeast(automatos pilotos)<BR>3)movie theater<BR>akolouthontas to movie theater exeis tis e3hs<BR>1)athletic center<BR>2)zoo<BR>3)parakampsh<BR>akolouthontas to athletic center<BR>1)crown tower<BR>2)clock<BR>akolouthontas to clock<BR>1)circus<BR>2)<B>South east gate( h gnwsth pylh pou prepei na ftasoume prin thn paraskeyh)</B><BR>3)castle<BR>akolouthontas to castle<BR>1)ghpedo podosfairou<BR>2)e3oxh<BR>egw akolouthisa thn e3oxh<BR>oso gia tous bathmous mou exoun 2plasiastei cool.gif" border="0


Paidia...opws kai persi deite ligaki to site <A HREF="http://www.nokia-game.com" TARGET=_blank>www.nokia-game.com</A> ( Ekei exei arketa boithimata apo xristes se olon ton kosmo kai fysika exei kai greek forum!). Oso gia ton xarti kai pou na pate yparxoun kapoioi xartes etoimoi na deite...ante Trexte!!! smile.gif" border="0


Re paidia fetos to nokia game to kanane polu apaititiko.<BR> prepei na eisaipolu syxna on-line.Kati gia tilefonimata oti kaneis akousa kai tetoia.<BR>Mou fainetai oti apeuthinetai kiriws se argosxolous,xwris na thelw na thiksw osous paizoun.Egw pantws de mporesa na antapekselthw stis apaithseis tou.


tha borousa na pw oti exeis kapoio dikio (basika egw eimai ligo argosxolos afth thn epoxh)Thelei para poly symetoxh<BR>oso gia to nokia-game.com einai fovero thnx<BR>alla den mou trexei ta forums


ego piga sto deksia tounel <BR>den thimame pos to lene pantos tora to skor mou exi anevi kata poli ixa 356 kai tora exo akrivos den thimame alla arketous!!!tespa tora pou tha giriso spiti mou apo tin doulia tha do ti ginete kai pou mporo na pao kai tha sas po!oso gia bathmous kati tha pires giati kathe ora perpatimatos pernis kapious vathmous etsi leei sto help aristera!!!


Magkes ego molis eftasa sti SE gate. Alitheia ti score exete kanei eseis?Ego eimai peripou sta 500 se kathe stoixeio....kai nomizo oti einai uperbolika ligo...(isos giati den periplanithika kai apo kolofardia irtha me ti mia sto SE GATE)


Re pedia ti ginete an en kataferoume na ftasoume ston proorismo? akoma 1,5 ora mu exei meinei frown.gif" border="0<P>H vathmologia mou exei os exis:<P><B>Silicon</B><BR> i_s.gif <BR>600<P><B>Waves</B><BR> i_w.gif <BR>600<P><B>Energy</B><BR> i_e.gif <BR>638<P><B>Data</B><BR> i_d.gif <BR>925<P><BR>Pos einai atyi i vathmologia? Ligi h pollh?<p>[ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: Cristina ]


Paidia kai egw eimai sto SE Gate kai perimenw mexri tis 13:00 gia na dw ti tha ginei. I vathmologia mou mexri stigmis einai 538 , 617 , 538 , 712 den xserw kai emena ligoi vathmoi mou fenontai.Grapste re paidia kai eseis tous vathmous sas gia na xseroume peripou pou vriskomaste.<P> -= SpY =-


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