League of Legends
200 €
- εμφανίσεις: 337
- 1 παρακολουθούν
Επικοινωνήστε με τον πωλητή μέσω προσωπικών μηνυμάτων. Αποφύγετε τραπεζικές καταθέσεις
Επικοινωνήστε με τον πωλητή μέσω προσωπικών μηνυμάτων. Αποφύγετε τραπεζικές καταθέσεις
Πουλάω το account μου στο LoL, μιας και πλέον δε το χρησιμοποιώ.
Μέσα έχω:
1)Αγορασμένους όλους τους champions
2)84 Skins
-MYTHIC Annie Versary.
-LEGENDARY Debonair Zed, Final Boss Veigar, Firefighter Tristana, Forecast Janna.
-EPIC Arcade Miss Fortune, Badland Baron Rumble, Battle Boss Blitzcrank, Battlecast Vel'Koz, Bewitching Nami, Blackfrost Renekton, Blackfrost Sion, Blood Moon Pyke, Cosmic Queen Ashe, Dragonblade Riven, Lancer Rogue Blitzkrank, Little Devil Fizz, Lunar Guardian Warwick, Master Arcanist Ziggs, Mecha Malphite, Mecha Rengar, Odyssey Fizz, Omega Squad Twitch, Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot, Pool Party Miss Fortune, Pool Party Taric, Project Katarina, Project Leona, Pulsefire Lucian, Sea Dog Yasuo, Sentinel Diana, SKT T1 Olaf, SSG Jarvan IV, Underworld Wukong, Warring Kingdom Jarvan IV.
-OTHERS Academy Darius, Academy Vladimir, Almost-Prom King Amumu, Apocalyptic Brand, Arcane Caitlyn, Arcane Jinx, Arctic Warfare Caitlyn, Atlantean Fizz, Blood Moon Elise, Buccaneer Tristana, Captain Gangplank, Commando Lux, Crimson Elite Riven, Cutthroat Graves, Darkflame Shyvana, Galactic Nasus, Goalkeeper Blitzkrank, Grey Warwick, Guardian of the Sands Kha'Zix, Happy Elf Teemo, Hextech Anivia, Hot Rod Corki, Imperial Xin Zhao, Jayce Brighthammer, Judgment Kayle, Junkyard Trundle, Karate Kennen, Mad Scientist Ziggs, Prom Queen Annie, Resistance Caitlyn, Riot Kayle, Road Warrior Miss Fortune, SKT T1 Elise, SKT T1 Lee Sin, Stinger Akali, Swamp Master Kennen, Tempest Janna, The Thousand-Pierced Bear, Toy Soldier Gankplank, Unchained Alistar, Underworld Twisted Fate, Vandal Vladimir, Victorious Aatrox, Victorious Anivia, Vizier Malzahar.
3)Emotes 84/179
4) Wards 37
-15 Rare
-4 Epic
-1 Mythic
-12 Legacy
5)6 Chromas
-EPIC Dragonslayer Braum
-RARE High Noon Darius, Demacia Vice Lucian
-Victorious Anivia
80 €
400 €
20 €