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Stan Lee will live for ever


524 εμφανίσεις

Ο Stanley Martin Lieber γεννήθηκε στις 28 Δεκεμβρίου 1922 στην πόλη της Νέας Υόρκης από ρουμάνους μετανάστες γονείς την Celia και τονJack Lieber.Ο Lieber, ο οποίος αργότερα άλλαξε το όνομά του σε "Lee"  προσλήφθηκε ως βοηθός γραφείου στο Timely Comics το 1939 και έγινε προσωρινός συντάκτης για την εταιρεία στις αρχές της δεκαετίας του 1940.Η  Timely Comics αργότερα μετονομάστηκε σε Marvel Comicsl.Ο Stan από το 1961, μαζί με τους στενούς συνεργάτες Jack Kirby και Steve Ditko, κατάφεραν να χτίσουν την αυτοκρατορία των comics που είναι γνωστή σήμερα ως Marvel.Η πρώτη ομάδα υπερήρωων που δημιούργησε ο Stan Lee μαζί με τον Kirby ήταν οι Fantastic Four βασισμένη στην superhero team Challengers of the Unknown που εκδόθηκε από την DC Comics.Επίσης μαζί με τον Kirby δημιούργησαν τον Hulk, τον Thor, τον Iron Man και τους X-Men, με τον Bill Everett, τον Daredevil και με τον Steve Ditko, τον  Dr. Strange  και τον πιο επιτυχημένο χαρακτήρα της Marvel Comics,τον Spider-Man. Ο Lee και ο Kirby συγκέντρωσαν αρκετούς από τους νεοδημιουργημένους τους χαρακτήρες μαζί στον τίτλο The Avengers επισης αναβίωσαν χαρακτήρες από τη δεκαετία του 1940, όπως ο Sub-Mariner και ο Captain America.Ο Lee απεβίωσε στις 12 Νοεμβρίου 2018 στο Λος Άντζελες της Καλιφόρνια αλλα θα ζει για πάντα μαζί μας

Στις 16 Ιουλίου 2017, ο Lee ονομάστηκε Disney Legend για την ολοκληρωμένη συμβολή του στην εταιρεία Walt Disney

Εισήρθε στα κόμικς στην ηλικία των 17 ετών ως βοηθός συντάκτης της ομάδας Timeline comics. Το 1942 προήχθη ως συντάκτης.

Το 1972, γίνεται εκδότης και διευθυντής της Marvel Comics

Τελείωνε την εβδομαδιαία στήλη "Stan's Soapbox" (που εμφανίστηκε σε κάθε κόμικ Marvel) με τη φράση "Excelsior!".

Οι τρεις πιο διάσημες δημιουργίες του είναι: Fantastic Four (Debut Νοέμβριος 1961), το Incredible Hulk (Debut May 1962) και το Amazing Spider-Man (ντεμπούτο τον Αύγουστο του 1962 στο 'Amazing Fantasy' # 15)

Έχει υπογράψει στο συμβολαιο του ότι θα  εμφανίζεται σε οποιαδήποτε ταινία βασίζεται σε ένα χαρακτήρα Marvel τον οποίο δημιούργησε. Μέχρι στιγμής έχει εμφανιστεί ως ο πωλητής hot dog στο X-Men (2000), ο άνθρωπος στην έκθεση στο Spider-Man (2002), ο γέρος στο crossing in Daredevil (2003), ο security στο Hulk (2003),Ο άνθρωπος που απεφύγε τα συντρίμμια στο Spider-Man 2 (2004), ο Willie Lumpkin στο Fantastic Four (2005), να κρατάει το λάστιχο ποτισματοςστο X-Men: Η τελική αναμέτρηση (2006), ο άνθρωπος στην Times Square στο Spider-Man 3,Απορρίφθηκε ως καλεσμενος στο γαμο των Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007), ο άνθρωπος που ο Tony Stark μπέρδεψε με τον τον Hugh Hefner στο Iron Man (2008), εμφανίζεται ως ο άνθρωπος που πίνει το αναψυκτικό με το μολυσμένο αίμα του Bruce Banner στο Ο Απίθανος Χαλκ (2008).Στο μόνο που δεν εμφανίστηκε ήταν το X-Men 2 (2003).Στο ο πρώτος εκδικητής: Captain America (2011), όπου εμφανίζεται ως Γενικός Στρατηγός των Η.Π.Α, αποτελεί μερική εξαίρεση μιας και δεν δημιούργησε τον χαρακτήρα, αλλά δημιούργησε την επιτυχή αναβίωσή του στη δεκαετία του 1960 ως μέλος των εκδηκητών.

Του απονεμήθηκε το Αμερικανικό Εθνικό Μετάλλιο των Τεχνών του 2008 για τις υπηρεσίες του στα comic

Μετά τη συνταξιοδότησή του από τη Marvel, προσκλήθηκε να κάνει μια περιορισμένη έκδοση για την DC Comics, τον κύριο αντίπαλο της Marvel. Η σειρά, με τίτλο 'Just Imagine', παρουσίασε τους χαρακτήρες DC - Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash - με διαφορετικά υπόβαθρα και ιστορίες, όπως μονο ο Stan Lee μπορούσε να γράψει

Ήταν κριτής σε μια ονειρική ακολουθία στο The Trial of the Incredible Hulk (1989)

Έχει εμφανιστεί σε εννέα ταινίες με τον Chris Evans: Fantastic Four (2005), Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007), Ο πρώτος εκδικητής: Captain America (2011), The Avengers (2012), Thor 2: Σκοτεινός κόσμος (2013), Captain America 2: O στρατιώτης του χειμώνα (2014), Εκδικητές: Η εποχή του Ultron (2015), Ant-Man (2015) and Captain America: Εμφύλιος πόλεμος (2016).

Η πρώτη ιστορία του Stan Lee ήταν "Captain America Foils the Traitor's Revenge" στο Captain America Comics # 3 το 1941

Ο αγαπημένος ήρωας κόμικς όταν ήταν μικρός ήταν ο Flash Gordon


Stan Lee Quotes

With great power there must also come ... great responsibility!

STAN LEE, Amazing Fantasy, #15, August 1962


'Nuff Said!

STAN LEE, often-used line on "Stan Lee's Soapbox" editorial pages


I never thought that Spider-Man would become the world wide icon that he is. I just hoped the books would sell and I'd keep my job

STAN LEE, interview, March 13, 2006



STAN LEE, closing signature line on "Stan Lee's Soapbox" editorial pages


There is only one who is all powerful, and his greatest weapon is love.

STAN LEE, Silver Surfer


What did Doctor Doom really want? He wanted to rule the world. Now, think about this. You could walk across the street against a traffic light and get a summons for jaywalking, but you could walk up to a police officer and say "I want to rule the world," and there's nothing he can do about it, that is not a crime. Anybody can want to rule the world. So, even though he was the Fantastic Four's greatest menace, in my mind, he was never a criminal!

STAN LEE, Stan Lee's Amazing Marvel Universe


I don't really see a need to retire as long as I am having fun.

STAN LEE, interview, Feb. 6, 2006


I used to be embarrassed because I was just a comic-book writer while other people were building bridges or going on to medical careers. And then I began to realize: entertainment is one of the most important things in people's lives. Without it they might go off the deep end. I feel that if you're able to entertain people, you're doing a good thing

STAN LEE, The Washington Post, July 23, 2010


The power of prayer is still the greatest ever known in this endless eternal universe.

STAN LEE, The Avengers, #14



I'm a frustrated actor. My ... goal is to beat Alfred Hitchcock in the number of cameos. I'm going to try to break his record.

STAN LEE, interview, February 6, 2006


I try not to do anything that's too close to what I've done before. And the nice thing is we have a big universe here. It's filled with new ideas. All you have to do is grab them.

STAN LEE, Brandweek, May 2000


If we don't blow ourselves up, the future will be wonderfull

STAN LEE, interview with Steve Aoki, Neon Future Sessions


Someone wants to do a movie of my life now and he's writing a script, and I said to him, "What the hell could you do? I've never been arrested, I haven't taken drugs, I've had the same wife for 54 years -- where's anything of interest to people?"

STAN LEE, interview, April 30, 2002


If Shakespeare and Michelangelo were alive today, and if they decided to collaborate on a comic, Shakespeare would write the script and Michelangelo would draw it. How could anybody say that this wouldn't be as worthwhile an artform as anything on earth?

STAN LEE, Stan Lee: Conversations


DC, of course, is trying to catch up to Marvel. More power to them. It's good if everybody does well, but they're certainly starting from a ways back. They have a lot of catching up to do ... Marvel has so many heroes. DC just has Superman, Batman and maybe Wonder Woman. Perhaps they'll use The Flash. Green Lantern wasn't very successful, but we'll see

STAN LEE, Toronto Sun, April 17, 2015


Everybody wants to feel that you're writing to a certain demographic because that's good business, but I've never done that ... I tried to write stories that would interest me. I'd say, what would I like to read?... I don't think you can do your best work if you're writing for somebody else, because you never know what that somebody else really thinks or wants

STAN LEE, Brandweek, May 2000


It's a tremendous challenge, because there have been so many characters created over the years. Every time you think you come up with a great name, you find out somebody has already done it. Dreaming up the stories isn't that hard, but coming up with a good title is the toughest part

STAN LEE, online interview, Esquire, July 3, 2012


It's geeks who really make or break a TV show or movie or videogame

STAN LEE, The Washington Post, July 23, 2010


I just figured that Bruce Banner had probably been a friend of Reed Richards, and Reed had given him some elastic trousers. There's an explanation for everything, but you may not be technically advanced enough to follow me on all of this

STAN LEE, "Spidey Bites: Stan Lee's Secret for Saving Spider-Man the Musical?", Vanity Fair, March 10, 2011


If you're writing about a character, if he's a powerful character, unless you give him vulnerability I don't think he'll be as interesting to the reader

STAN LEE, interview, March 13, 2006















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Characters Created/Co-Created by Stan Lee


Abomination co created by Gil Kane

Absorbing Man co-created by Jack Kirby

Aged Genghis co-created by Steve Ditko

Agent X co-created by Steve Ditko

Aggamon co-created by Steve Ditko

Agon co-created by Jack Kirby

Aireo co-created by Jack Kirby

Liz Allan co-created by Steve Ditko

Alpha Primitive co-created by Jack Kirby

Amphibion co-created by Jack Kirby

Ancient One co-created by Steve Ditko

Anelle co-created by Jack Kirby

Ant-Man co-created by Jack Kirby

Ares co-created by Jack Kirby

Avengers co-created by Jack Kirby

Awesome Android co-created by Jack Kirby

Balder co-created by Jack Kirby

Batroc the Leaper co-created by Jack Kirby

Beast co-created by Jack Kirby

Beetle co-created by Carl Burgos

Behemoth co created by Adam Austin

Black Bolt co-created by Jack Kirby

Black Knight (Nathan Garrett) co-created by Don Heck

Black Panther co-created by Jack Kirby

Black Widow co created by Don Heck and Don Rico

Blacklash co-created by Gene Colan

Blastaar co-created by Jack Kirby

Blizzard co-created by Don Heck

Blob co-created by Jack Kirby

Blockbuster co-created by Louise Simonson & Walter Simonson

Blonde Phantom co-created by Syd Shores

Bluebird co-created by Steve Ditko

Boomerang co-created by Jack Kirby

Bor co-created by Jack Kirby

Betty Brant co-created by Steve Ditko

Brotherhood of Mutants co-created by Jack Kirby

Burglar co-created by Steve Ditko

Captain Barracuda co-created by Jack Kirby

Captain Marvel co created by Gene Colan

Sharon Carter co-created by Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers

Chameleon co-created by Steve Ditko

Circus of Crime co-created by Steve Ditko

Clea co-created by Steve Ditko

Clown co-created by Steve Ditko

Cobra co-created by Don Heck

Izzy Cohen co-created by Jack Kirby

Collector co created by Don Heck

Crime Master co-created by Steve Ditko

Crimson Dynamo co created by Don Heck

Crystal co-created by Jack Kirby

Cyclops co-created by Jack Kirby

Danger Room co-created by Jack Kirby

Daredevil co created by Bill Everett

Death-Stalker co-created by Gene Colan

Jacques Dernier

Destroyer co-created by Jack Binder

Diablo co-created by Jack Kirby

Dionysus co-created by Jack Kirby

Doctor Doom co-created by Jack Kirby

Doctor Faustus co-created by Jack Kirby

Doctor Octopus co-created by Steve Ditko

Dormammu co-created by Steve Ditko

Dragon Man co-created by Jack Kirby

Dredmund the Druid co-created by Jack Kirby

Dum Dum Dugan co-created by Jack Kirby

Eel co-created by Dick Ayers

Egghead co-created by Jack Kirby

Ego the Living Planet co-created by Jack Kirby

Electro co-created by Steve Ditko

Elektro co-created by Jack Kirby

Enchantress co-created by Jack Kirby

Enclave co-created by Jack Kirby

Enforcers co-created by Steve Ditko

Eternity co-created by Steve Ditko

Executioner co-created by Jack Kirby

Fafnir co-created by Jack Kirby

Falcon co-created by Gene Colan

Fancy Dan co-created by Steve Ditko

Fandral co-created by Jack Kirby

Fantastic Four co-created by Jack Kirby

Farley Stillwell co-created by Steve Ditko

Fenris Wolf co-created by Jack Kirby

Fin Fang Foom co-created by Jack Kirby

Richard Fisk co-created by John Romita

Vanessa Fisk co-created by John Romita

Fixer co-created by Jack Kirby

Bill Foster co-created by Don Heck

Frederick Foswell co-created by Steve Ditko

Freak co-created by Robert Bernstein and Don Heck

Frigga co-created by Robert Bernstein and Joe Sinnott

Frightful Four co-created by Jack Kirby

Nick Fury co-created by Jack Kirby

Galactus co-created by Jack Kirby

Galaxy Master co-created by Herb Trimpe

Mac Gargan co-created by Steve Ditko

Gargoyle co-created by Jack Kirby

Gibbon co-created by John Romita

Gladiator (Melvin Potter) co created by John Romita

Googam co-created by Jack Kirby

Goom co-created by Jack Kirby

Gorgilla co-created by Jack Kirby

Gorgon co-created by Jack Kirby

The Governator co-created by Arnold Schwartzenegger

Great Gambonnos co-created by Steve Ditko

Green Goblin co-created by Steve Ditko

Gregory Gideon co-created by Jack Kirby

Grey Gargoyle co-created by Jack Kirby

Elaine Grey co-created by Jack Kirby

Dr. John Grey co-created by Jack Kirby

Jean Grey co-created by Jack Kirby

Grizzle (Rawhide Kid Vol.4 issue 40) co created by Dick Ayers

Groot co-created by Jack Kirby

Growing Man co-created by Jack Kirby

The Guardian Project

H.E.R.B.I.E. co-created by Jack Kirby

Agatha Harkness co-created by Jack Kirby

Hate Monger co-created by Jack Kirby

Hawkeye co-created by Don Heck

Heimdall co-created by Jack Kirby

Hela co-created by Jack Kirby

Hera co-created by Jack Kirby

Herald of Galactus co-created by Jack Kirby

Hercules co-created by Jack Kirby

High Evolutionary co-created by Jack Kirby

Happy Hogan co-created by Don Heck

Hogun co-created by Jack Kirby

Hulk co-created by Jack Kirby

Human Cannonball co-created by Steve Ditko

Human Torch co-created by Carl Burgos

Iceman co-created by Jack Kirby

Idunn co-created by Jack Kirby

Immortus co-created by Jack Kirby

Imperial Hydra co-created by Jack Kirby

Impossible Man co-created by Jack Kirby

Inhumans co-created by Jack Kirby

Invisible Woman co-created by Jack Kirby

Iron Man co-created by Jack Kirby, Larry Lieber, and Don Heck.

Jackal co-created by Steve Ditko

John Jameson co-created by Steve Ditko

J. Jonas Jameson co-created by Steve Ditko

Janus the Nega-Man co-created by John Buscema

Edwin Jarvis co-created by Don Heck

Abner Jenkins co-created by Carl Burgos

Jester (Powers) co-created by Gene Colan

Gabe Jones co-created by Jack Kirby

Rick Jones co-created by Jack Kirby

Juggernaut co-created by Jack Kirby

Jungle Action co-created by Jack Kirby

Junior Juniper co-created by Jack Kirby

Kala co-created by Jack Kirby

Kang the Conquerer co-created by Jack Kirby

Kangaroo co-created by John Buscema

Karnak co-created by Jack Kirby

Karnilla co-created by Jack Kirby

Master Khan co-created by Steve Ditko

Kid Colt co-created by Pete Tumlinson, Jack Keller, Vic Carrabotta, and Mike Sekowsky.

Kingpin co-created by John Romita Sr.

Klaw co-created by Jack Kirby

Eric Koenig co-created by Dick Ayers

Krang co-created by Jack Kirby

Kraven the Hunter co created by Steve Ditko

Kree co-created by Jack Kirby

Laufey co-created by Jack Kirby

Leader co-created by Steve Ditko

Leap Frog co-created by Gene Colan

Ned Leeds co-created by Steve Ditko

Live Wire co-created by Jack Kirby

Living Brain co-created by Steve Ditko

Living Laser co-created by Don Heck

Lizard co-created by Steve Ditko

Lockjaw co-created by Jack Kirby

Loki co-created by Jack Kirby

Looter co-created by Steve Ditko

Lucifer co-created by Jack Kirby

Willie Lumpkin co-created by Jack Kirby

Machinesmith co-created by Gene Colan

Mad Thinker co-created by Jack Kirby

Madame Masque co created by Gene Colan

Magneto co-created by Jack Kirby

Maha Yogi co-created by Jack Kirby

Man Mountain Marko co created by John Romita

Man Beast co-created by Jack Kirby

Man Thing co-created by Roy Thomas, Gray Morrow and Gerry Conway

Mandarin co-created by Don Heck

Dino Manelli co-created by Jack Kirby

Mangog co-created by Jack Kirby

Masked Marauder co created by John Romita and Frank Giacoia

Mastermind (Wyngarde) co-created by Jack Kirby

Alicia Masters co-created by Jack Kirby

Matador co-created by Wallace Wood

Maximus co-created by Jack Kirby

Aunt May co-created by Steve Ditko

Edna McCoy co-created by Jack Kirby

Norton McCoy co-created by Jack Kirby

Medusa co-created by Jack Kirby

Melter co-created by Steve Ditko

Mentallo co-created by Jack Kirby

Mephisto co-created by John Buscema

Merlin co-created by Bob Powell

Metal Master co-created by Steve Ditko

Midgard Serpent co-created by Jack Kirby

Mimic co-created by Jack Kirby

Mindless Ones co-created by Steve Ditko

Miracle Man co-created by Jack Kirby

Mister Fantastic co-created by Jack Kirby

Mister Fear co-created by Wally Wood

Mister Hyde co-created by Don Heck

Modok co-created by Jack Kirby

Mogul of the Mystic Mountain co-created by Jack Kirby

Mole Man co-created by Jack Kirby

Molecule Man co-created by Jack Kirby

Molten Man co-created by Steve Ditko

Molten Man thing co-created by Jack Kirby

Monsteroso co-created by Jack Kirby

Montana co-created by Steve Ditko

Baron Mordo co-created by Steve Ditko

Mordred co-created by Joe Maneely

Morrat co-created by Jack Kirby

Mother Night co-created by Gene Colan

Mysterio co-created by Steve Ditko

Foggy Nelson co-created by Bill Everett

Nightmare co-created by Steve Ditko

Doctor Octopus co-created by Steve Ditko

Odin co-created by Jack Kirby

Olympians co-created by Jack Kirby

Harry Osborn co-created by Steve Ditko

Overmind co-created by John Buscema

Owl co-created by Bill Everett

Ox co-created by Steve Ditko

Karen Page co-created by Bill Everett

Richard Parker co-created by Larry Lieber

Mary Parker co-created by Larry Lieber

Uncle Ben co-created by Steve Ditko

Chester Phillips co-created by Jack Kirby

Pinky Pinkerton co-created by Jack Kirby

Plunderer co-created by Jack Kirby

Pluto co-created by Jack Kirby

Porcupine co-created by Don Heck

Pepper Potts co-created by Don Heck

Princess Python co-created by Steve Ditko

Prowler co created by John Buscema

Psycho Man co-created by Jack Kirby

Punisher co created by John Romita Sr., Gerry Conway, and Ross Andru.

Puppet Master co-created by Jack Kirby

Purple Man co-created by Joe Orlando

Henry Pym co-created by Jack Kirby

Quasimodo co-created by Jack Kirby

Quicksilver co-created by Jack Kirby

Radioactive Man co-created by Jack Kirby

Rebel Ralston co-created by Jack Kirby

Ravage 2099 co-created by Paul Ryan

Rawhide Kid co-created by Jack Kirby

Red Ghost co-created by Jack Kirby

Rhino co-created by John Romita

Franklin Richards co-created by Jack Kirby

Ringmaster co-created by Jack Kirby

Randy Robertson co-created by John Romita

Robbie Robertson co-created by John Romita

Ronan the Accuser co-created by Jack Kirby

Betty Ross co-created by Jack Kirby

Thunderbolt Ross co-created by Jack Kirby

S.H.I.E.L.D co-created by Jack Kirby

Sandman co-created by Steve Ditko

Happy Sam Sawyer co-created by Jack Kirby

Scarecrow co-created by Don Heck

Scarlet Witch co-created by Jack Kirby

Scorpion co-created by Jack Kirby

Seeker co-created by Jack Kirby

Sentinel co-created by Jack Kirby

Sentry co-created by Jack Kirby

Sgt Fury and his Howling Commandos co-created by Jack Kirby

Shalla Bal co-created by John Buscema

She Hulk co-created by John Buscema

Shocker co-created by John Romita

Sif co-created by Jack Kirby

Silver Surfer co-created by Jack Kirby

Silvermane co-created by John Buscema

Sinister Six co-created by Steve Ditko

Skrull co-created by Jack Kirby

Spencer Smythe co-created by Steve Ditko

Space Phantom co-created by Jack Kirby

Spider Man co-created by Steve Ditko

Spider Slayer co-created by Steve Ditko

Spymaster co-created by Don Heck

George Stacy co-created by Don Heck

Gwen Stacy co-created by Steve Ditko

Stilt Man co-created by Wally Wood

Franklin Storm co-created by Jack Kirby

Doctor Strange co-created by Steve Ditko

Stranger co-created by Jack Kirby


Strongman co-created by Steve Ditko

Baron Strucker co-created by Jack Kirby

Super Skrull co-created by Jack Kirby

Surtur co-created by Jack Kirby

Swordsman co-created by Don Heck

Glenn Talbot co-created by Steve Ditko

Flash Thompson co-created by Steve Ditko

Thing co-created by Jack Kirby

Thor co-created by Jack Kirby

Tiboro co-created by Steve Ditko

Tim Boo Ba co-created by Steve Ditko

Tinkerer co-created by Steve Ditko

Titanium Man co-created by Don Heck

Toad co-created by Jack Kirby

trapster co-created by Jack Kirby

Bolivar Trask co-created by Jack Kirby

Triton co-created by Jack Kirby

Tumbler co-created by Jack Kirby

Two-Gun Kid co-created by Jack Kirby

Tyr co-created by Jack Kirby

Uatu co-created by Jack Kirby

Ulik co-created by Jack Kirby


Uncle Ben co-created by Steve Ditko

Unicorn co-created by Don Heck

Unus the Untouchable co-created by Jack Kirby

Vanisher co-created by Jack Kirby

Volla co-created by Jack Kirby

Volstagg co-created by Jack Kirby

Vulture co-created by Steve Ditko

Adam Warlock co-created by Jack Kirby

Warriors Three co-created by Jack Kirby

Wasp co-created by Jack Kirby

Watcher co-created by Jack Kirby

Anna Watson co-created by Steve Ditko

Mary Jane Watson co-created by Steve Ditko and John Romita Sr.

Whirlwind co-created by Jack Kirby

Wyatt Wingfoot co-created by Jack Kirby

Wizard co-created by Larry Lieber and Jack Kirby

Wonder Man co-created by Jack Kirby

Wong co-created by Steve Ditko

Wong Chu co-created by Jack Kirby and Don Heck

Warren Worthington lll co-created by Jack Kirby

Wrecker co-created by Jack Kirby

X-Men co-created by Jack Kirby

Professor X co-created by Jack Kirby

Xemu co-created by Jack Kirby

Yancy Street Gang co-created by Jack Kirby

Ho Yinsen co-created by Jack Kirby

Ymir co-created by Jack Kirby

Yon Rogg co-created by Gene Colan

Zabu co-created by Jack Kirby

Zarrko co-created by Jack Kirby

Baron Zemo co-created by Jack Kirby

Zeus co-created by Jack Kirby and Joe Simon

Zombie Co-created by Bill Everett


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  • Στατιστικά μελών

    • Συνολικά μέλη
    • Περισσότεροι συνδεδεμένοι

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  • Δημιουργία νέου...