EQD Black Ash Fuzz (Mini-car) - 1969 Camaro (Πεταλακι κιθάρας)
160 €
- εμφανίσεις: 266
- 0 παρακολουθούν
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Επικοινωνήστε με τον πωλητή μέσω προσωπικών μηνυμάτων. Αποφύγετε τραπεζικές καταθέσεις
This is my first pedal built inside a mini-car, so there's many imperfections.
-1969 Camaro Z/28 RS refers to the mini car model.
-It's an EarthQuaker Devices Black Ash clone. It's essentially a modified silicon tonebender. 3 knobs, Level, Fuzz, Top.
Fuzz: Adjusts the amount of gain. Counterclockwise for less fuzz, clockwise for more fuzz.
Top: Adjusts high frequencies between 2kHz - 10kHz and controls how “forward” the guitar sits in the mix. Counterclockwise for less top, clockwise for more top.
Level: Sets the output volume. Counterclockwise is quiet, clockwise is loud.